Book review for another yukito ayatsuji năm 2024

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Fifteen year old Koichi Sakakibara moves in with his grandparents at the beginning of his third year of middle school. A collapsed lung keeps him from attending the first week of class and he finds things… odd when he does start school. Everyone seems tense and there’s a girl who sits at the back that no one seems to acknowledge is there. He slowly learns of the third-year Class 3 curse, a phenomenon that leaves members of Class 3 and their immediate family dead.

I loved the two main protagonists, Koichi Sakakibara and Mei Misaki [note, following Japanese custom most characters are called by their last names, so I’ll be doing that in my review]. It was interesting seeing Sakakibara’s illness, his hesitation when joining the class, trying to figure out what was happening, his consideration of and compassion towards Misaki, his gratitude towards his grandparents. He’s a highly sympathetic character going through difficult times. Misaki is equally interesting, and quite different, being standoffish and mysterious. Seeing their friendship bloom was great.

The book has a very tense atmosphere. You’re just as in the dark about what’s going on as Sakakibara and it makes for an eerie first half of the book, wondering what’s up with Misaki, wondering what the curse is. When things start going wrong it’s quite terrifying. There are a number of twists to the story, making you question and re-question what’s happening.

The translation doesn’t clarify any social or cultural Japanese aspects of the book [aside from explicitly pointing out the meanings of the written characters [kanji] used for various people and place names. This doesn’t affect understanding of the story, though knowing some of this myself did add to my enjoyment of the book.

I did notice there was a fair amount of repetition with regards to conversations and plot points. The afterward to the paperback edition [printed at the back of the English edition] mentions that the book was originally serialized, which probably accounts for that.

There is some gore as several deaths are described. It’s a little graphic at times.

One thing that annoyed me was that the ending turned on a fact that the narrator [ie Sakakibara] knows, but you - the reader - do not. So it’s possible for him to figure out the final twist but much harder for you to do so.

Note: Another 2001 is the direct sequel to Another, in which the story had taken place 3 years earlier, in the year 1998.

My review for the prequel: //

I give this book 3 stars not because I don't like it, but because the author, Yukito Ayatsuji, has plenty of better written books with trickier mysteries than this one.

To be honest, Another 2001 is a novel that runs on nostalgia for its prequel, the anime, the live action movie and the manga adaptations that came before it.

I am happy to see old characters like Misaki Mei etc come back into the story. I am also glad to see the students of the current 3C class try to survive the school year and try to break the death curse that has always haunted their school and the entire town. you can guess things aren't going according to plan. That is always interesting to see how the students struggle to stay alive and fight against the damn curse.

When I read to the ending part, I realized Hahaha. The ending isn't particularly difficult to guess either, especially because I was watching the anime adaptation of Another when I was also reading this sequel so I have no trouble noticing who the is because . The explanation for the mystery is that instead of just

PS: there are two scenes in the story [] feel very much like they are taken from Dario Argento's surreal horror movies. I love it.

chinese-translation detective-novels japanese-authors

379 reviews28 followers

December 26, 2022

A few days, maybe a week ago, I saw an article about bringing back the very awesome tradition of telling/reading ghost stories on Christmas and so when I saw this reprint of Another 2001 at Barnes and Noble on the 23rd the timing couldn't have been more perfect because this is one of the creepiest ghost stories I've ever read. Or watched for those of you who know it from the anime.

Another follows Sou Hiratsuka a fourteen year old boy who hasn't had the best life and is now in the Cursed classroom of North Yomi, a middle school in Yomigaoka. Legend says that in 1972 a young man died and instead of facing his death his classmates and even his teacher pretended that he simply never died. By not facing his death they created the "calamity" that now stalks the students of Class 3 Room 3. Every few years an "extra" person appears in the classroom, one who has already died, and wreaks awful vengeance on the living killing their "fellow" students and family members through series of gruesome and terrifying accidents. Sou and his friend Mei however are dedicated to ensuring the calamity never even starts. Unfortunately no matter how hard they've tried to stop it people start dying.

This is probably one of the more unique ghost/horror stories I've read, because for all intents and purposes there aren't any ghosts in it. The "extra" person is dead but they are truly resurrected for the entire year that "they" wreak havoc on Class 3 and its not really them doing it they are just as much victims of the calamity as they people that lose their lives. This makes it somehow far more worse than if it was just a story about some vengeful spirit.

In terms of the mystery side of this, trying to determine who the extra person actually is, I have to admit it was far more evident in the book than in the anime. I clearly remember thinking everyone was the dead guy while watching the anime but I knew exactly who it was while reading this and no it's not because I watched the anime first. I almost think it's written to be evident on purpose, instead of focusing on the who here you focus on the relationships that develop which makes it far more heartbreaking when the casualty is revealed.

What stands out here and was exceptionally well done is Ayatsuji handles the mental health side of things when a person has faced a tragedy of this magnitude. He does an excellent job of representing the motions a person goes through when face with multiple losses at once and using 9/11 as a kind of backdrop was a really good idea. Because for many of us, really the world over, 9/11 was the first time we'd had to grapple with something so devastating, so unreal, that it was difficult for our minds to accept that it was actually happening.

Overall this was excellent as I knew it would be because the anime is one of my favorites. I'd highly recommend it for fans of Darcy Coates.

3,471 reviews71 followers

January 1, 2023

3.5 rounded down for some irritants in the style.

This is, above all, a fair play mystery, meaning that all of the clues needed to solve the mystery are right there, in two cases basically staring you in the face. You absolutely need familiarity with the original story [anime version is fine for this, honestly], but it's different enough not to feel like a rehash. I solved the mysteries pretty early on, but I still had a good time reading this while kicking myself for not putting together [in the first novel] that "Yomi" is the Japanese underworld - I got it when the Izana Bridge was a plot point - IZANAmi is the god of the dead.

horror mystery

629 reviews17 followers

March 4, 2023

This cover is a stunner, I still can't get over the eerie feeling I get looking at it.

I read the first one as a teenager, and its one I always think back on [along with the anime adaption], so when I seen there was a sequel I jumped at the chance.

Note their is a title between Another, and Another 2001, called Another S/O that I didn't read. However, the events of that novel are referenced but never explained in this book. I felt I had a little gap of knowledge that impacted more on the main character than on the story.

I loved the vibe of this novel. It is the same, but different, from the first novel. If you want the same concept, different year, it's a nice but not necessary sequel. There isn't as much intrigue as the first novel, especially if you've read the first novel and remember the names of the characters. And the big twist at the end is obvious way sooner than the main character clocks onto.

My main problem with this novel was that it was very repetitive. For one, I felt like I read the same explanations and read the same conversations over and over again, with only slight variations in scene and characters involved. For another, the novel constantly reminded us of character names and who they were, and explaining concepts we were already well introduced to. This was okay at first, as there are a lot of characters, but after the halfway point it grew tiresome. I read the afterword and it explained that this was first serialised in different magazine issues then collated into a novel, which explains why the author was constantly catching up the reader, but this should've been trimmed when it was transformed from serialization to full length novel.

Also, they needed to explain better why the students didn't all leave the town en mass, and what was the consequences of telling others about the phenomena. There had to be consequences to both to make students stay in the city. Circumstances for some could explain it away, but I'm sure after a ton of accidents it wouldn't be hard to convince families to move away for six months/a year until the school year was over- or to even send their child to live with family out of town.

Despite these issues, I was gripped until 2/3 of the way in, where the novel slowed down a lot and needed a little more to grab my attention since the twist wasn't a surprise. If this book was 100-200 pages shorter, it could've been a much stronger. However I love the feeling this story gave me, and I can't help but dream of a novel that hits this feeling without the pacing issues.

March 10, 2023

I'll get my main complaint out the way. I hated this book's translation. This is such a shame, because I think that the first book in the series, Another, is so naturally translated. Another 2001's iffy shift to English was highlighted as a result of it being narrated in first-person. Had this been the translation of a third-person book, it would have been passable, but the total lack of coherence in the narrative voice, and the fact that the book's narrator was supposed to be 14, took me out of the experience. I'm guessing that this is down to the change in translator. Again, it's a major shame, since both Another and Another Episode S / 0 had fantastic translations.

Anyway, that aside, I'll have to rate the book purely on the story if I'm going to be fair. The first Another is one of my ALL-TIME favourite books. The anime adaptation, too, is high up there as a favourite show. I had been antsy to get my hands on Another 2001 since I heard that it was being translated two years ago, and after MANY push backs to the release date, I've finally managed to read it through.

We follow Sou Hiratsuka, who first appeared in Episode: S. After being placed into the cursed Class 3 of North Yomi Middle School, he is forced to work with a survivor of the first book's events, Mei Misaki, to prevent the Final Destination-esque disasters from unfolding throughout the year.

Sou, for me, was a passable protagonist. He didn't have the charm or personality of Koichi from the first book. For the most part, Sou was just bland. His strained relationship with his mother was the highlight of his arc [and I'll admit I got a little teary-eyed during one scene halfway through] but for the most part, he felt just... there. Overall, the characters didn't feel quite so well-rounded as in the first book. This is likely down to Sou's seeming inability to either hold on to, or make friends [in which, this is entirely his own fault]. Mei Misaki, as in the first book, was the standout. She feels a lot more fleshed out here, and naturally developed after the events three years ago. I loved her sisterly dynamic with Sou, and her desire to do all she could to help out.

After a slow first third, the pace really begins to pick up. The plot felt a lot more focused here, compared to the first book. That might contribute to why it felt so much shorter, despite being almost seventy pages longer. The mystery that slowly developed past the halfway point had me thoroughly engaged and involved. I loved it! It was more organic compared to the curveball of a forced twist at the end of the original book, though this time around, the story was less of a conventional mystery, and a more straightforward thriller. The deaths, especially, shocked even me. And let's be honest--they're probably the reason you've heard of Another in the first place. In the last third, the bodies just pile up in increasingly grim ways. If this books gets the anime adaptation, there's no doubt that most of the third act will end up censored with those black shadowed screens that plagued the original show. [Ew. Come on.]

When it comes to the atmosphere, however, that was when the book truly glowed. [Despite the shoddy translation.] The constant grey weather downpours, the storms, the moments of silence, the town surrounded by mountains--in the atmosphere department, Another 2001 is at the top of its game. Even with the sloggy start, I flew through the chapters, desperate to soak up the palpable dread and uncover Yomiyama to its fullest.

I found Another 2001 to be a satisfying sequel. Would I say it was better than the first? No. The characterless protagonist, and glaring lack of development with the supporting characters [bar Mei, Izumi, and Yagisawa] hold the book back some. Not to mention the awful translation. But for an atmospheric, gorey time, it's a recommendation from me.


horror japanese young-adult

14 reviews1 follower

August 31, 2023

3.5 sao

Đây là một quyển có nội dung rất hay và gây được sự tò mò kích thích độc giả bởi các tình tiết kinh dị được khai thác thông qua lời nguyền của một lớp học. Sở hữu một nội dung hay song cách phát triển lại gặp nhiều vấn đề từ phần [1] [2] [S/0] và nặng nhất là [2001].

Gần 800 trang, đây là một quyển dày và đáng lẽ nó phải nặng đô hoặc diễn biến nhanh dồn dập, khai thác có tính mới mẻ hấp dẫn để kéo độc giả đến cuối cùng. Nhưng quyển này cá nhân mình thấy nó không làm được.

Hơn 300 trang đầu như intro, yếu tố lời nguyền ít, chủ yếu là thả những chiếc hint nhỏ lẻ để khai mở người không tồn tại ở phần cuối. Nhưng nó có thật sự là cần thiết để lên đến tận hơn 300 trang? Yếu tố kinh dị bị mất gần như hoàn toàn, trinh thám thì lại càng ít. Và cách phát triển nhân vật chính - So, gây cho mình sự khó chịu vì cảm tưởng cậu ấy là một trẻ dưới vị thành niên hơi trẩu.

400 trang sau, nội dung trọng tâm được đẩy mạnh làm nhịp truyện trở nên nhanh hơn mà vốn dĩ nó phải nên sở hữu ngay từ đầu. Tai ương ập đến, tác giả tung hint cuối về người không tồn tại rồi confirm rốp rẻn.

Lối viết của tác giả thật sự ngoằn và lê thê, rất dong dài một cách không cần thiết. Mình cảm nghĩ mình đã phải rất kiên trì để lết hết intro hơn 300 trang của tác giả. Người không tồn tại lần này tương đối dễ đoán, twist tạm, không có hay tại mình đã đoán được rồi. Đó là về phần mạch truyện. Giờ mình sẽ nói đến cách phát triển nhân vật So.

So là nhân vật có tiền án bệnh tâm lí, cụ thể hơn là chứng đa nhân cách. Xuyên suốt câu chuyện tác giả không đề cập gì nhiều để làm rõ mà chỉ đơn thuần gọi nó là sự kiện 3 năm trước, sự kiện bên hồ hay cái chết của cậu Teruya. Thật ra không biết cái này cũng không ảnh hưởng gì đến mạch truyện cả nhưng nếu tác giả có thể đề cập đến dù là sơ bộ để độc giả không đọc S/0 cũng có thể nắm được nhân vật thì mình nghĩ nó tốt hơn. Chứ dù mình đã đọc S/0 rồi thì mình vẫn thấy khó chịu nhân vật So vì lối nghĩ trẩu quá.

Gần 800 trang là con số không hề ít, nhưng tận hơn 300 trang thì lời nguyền mới được khai thác thì dù sau đó tình tiết có hấp dẫn như thế nào thì quyển này cũng trở nên quá dài đối với mình.

Hình như phần sau sẽ là phần cuối vì tác giả đã tung hint cho Koichi - Mei - So gặp mặt.

47 reviews

December 13, 2023

That was awesome.

After finishing the first book, I was glad to know that a new book has been released for the series. This is one of those books that I feel like I will never get tired off. It is so well written. It has that Japanese writing style that I like. While some maybe feel that its kinda lengthy and a bit slow, I feel that everything is necessary as the length and slow pace of it allows readers to really immerse and seep themselves into the settings.

This book sets three years after the first event in 1998. This time the narrator of the story is the boy from Another S/O, Hiratsuka Sou. Due to family matters and the events in the S/O, Sou was to placed under the care of the Akazawa in Yomiyama. He moved in to Yomiyama late 1998 and has been living there for almost 3 years. And due to his acquaintance with Mei, he is well aware of the special case of Grade 3 Class 3 in North Yomi middle school. Unfortunately, he was placed in that exact class. Sou volunteered to be the 'non-existence' of that year alingside another classmate. But even so, members of Class 3 still succumb to the phenomenon and began to die one after one.

It feels like I'm personally there, experiencing the 'calamity' myself. And even while the outcomes are predictable, it's not predictable. Get it? The predictibility was played out so well that makes it so interesting and engaging. Even though I know who the causalty is, I'm stilleager to know how the story will develop. How will it be revealed? How will Sou handle it? And the third part of the story was such a plot twist.

Although I can already guess why it happened almost nearing at the end, it's still so satisfying to hear the explanation of why that year was special. Brilliant! THIS is how one should write a book with crumbs. Ayatsuji gave lots of crumbs, trails of crumbs and clues, and how I love when all of it connected. I was excited and relieved when I reached the end but at the same time I wanted more.

Ayatsuji stated in his afterwords that he will write one more book for the series, but considering his health and age, it might take a long time for the new book to come out.

Author 1 book277 followers

June 5, 2023

One day, Yomiyama North Middle School lost a beloved member of the infamous Class 3-3. The students were so heartbroken by this loss, they carried on pretending as if she were still alive. Unknown to the students, they have unintentionally invited the spirits of the dead into their school by treating the dead as if they were still alive.

Years later, a bizarre curse now looms over the school, where a cursed student enters every odd year. If this cursed student is not discovered and dealt with in a timely manner, mysterious deaths and constant misfortune will visit randomly selected members of the school until the cursed student has been removed. Koichi Sakakibara believes that either he or a mysterious girl he meets at the hospital one night may just be the cursed student this year, or it could potentially be something far more complicated.

Another definitely has an interesting setup. The creepy gothic atmosphere of a cursed school. The classic ghost story vibes. The eerie undertones of old urban legends coming to life. There’s some really cool stuff in here that slowly evolves into an interesting conclusion that can be difficult to solve.

Unfortunately, I think the series is held back by quite a few shortcomings. It has a cast of bland characters that speak in robotic wooden dialogue. The pacing is dragged out far beyond necessary. The cryptic manner in which all the characters talk to each other often feels more awkward, vague and annoying rather than actually being disturbing or unsettling. Much of the logic revolving around the curse also feels made up on the spot which makes the mystery elements feel inconsistent and impossible to solve since they constantly change on the fly.

Another is a fairly good gothic supernatural mystery, but often suffers from its own cryptic nature and inconsistent mythology.

My rating: 2.9/5

31 reviews1 follower

December 9, 2023

TW: Death, Trauma, Gore, Sucide, Murder, Animal Death, Child Death.

This is the 3rd book in the Another Series. You should read Book 1 and Episode 0 before this.

I was curious to see if we would see Mei as she isn't at the middle school in this one but pleasantly surprised to see Sou from Episode 0 and see how the events of the past book effected him when faced with the Calamity of Class 3.

Now I felt this book was really long which was a challenge to keep up with especially after getting half way through when I figured out where the book was going. The book does give you everything you need to solve the calamity of 2001 so I recommend tabbing stuff you find significant if you want to try and solve the mystery yourself!

I missed having more of Mei throughout the story, you don't get as much of her in this one. It seemed like she was just there for Sou to review everything until the end quarter to confirm the end of that years calamity which was a little disappointing. [To be fair I haven't read the other 2 books in a minute. Just rewatched the anime beforehand]

The other problem with the setting is that it is a class that is involved, that means there are a lot of characters. The book gives the list for the deaths in the previous book but no class list so it made it hard to keep track or feel for any of the deaths that happened. Just that there are a lot of them. However, the deaths are so much more brutal than the previous books.

The end does say that we are due to get one more in the Another series and I will be very excited to see if it ends the curse once and for all. I am a big fan so I will be keeping an eye out and maybe marathoning the series in the future.

334 reviews

February 17, 2023

Another 2001 review “The thing about ‘death’ is that it’s incredibly empty; it’s eternal loneliness.”

5 stars all around obviously

The cover are you kidding why is it that beautiful? Let me start off this review by saying Another is one of my favorite novels, Manga and anime so when I found out that yukito was coming out with a sequel I immediately added to my want list. This book was gifted to me for Christmas and I’m so glad it was so good. A wonderful sequel and yukito is so wonderful when writing his descriptions. If want a fun little horror book and some deaths like the umbrella deaths this is the book for you. Also using 9/11 as a back drop during a horror and ghost story is a wonderful idea very well executed. Wonderful book highly recommend. What did we learn? Never ever trust dolls and just because you can run with umbrella doesn’t mean you should; your chances of dying by an umbrella impaling you are low but never never. Also never trust the doll like glass blue eye.

“Tough times are tough. Sad times are sad. Scary times are scary. You maintain a healthy balance by feeling these things honestly and recognizing and accepting them for what they are.”

“But now it’s as if all that has been swallowed up by the beauty of the sunset coloring the sky…”

“But lurking deep in the far reaches of my mind was something like a sense of overwhelming dread.”

“There’s no such thing as ghosts. They can’t exist.”

dark-disturbing-worst-ive-read fav-2023

225 reviews13 followers

June 6, 2023

Nghe tin IPM xuất bản Another 2001 là mình đặt mua ngay, lót dép hóng từ khi bác ra truyện bên Nhật rồi :> Hehe không ngờ được đọc phần 2 sớm như vậy.

Mình là một fan của series Another vì tính kinh dị ma quái kết hợp nhiều cái chết rùng rợn, lại còn đặt trong bối cảnh bầu trời đầy giông nơi sân trường. Lên anime siêu đẹp luôn vì mình thích trời âm u mà UwU. Vậy nên Another hợp gu mình, nghe tin có phần 2 thì mình mong đợi lắm.

Another 2001 lấy bối cảnh 3 năm sau Another với nhân vật chính là So - cậu bé xuất hiện trong ngoại truyện Another Episode S / 0. Có vẻ bác hết ý tưởng vì đã dồn toàn bộ chất xám vào phần gốc nên những cái chết trong này dường như lặp lại phần 1, thêm chút đẫm máu vào thôi. Về độ kinh dị thì không đánh giá cao lắm ạ.

Cú twist thêm vào cũng hay, những ai đọc kĩ chắc chắn cũng sẽ đoán ra khi đọc nửa truyện thôi. Và mọi người nhớ đọc trước Another s/o để hiểu "biến cố 3 năm trước" của nhân vật chính nhé "]

Thôi thì, chắc do kì vọng mình cao quá nên đọc phần 2 thấy hụt hẫng chứ những ai thích series này vẫn nên thử nhé:]

foreign-literature japan light-novel

4 reviews2 followers

January 3, 2024

This review is made from somebody who has not read the first book of the series.

But that does make it so I can give an important opinion: you do not need to read Another or Another S/0 to enjoy Another 2001.

I've seen some complaints about Another 2001 with how Yukito Ayatsuji has far too much repetitive information, however, as someone who hasn't read the first book, I didn't feel like this was true. Yukito Ayatsuji's writing in Another 2001 provides it with enough information to get by in understanding without having to read the first book; Another 2001 can be read as a standalone. That's not saying that I won't be taking read to the first book or the spin off, but if you only find interest in Another 2001, you don't have to read the first book.

Now as to whether or not it's a good idea to read them out of order, I can't answer that. As of right now, I still haven't gotten around to reading the first one, so I can't say. But I can confidently say that reading Another 2001 first did not ruin how much I enjoyed this book.

It might make you feel stupid reading other people's reviews LOL. I've heard a lot about how the twists and turns were obvious, but I was only able to guess a couple while reading or a realized a moment before.

So, overall, here is what I have to say before I get into the plot: If you want a book that will hit you hard with sharp turns and twists, read Another 2001 first. I heard it's much darker and bloodier than Another. However, if you want to be eased into it, and if you want to see if something bad is coming, maybe start in order. Personally, I think it's a preference to which you prefer.

Another 2001 centers around one fourteen-year-old boy going by the name Sou. Hiratsuka Sou. Considering a lot of personal family issues, he hates being called 'Hiratsuka' so a majority of the characters refer to him by his given name [aside from teachers, adults, unfamiliar students, or strangers]. You'll learn that Sou has a lot to him to his personality to personal issues to trauma and PTSD from past events in his life. He's a very complicated character, but he's very mature, reserved, and introverted. He cares for others, but he doesn't tend to let that show so bluntly, or he does it and doesn't think much of it; being kind is sometimes a reflex to him that he doesn't realize is stepping out of the way to help somebody. In addition to that, it might be because of his struggle to show emotions. If he doesn't care, he simply doesn't! Sou is very simple, but at the same time, not.

Sou is thrown into Class 3-3. This class is known as a class that is cursed [however, they don't like to use this word 'cursed.' They prefer phenomenon.']. It is known as an "on-year" when Sou joins that class. But an "on-year" for what?

Well, years before in 1972, a student named Misaki Yomiyama ended up dying. This student was loved and appreciated by all, so when his death was spoken of, people couldn't believe it. How could the good and young die? So, everyone pretended as if Misaki was still alive. Passed papers on his old desk, left his desk there and empty, called his name out during role call, left him a seat, etc. All throughout the remainder of the school year in class 3-3. And at the very end of the year in the graduation photo, a figure appeared. One figure of the deceased Misaki.

Ever since then, what they call an "unnatural natural phenomenon" occurs every three years. During this year, any one with a second relation [I.E, someone's grandmother would be in danger but not their great grandmother] to a member of the class or closer will be in danger's reach. Death will most likely be the outcome. So, the school tries to battle this by having a student play this "non-exister" in the class so that the phenomenon doesn't try to take one for itself.

For Sou, he ends up volunteering to be this "non-exister." He knows that he will be able to survive. Because as a "non-exister," Sou has a very important job. He is not allowed to speak to his classmates nor his teachers on school grounds and/or during school hours.

To stay safe, in the beginning, Sou hardly interacts with any of his friends even while outside of school when it would be considered safe. He doesn't want to be tempted or especially have them be tempted to speak to him at school. If they do, it will unbalance the whole calamity, and people will begin dying every month.

Sou and a couple close friends battle through the calamity. There is lots of blood, death, angst, and fear. The reactions from characters can be felt through the pages from Yukito Ayatsuji's writing. I find it important when an author is able to correct convey realistic feelings, and I feel like Yukito Ayatsuji managed to do it amazingly. Scenes feel dark and creepy, and it's a perfect eerie feeling that I look for in horror books.

What also makes Another 2001 so good of a horror book is that there are actually no supernatural in this book whatsoever. Aside from the whole phenomenon itself, it's free of things like spells, rituals, or ghosts. If a figure is seen, it's someone being delusional, which is actually scarier than ghosts in my opinion. However, there is one aspect about Mei Misaki's character that made me groan. But of course, Mel Misaki was in the first book and had this special aspect about her from what I know, so I know that it wasn't thrown in there just because. But still, it felt...too convenient?

As for the characters in this book, they're all loveable. Each one has their own personality that doesn't overlap with another. They all have something quite unique about them as well. Character relationships—you can feel strong connections between characters. For instance, Hiratsuka Sou and Kouda Shunsuke, and Mei Misaki and Koichi Sakakibara. Even the old library teacher Mr. Chibiki—you can tell how much he truly cares for Sou.

I don't want to go too in depth of this book because at some point, it'll be a spoiler. Obviously, their actions to stop the calamity don't work considering the book is a bloody horror novel that is worse than its first part. The ride you join on with Sou and defeating this calamity is quite fun and definitely worth the read. Wanting to read the first one before this or just jumping right into the second one, it should be on your plan to read.


110 reviews

October 25, 2023

While the pacing was kind of slow, I loved the progression of the plot and the way the author controlled the flow of information through the narration. The horror and tension were really well done, especially in the last third of the book, and I really liked the character development for Sou. The writing style made the portrayal of emotion difficult, but it was easy to understand his thought process, feelings, and his tumultuous relationship with his family and his mental health. I like that this book didn’t ignore previous plot points presented in the first two books and remained largely consistent throughout the entire series. The first part of the book feels more like a retelling of the first entry, but the book as a whole was very tense and entertaining!


December 3, 2023

This book dragged on way too long [did not need almost 600 pages] , and the plot is essentially the same as the previous book with different characters. I had so much trouble getting through the middle of the book once all the new characters had been introduced and I realized that they were doing the same storyline. Mei Misaki is in the story again, but she doesn't have as interesting of a role. She is just like a shaman who can see who the casualty is, but doesn't really do it until everyone is dying??? The last part of the book just starts throwing everything at you. Sou then figures everything out and recaps it to you like you did not just read the whole story. It's disappointing.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

29 reviews

April 20, 2023

After page 160 is when things start to get very interesting. Before that, it's mostly Sou talking about his days and existence. I did feel like Sou's character was very bland and indifferent and during part 3 I thought he was the casualty. Now part 3 is when things really got interesting and more fast paced. I knew Izumi was a casualty from the beginning, but the second one was surprising! I felt that if there weren't so many fillers and useless moments in the book, the book could've been shorter and more fast paced. I did like it! I loved the first book more, though.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

800 reviews39 followers

August 18, 2023

I'm not the target audience for this -- my kid told me to read it so I did.

It's a good story, kind of a Final Destination-style curse with a whole bunch of extra supernatural stuff. It's a strangely complicated setup, and probably 100 pages longer than it needed to be.

The writing is where I got irritated though, and I don't know whether it's the translation as some reviews claim, but the inner monologues of the narrator was repetitive and irritating to the point that I was skipping whole pages.

The last 75 pages were great though, and earned back a lot of goodwill.


344 reviews19 followers

October 8, 2023

Giving it fewer stars than its predecessor because it didn't really get good for me until I was 2/3 into the book. Long time to get rolling really. But, boy when it did..

Super spoilers for fkn real.

I just love this series. The creeping dread that builds, the invisible menace of the supernatural natural phenomena. It is a palpable thing. Will hands down be one of my favorite horror series of all time.

65 reviews1 follower

February 22, 2023

I did NOT expect 9/11 to somehow come into play, but here we are. I was very much into the original "Another," having watched the anime, read the novel, and read the manga, so I was excited for a sequel. I liked this one a lot, just not as much as the original. I liked the twist, but I got annoyed at how long it took Sou to realize what it was--but I'll give him a reprieve for being a traumatized 14yo dealing with all of This

85 reviews

April 14, 2023

I started this book shortly after finishing Another vol 2. I missed episode S so I should probably go back and read that one eventually. I enjoyed this book. At times it got a little confusing with everything going on, but perhaps that was the point. It was a nice little break from romance and contemporary books.

I enjoyed the story and I liked seeing Mei make so many appearances throughout the book.

606 reviews42 followers

December 19, 2022


This was significantly more predictable than the other books of Ayatsuji’s I’ve read, but it was still interesting. One of Ayatsuji’s greatest strengths in the Another series is this pervasive feeling of dread. You know what’s going to happen, you can see it looming on the horizon, but, as a reader, you can’t do anything but sit and wait. It’s really quite incredible.

ebook graphic-violence mystery-horror-thriller-etc

2,475 reviews49 followers

December 13, 2023

Though you don't need to know what happens in Another Episode S/O, there are a lot of references to it so be forewarned. This was a decent sequel. It expands upon the phenomenon in a convincing way. The afterword mentions that the author has an idea for another entry into the series and if it ever comes out, I'll probably pick it up.


111 reviews1 follower

January 1, 2023

An absolutely batshit ending, the last 150 pages had me on the edge of my seat. A step up from the first with increasingly ramped up tension, emphasized by a lull into a false sense of security around the halfway mark. Very well done and I hope to see an Anime adaption of this as well!

18 reviews

May 7, 2023

A constantly shifting mystery that leaves you questioning what you remember in the same way as the characters. I found myself flipping back often to make sure I had names and events correct, only to find I’d been handed all the pieces along the way once the experience was over.

304 reviews147 followers

June 14, 2023

má đúng là chơi ngu lấy thẹo tức chết tôi...

Mei vẫn gánh team còng lưng tôi đề nghị em tốt nghiệp lớp 12 xong thì đi lấy chồng rồi xuất ngoại định cư nước ngoài đi kẻo tác giả lại kéo em vào tai ương năm 2009 đấy 😒

65 reviews1 follower

June 25, 2023

I read this without reading Another first. I don’t think I needed it to understand what was going on, but I wished I had read the first one. Anyway, I enjoyed this book, it felt like a spooky atmospheric final destination.

13 reviews

December 9, 2022

如果有看過前傳兩本,跟動畫改編的話。 這本書完全是為了看過前兩本的書迷服務的。 畢竟OO早就出現在前作裡了。

對於很喜歡前作的我而言,算是非常好的續篇。 雖然感覺很厚的一本,但其實認真看10小時左右[或更快]就能讀完了

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


54 reviews1 follower

January 3, 2023

SO GOOD! Very happy with this sequel to Another. I could not put it down. I cannot wait for the third and final installment in the series!

1,884 reviews

March 24, 2023

I love the Another anime so this sequel novel came with very high expectations - which were met and then some. Nice and splattery with much icky feelings.


2 reviews

August 11, 2023

Khá dễ đoán. Cảm giác rùng mình như Another vẫn còn. Khá thích nhân vật So và cách tác giả khai thác. Mong Sakakibara và Mei sẽ có thêm bước ngoặc gì đó.

103 reviews4 followers

September 17, 2023

Honestly, this would have been a great book if it had been half the length and avoided all the repetition.

What is the plot of another Yukito Ayatsuji?

The story focuses on a boy named Kōichi Sakakibara who, upon transferring into Yomiyama Middle School and meeting the curious Mei Misaki, finds himself in a mystery revolving around students and people related to his class falling victim to gruesome, senseless deaths.

Can you read another 2001 before another?

Yukito Ayatsuji's writing in Another 2001 provides it with enough information to get by in understanding without having to read the first book; Another 2001 can be read as a standalone.

How many pages are in another by Yukito Ayatsuji?

Product information.

Is Another 2001 a sequel?

Another 2001 is a sequel to the highly popular Another light novel by Yukito Ayatsuji. The original novel received an anime adaptation by studio P.A. Works in 2012. Ayatsuji also wrote the sequel, which features Hiro Kiyohara's illustrations.

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