a second chance là gì - Nghĩa của từ a second chance

a second chance có nghĩa là

Noobs who cannot take a lost in armed combat.
Noobs that know that they will die in combat.
Noobs that relies on someone else to heal them even though they'll get owned again.
Noobs that think they will get a comeback after being healed but end up having the highest death streak of both teams.


Joe:"Wow some second chance noob got a lucky headshot on me after I mauled him down. No skill at all, bro." Noob: "SOMEONE HEAL ME! PLZ!"
*Gets healed*
*Gets Semtex'd along with healer*

a second chance có nghĩa là

In the 2010 video Call of Duty: Black Ops when a player excessively uses the second chance pro perk and heavily relies on its ability to be healed. They usually get quite cranky when no one wants to save their ass even though they keep dropping into second chance again and again. A sign of a crappy player. Term named for the appearance that players in second chance resemble which is a slut lying on her back with her legs spread begging for it.


Noob: "Hey, someone come heal me! Heal me!" Gamer: "Fuck you, you second chance slut" [walks up to second chance slut in game and shot with gun repeatedly but does not heal and walks off allowing the noob to recieve a death]

a second chance có nghĩa là

Something everyone should deserve. Unfortunately this happens very rarely in real life.


Give me a second chance to prove that I can be a good man

a second chance có nghĩa là

One of the two prominent stories by well-known authors from the Veritas, the flamers of the Percy Jackson community on Fanfiction. A story that has provides a new twist to the Percy Jackson ending in The Last Olympian, in which Percy has become a star-crossed lover with the majority of the male demigods he encounters. Full of slash and teen boy angst, it is becoming a popular term for gender confused Fanfiction authors.


Boy: "Did you see that new kid's story the other day, talk about a Second Chances."
Girl: "He's really creepy, but that kind of thing gets me excited.

a second chance có nghĩa là

The coolest new band! Their song "Tell Me Everything" is awsome!


ASC kick ass! Go to their website ascrock.com

a second chance có nghĩa là

The reoccuring theme in Disney Movies that in order to have a happy ending, one must first go through a conflict and after hurting their partner and others, their partner must then give a second chance to love.


People make Mistakes, Growth doesn't happen by chance, if happens by Change, and if you don't change you don't grow... Your boyfriend made a big mistake, but I think he has learned from it and grew. He deserves one of those Disney's Second Chances for sure.

a second chance có nghĩa là

the first soft-agressive-unmelodic-pop band to ever exist. ever. some call the band the first new-core band ever as well. both are acceptable.


the lead singer in second chance at redemption is extremely good looking, but the rest of the band is not.

a second chance có nghĩa là

Something I don’t give; forgiveness after someone has screwed you


I’m sorry, will you forgive me?” “Nah man I don’t give second chances.”

a second chance có nghĩa là

Refers to the rare and off-the-scale-wonderful "lucky break" obtained in the following scenario: you are "just suffering" to say something rude/impolite, but then of course you immediately regret said verbal-indiscretion just as soon as it's slipped past yer flapper. But then --- by the grace of Fate --- the unwitting recipient of your snide remark either hadn't been paying attention properly when you'd uttered your auditory barb, he is a bit hard-of-hearing, or you hadn't been speaking loudly enough to be heard over the distance and/or other background noises that were present at the time, and so your "victim" never actually understood --- nor did he suffer any emotional distress from --- your insult, and so he innocently/apologetically asks you to repeat yourself. But of course, YOU DON'T ACTUALLY HAVE TO SAY THE MEAN STATEMENT A SECOND TIME --- now that you've "relieved your internal pressure" by initially making the simmery-tempered remark and then THINKING that the other person heard you, you can now proceed more clear-headedly, and so you can simply say, "Nuthin'" or, "Never mind" when the other person asks you what you'd said.


I was heatedly peeved about how long it had taken the local garage to repair my car, so I made a regrettably-choice remark as I entered the office to pay my bill. Fortunately, though, the office's connecting-door was still somewhat ajar as I spoke, and so the din of the noisy garage-tools drowned out my derogatory statement, allowing me a classic "Will Rogers" second chance to just clamp my tongue. Yup, Ol' "Willie R" was right --- "Never miss a good chance to SHUT UP."

a second chance có nghĩa là

any pair of pants or article of clothing that has tricky buttons or fasteners that would cause the wearer to think twice before disrobing, especially important to wear when one knows a night of drinking and ex boy/girlfriends are in the evening plans


Thank God I wore my second-chance-pants last night, I saw Todd at the party. If I didn't have those few extra second to think, it could have been a gi-normous disaster...

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