Brand new strategy to secure top keyword rankings

Google ranking can often feel like an enigmatic puzzle for businesses and marketers alike. As the primary search engine used by millions of people across the globe, Google’s algorithms are in a constant state of evolution.

For anyone invested in search engine optimization [SEO], witnessing a significant drop in Google ranking can be both disheartening and confusing. But instead of getting upset, it’s important to stay calm and think smartly about it. This blog talks about the different reasons why your Google ranking might suddenly go down and gives you tips on how to fix it.

What Factors Affect Google Ranking?

1. Google Algorithm Updates

Google’s algorithms are in a perpetual state of evolution, and these updates can wield substantial influence over website rankings. After Google makes these changes, it’s really important to know what happened. Follow Google’s Search Central blog for information about Google algorithm updates. Additionally, online marketing forums and top marketing news publishing sites can offer valuable insights into the changes and guide you in adapting your SEO strategy accordingly.

2. Technical Issues

Technical issues, such as broken links or sluggish loading times, can have a negative impact on your website’s ranking.

No one likes to wait for a slow-loading webpage. Google understands this, and page loading speed is a significant ranking factor. Both mobile and desktop loading speeds are considered. Optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and improving server response times are just a few methods to enhance page speed.

Conducting routine checks through Google search console, Ahrefs and other SEO tools to identify and promptly address these issues is imperative to maintain a healthy online presence.

3. Content Changes

At the heart of any search engine is its drive to provide users with relevant and quality content. Google’s algorithms are designed to prioritize websites that offer valuable, unique, and well-researched content. Regularly updating your site with insightful articles, blogs, or other forms of content can enhance your relevance and authority in your niche.

Significant changes to your content, like rewriting title tags or revamping keyword strategies, can also trigger fluctuations in rankings. Thorough testing and analysis before implementing changes can help mitigate any unintended consequences.

4. Competitor Performance

Staying ahead in the competitive digital landscape is a constant challenge. If your competitors have made substantial enhancements to their SEO efforts, this could potentially push your website down in the rankings. Regular monitoring of competitors is crucial, enabling you to remain proactive in your approach.

5. Google Penalties

Websites that breach Google’s guidelines may face penalties, leading to a decline in ranking. If you suspect your site has been penalized, utilizing Google Search Console to submit an appeal is a recommended course of action.

6. Mobile-Friendliness

With the increasing number of mobile users, Google has placed more emphasis on mobile friendliness. Sites that aren’t optimized for mobile devices might find themselves dropping in rankings. Google’s Mobile-First Indexing means that the mobile version of your site becomes the primary version for ranking. Here are some reasons why mobile-friendliness is important for every website:

  • In 2022, 73% of all online traffic was from mobile devices. This number is expected to continue to grow in the years to come.
  • A study by Deloitte found that 61% of users will abandon a website if it is not mobile-friendly.

7. Secure and Accessible Website

A URL that’s easily accessible to Google’s crawlers is essential. Websites also need to be secure. A study by Comodo found that 85% of website visitors are more likely to trust a website that has an SSL certificate. This is why sites that start with “https” [indicating a secure SSL certificate] often have an edge over non-secure sites.

8. User Experience

User experience covers various aspects such as site navigation, layout, design, and overall usability. A website that offers a positive UX is more likely to be favored by Google, enhancing its ranking potential.

What are the SEO Strategies for Improving Search Rankings?

1. Identify the Root Cause

To successfully recover from a keyword ranking, drop, first you have to delve deeply into the reasons behind it. Is it due to a recent algorithm update by Google, technical issues on your website, changes in your content strategy, intensified efforts from your competitors, or possibly a penalty imposed by Google? Precise identification of the root cause is pivotal as it lays the foundation for your subsequent actions and strategies.

2. Strategize Adaptation

When an algorithm update is responsible for the drop, it’s time to realign your SEO strategy to match the latest changes. This might encompass various adjustments such as fine-tuning your content to better meet the new requirements, reevaluating and optimizing keyword usage, or focusing on enhancing the overall user experience of your site.

3. Address Technical Issues

Addressing technical issues without delay can wield a significant impact on your website’s overall performance and ranking. Prioritize resolving issues like broken links that lead to “404” errors, work on optimizing loading times to provide a seamless user experience and ensure that all facets of your website’s functionality are in proper working order.

4. Thorough Content Reassessment When your content is to blame, a thorough evaluation of the changes you made is crucial. If the modification in content had a negative effect on your ranking, consider reverting them to their previous version. Alternatively, if modifications were necessary, make adjustments based on feedback from multiple performance metrics tools to ensure that the new content strategy aligns more effectively with search engine requirements.

5. Analyzing Competitors Take time to analyze the strategies employed by your competitors, as their actions can greatly influence your own rankings. By studying their approaches, you can pinpoint areas where your SEO efforts can be improved. Innovate your strategies, differentiate your content, and create a distinctive online presence that not only catches up but surpasses your competitors, ultimately restoring your advantageous position in the rankings.

Recovering lost rankings requires patience and persistence. The journey to restoring your site’s visibility might be gradual, but consistent efforts will yield positive results.

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How can I Improve My Google Ranking?

In the vast digital landscape, securing a top spot on Google’s search results is akin to finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. So how do you go about climbing to this coveted position? Google uses over 200 factors to rank pages, but don’t be daunted. Here are some tried and tested strategies to improve your Google ranking.

1. Choose Relevant KeywordsSEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimizing a website so it ranks higher in search engine results. It’s about understanding what people are searching for, what answers they seek, and delivering the content they want.


At the foundation of SEO are keywords. These are terms or phrases that users type into search engines. Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or SEMrush can help you identify relevant keywords for your content.

2. Optimize Your On-Page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the practice of optimizing individual web pages to rank higher.

  • Title Tags: These should be relevant and include primary keywords.
  • Meta Descriptions: Though not a direct ranking factor, a compelling meta description can improve click-through rates.
  • Header Tags: Break your content with H1, H2, H3, etc., tags. This aids readability and SEO.
  • Keywords in web copy: Ensure that keywords are naturally integrated into the content without being too repetitive.

3. Quality Content Creation

In 2022, 92% of marketers said that creating high-quality content was a top priority. Creating high-quality content that not only resonates with your target keywords but also offers valuable information to your audience is of utmost importance. Google places significant value on content that is not only well-written but also engages and educates users. High-quality content includes in-depth insights, accurate information, and a user-friendly presentation, all of which contribute to improved rankings.

4. Backlinks Matter The process of building backlinks involves obtaining links from other authoritative websites that point back to your own. These links serve as a vote of confidence for your website’s credibility and relevance, signaling to search engines that your content is trustworthy and valuable. Building backlinks requires outreach, relationship building, and the creation of content that naturally attracts links from other reputable sources.

5. Mobile Optimization

In the current digital landscape, mobile searches have become a dominant force. Optimizing your website for mobile devices has become essential rather than being an optional choice. Mobile optimization involves designing and structuring your website to provide an optimal user experience on smartphones and tablets. This includes responsive design and user-friendly navigation, all of which contribute to retaining and attracting mobile users, consequently influencing your rankings.

6. Technical SEO

Google takes site speed seriously. A slow site offers a poor user experience. Use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to analyze your site’s speed and get recommendations for improvement.

7. Use Secure and Accessible Websites

Google gives preference to secure websites [those starting with HTTPS]. . While the influence of HTTPS as a ranking factor is often seen as minor, likened to a “tiebreaker” signal, it can determine the rank between two comparable websites. Consequently, website owners should not overlook the importance Google places on an optimal user experience.

8. Use Internal Linking Strategically

Internal links help distribute page authority throughout your site:

Anchor Text: Use relevant keywords as anchor text for internal links.

9. Take Advantage of Social Signals

While there’s debate over the direct impact of social signals [likes, shares] on rankings, there’s no denying the indirect benefits. Content that’s popular on social media tends to attract backlinks and traffic – two major ranking factors.

10. Optimize for Voice Search

With the increasing popularity of voice-activated devices like Google Home or Amazon Echo, optimizing voice search is essential. How?

Understand voice search is conversational. So, optimize for whole questions instead of individual keywords.

Aim to be featured in Google’s voice search answers by creating content that answers specific questions concisely.

11. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a powerful tool that offers valuable insights into your site’s performance in Google’s search results. It offers information about your website’s visibility, indexing status, and search queries that lead users to your site. By regularly monitoring this data, you can identify trends, track changes in rankings, and pinpoint technical issues that might be affecting your website’s performance. This information empowers you to make informed decisions to improve your SEO strategy, enhancing your chances of achieving higher rankings and better user engagement.


The digital landscape is marked by constant change, and Google rankings are not immune to these fluctuations. A sudden drop in rankings can be daunting, but with the help of the right SEO agency, equipped with effective strategies and tools, recovery is entirely achievable. By staying adaptable, addressing issues proactively, and following the best practices for SEO, you can navigate the challenges of Google ranking drops and ultimately enhance your website’s visibility, traffic, and success.

What is the best strategy to rank your keywords?

7 Things You Must Do to Rank for Your Keywords.

Keyword research. Keyword research lays the foundation for optimizing your site. ... .

Site structure. ... .

SEO content audit. ... .

Content creation, optimization, and on-page SEO. ... .

Link earning. ... .

Social media. ... .

Track performance..

What is the best strategy for getting a high ranking for the website?

Quality, authoritative content is the number one driver of your search engine rankings and there is no substitute for great content—this is especially true when doing SEO marketing. Quality content created specifically for your intended user increases site traffic, which improves your site's authority and relevance.

How do you rank

1 for keywords?

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Rank High on Google.


1: Improve Your On-Site SEO..


2: Add LSI Keywords To Your Page..


3: Monitor Your Technical SEO..


4: Match Your Content to Search Intent..


5: Reduce Your Bounce Rate..


6: Find Even Keywords to Target..


7: Publish Insanely High-Quality Content..

How do you maintain SEO rankings?

Here are the actions world's top SEO experts recommend for maintaining top SEO rankings..

Go Crazy About Content. ... .

Improve Keyword Targeting. ... .

Improve Mobile User Experience. ... .

Keep Up with Changes. ... .

Protect Your Online Reputation. ... .

Monitor Google Search Console and Analytics..

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