Asus laptop bad quality

(is this the right place for this?) I always looked at Asus as a good, quality company. However, for quite a while, they've been being smashed for quality control issues. They are aware of it, yet they seem to do little to nothing to fix it. They claim to have improved their quality control criteria, yet I notice no difference. They've been emphasising their new GTX 1080 variant, but people are saying their cards run immensely hot and one person even said it caught on fire, frying the card and their mobo. One of their top gaming monitors suffers from immense backlight bleed and more IPS glow than I've ever seen. The only things that I see them make fairly well are laptops. I've started to see Asus as a company that doesn't care about its customers, and simply wants to make money.

What do you guys think on the matter?

Asus laptop bad quality

I tend to agree but not strongly enough to make a thread about it . Their support is terrible from my experience as well. I asked them about AI Suite III and why it was reading the socket temp instead of the cpu package or core temps. They told me my board was defective and i needed to send it in for repair at my expense to Taiwan (the shipping was something like $270 USD or something insane). So I got an RMA from newegg and it was the same thing. You know I get it, you have to outsource your support to call centers and things like that but it sure does make them look bad.

Got a Strix 970 and was really looking forward to using GPU Tweak Streaming software... I contacted support about it and they insist it is all the forum users including myself that gets a 404 when trying to download it. It has been months since they have responded to that support request, could have just said "no, sorry we stopped developing that because it had too many issues" or something. Don't call your customer base a liar even when showing them proof that their links do not work.

Asus laptop bad quality

I think it happens from time to time with most company's where after a few years and management replacement and positions effect how well a company performs in all aspects and areas of how it is run. It may be a large well known company that a few years back was respected for it quality products and after customer care and support and good QC practices. But it only takes a few ham fist`ed select people at he top of a company making bad decisions and fund cutting, re structure of a business ect to effect the whole company and how well it operates. and how it deteriorates in quality made products and good support. That would be my answer as to why things have got so bad at Asus. Cost cutting, not profit.

Asus laptop bad quality

It really is too bad though. I remember when I was too poor to build a new PC and lusted after Asus parts. Just drooling at the market looking at magazines. Once I was able to afford new stuff I went with Asus, its the best stuff and the greatest support after all. I guess the stuff still works but it seems QA has really slipped. Support... lol. I got an Acer XB270HU instead of the Asus model specifically because of the terrible support I got from them. I knew it would be nothing but a hassle at best if I bought it and there was an issue.

That is a valid point Shaun o, it is sad to see such a once great company fall into this dark pit.

Asus laptop bad quality

I feel you. I used to lean on ASUS for dependable components for a variety of builds. But, now I steer clear of them for...well, everything. Aside from getting burned a few times due to poor quality control, as SinxarKnights pointed out, rectifying the situation outside of the the vendor was near impossible. Their customer service is among the worst that I've ever dealt with.

It's disappointing to see them fall so far.

Asus laptop bad quality

My opinion on Asus is the same as any other company; they're striving to make a profit by selling products. As for support, it's not like their products are made in the U.S.... They just have sales/marketing representatives here, while the actual headquarters/facilities are in Taiwan. You guys are getting too attached to your belongings/products. Every once in a while, a batch of bananas you buy may have a rotten one. The same applies to every human product. It's not like machines do all the work for us. They use our money to innovate new technology, not recycle their profit to maintain customer relationships in the process. Are you expecting Asus to be BOTH a good innovator/manufacturer and a good service? My expectations on service are low on electronics, whereas my expectations on automotive service (especially Toyota) tends to be higher. Electronics are a quick crash grab: design something innovative for $99 to $999 for something around the holidays and profit. They're not claiming to build high-end stuff, like Corsair or Bose. I see them more flexible, like Logitech and HP or Dell, aspiring to be a household name at the mainstream. The companies with the best service are more specialized with a small number of products, like Cryorig (air coolers) and Microsoft (software). The companies with bad services have too many products, such as Dell and HP.