ash ketchum là gì - Nghĩa của từ ash ketchum

ash ketchum có nghĩa là

The "hero" of the pokemon anime series. Named after a tree, like his other little friends, Professers Oak, Elm and Birch.
His last name sounds like "Catch 'em". How original.
Exceedingly crap at catching, raising and fighting with pokemon, he obviously uses a Gameshark or something because:
a) His pikachu can affect rock and ground type pokemon and uses agility as an attack.
b) His pokemon use WAY more than four moves
c) His pokemon can evolve half-way through a battle
d) He can come back from the dead or something if pokemon cry at him.
I thought I was rid of him forever but it seems the pokemon loved him so much that they cried for him. Maybe they were crying with happiness that he was dead. Why didn't one of his other anime buddies use a MAX REVIVE on him or something?
The actual gameplay was really fun in pokemon, he ruined it by looking, sounding and fighting like a dick, sullying the good name of pokemon forever.


*ash ketchum sends out his pikachu against rhyhorn, a rock pokemon who shouldn't be affected by electricity*
"Hey, that rhyhorn's horn looks like it acts as a lightning rod! Pikachu! Zap it's horn!"
"Yay we defeated it! Go Gameshark!"

ash ketchum có nghĩa là

Ash is the "hero" of anime series Pokemon. I'm sure you've noticed that his last name sounds like "Catch 'em", a phrase used often in the show. He is incredibly dim, idiotic, and has no idea how to raise his Pokemon. If he didn't have Misty and Brock traveling with him he'd probaly be dead.


Ash Ketchum sucks at battling but somehow always ends up getting a Gym Badge.

ash ketchum có nghĩa là

(N.) A whiny lil' caucasian/ asian-american 10 year old twerp who stars in the KidsWB anime, Pokemon (and sucks at catching/rasing them). Around 4' tall,and 70lbs. Also known as "The Twerp".


Ash Ketchum is an ash-dumbass!

ash ketchum có nghĩa là

Character known to appear on bottles of ketchup.


Ash Ketchum Brand Ketchup. May contain traces of ballhair.

ash ketchum có nghĩa là

The main character in the Japanese TV show Pokemon. Ash is not only a complete idiot but he is homosexual. Wherever he goes he spreads stupidity. His archrival Gary is pretty much the only thing to prevent Ash from spreading stupidity and suckage around the world besides Ash's Pikachu, whom Ash has basically ensalved and forces to be cute and happy. His enemies are mainly Team Rocket, who deserve a madel for their determination to stop the world from being consumed by gayness. In actuality, they don't need to: Ash sucks eggs at whatever he does.


"Ash Ketchum, is it? Good, I've been looking for you." *pulls out shotgun*

ash ketchum có nghĩa là

the little cunt from Pokemon who never seems to age in the series, always accompanied by an annoying girl who she too, never ages, and always want to go be a coordinator and never has the same goal as ash does ash dreams to be a Pokemon master, even though he wont be because the series of repetitive episodes most likely will lead to another series. his "adventures" are going to different towns and meeting a bunch of people, eating food, training Pokemon, a dose of kicking team rockets ass, despite how much they try and train their Pokemon, and walking into the woods that look the same in every damn episode. each ending, its always him, his Pokemon, and his friends walking off into the sunset, whether its someone waving goodbye to him or them doing it back. despite someone else being a better trainer, or in general a more important and better person in his very boring life, every movie is about him and his friends "coincidentally" being chosen to meet a rare, legendary Pokemon and tasked to solve problems, battle strong Pokemon, and to save the world. Then, team rocket has to envy him as usual while spying on him, and in the end they say their goodbyes and leave in the sunset. Ash's last name is a reference to Catch em', which is a very cheesy joke.


Ash Ketchum and his friends have the experience of interacting with all the legendary Pokemon

ash ketchum có nghĩa là

Ash Ketchum is a "10 year old boy" in a anime called pokemon since 1997. He has been on his pokemon adventure for 21 years now.


Guy: When is ash going to hit puberty?
Girl: Idk.
Guy: I wish I was Ash Ketchum

ash ketchum có nghĩa là

A bitchy, annoying, no balls, motherfucker who cries like a little bitch when he releases a Pokémon. He won't catch a single legendary Pokémon.


Guy 1: Dude try this drink!!
Guy 2: Um, no thanks...
Guy 1: Awww don't be an Ash Ketchum

ash ketchum có nghĩa là

See friendzone


I just got ash Ketchum by him, he is fucking dumb

ash ketchum có nghĩa là

The man the myth the legend! The protagonist of the Pokemon anime series that has been going on for 20+ years or so.
Every generation he has somehow managed to lose the Pokemon League but finally! Goddammit! God blessed us and he won...
God knows how old this man is now but he finally achieved his dream.


"You remember Ash Ketchum right, Nathaniel?" "Wait a minute..." "Didn't he finally beat the pokemon league?" "Yes! Nathaniel you knew!" "finally after 20+ years Ive grown up and lost hope.." "..He didn't lose hope and his dream true." "Fucking Finally! amirite Daniel?"