Carnaval 2023 Nederland

De carnavalsvakantie is de schoolvakantie die in het algemeen in februari/maart valt. Met name in het Rooms-Katholieke zuiden wordt deze schoolvakantie “carnavalsvakantie” genoemd. In de rest van Nederland wordt deze schoolvakantie vaak “voorjaarsvakantie” of “krokusvakantie” genoemd. Ook in veel andere Europese landen bestaat de carnavalsvakantie.

Wanneer is de carnavalsvakantie in 2023?

De carnavalsvakantie valt altijd in februari of maart. In de praktijk betekent het dat de vakantieregio Zuid vaak afwijkt van het advies van het ministerie, wanneer carnaval valt buiten de adviesperiode van het ministerie.

In 2023 valt de geadviseerde periode van de carnavalsvakantie in regio zuid in de week van carnaval. De verwachting is dat veel scholen in regio zuid het onderstaande advies van het ministerie zullen volgen.

Bekijk hieronder de schoolvakantie-data voor de carnavalsvakantie voor de komende jaren.

Carnavalsvakantie 2023

Voorjaarsvakantie Nederland 2023 - Alle data onder voorbehoud van wijzigingen en fouten

Regio noord en midden 27-02-2023[W: 09] 03-03-2023[W: 09] 09
Regio zuid 20-02-2023[W: 08] 24-02-2023[W: 08] 08
 OPMERKING: Carnaval valt in deze week, dus de scholen in het zuiden zullen deze week aanhouden.

Lees ook dit artikel over gunstige periodes voor de wintersport

Wilt u een vakantie boeken in de carnavalsvakantie? Wintersporten of juist de zon opzoeken? Zoek dan hier uw vakantie!

Carnavalsvakantie 2024

Voorjaarsvakantie Nederland 2024 - Alle data onder voorbehoud van wijzigingen en fouten

Regio noord en midden 17-02-2024[W: 07] 25-02-2024[W: 08] 07 - 08
Regio zuid 10-02-2024[W: 06] 18-02-2024[W: 07] 06 - 07
 OPMERKING: Carnaval valt in deze week, dus de scholen in het zuiden zullen deze week aanhouden.

Carnavalsvakantie 2025

Voorjaarsvakantie Nederland 2025 - Alle data onder voorbehoud van wijzigingen en fouten

Regio midden en zuid 22-02-2025[W: 08] 02-03-2025[W: 09] 08 - 09
 OPMERKING: Carnaval valt in de week hierna, dus de meeste scholen in het zuiden zullen de vakantie 1 week opschuiven, naar week 10 [1-8 maart 2025].
Regio noord 15-02-2025[W: 07] 23-02-2025[W: 08] 07 - 08

Hoe wordt het moment van de carnavalsvakantie bepaald?

Het moment van de carnavalsvakantie hangt uiteraard af van wanneer het carnaval is. Hiervoor is Pasen bepalend. Pasen valt altijd ergens in de periode van 22 maart tot 25 april. Zeven weken hiervoor is het carnaval. Dit houdt in dat de vroegst mogelijke carnaval 1 februari is. De laatst mogelijke datum is 7 maart. Carnaval begint officieel op zondag. De zaterdag is er in de loop der jaren bijgekomen als extra feestdag, maar eigenlijk is dit dus niet correct.

Lees hier meer over de krokusvakantie/voorjaarsvakantie.

Alle vakanties in Nederland:

  • Voorjaarsvakantie / carnavalsvakantie
  • Meivakantie
  • Zomervakantie
  • Herfstvakantie
  • Kerstvakantie

Noord-Brabant, Netherlands

Carnival in the Netherlands, also known as ‘Carnaval’, is a three-day celebration in the Southern, Catholic region of the Netherlands. Celebrated in and around the province of Noord-Brabant, the Carnival starts on Sunday and continues through to Ash Wednesday. The annual celebration sees locals suspend their daily life for three days; and visitors travel from all over the world to enjoy traditional Dutch events.

Throughout the carnival, locals and visitors dress up in crazy and extravagant costumes; which include the traditional ‘role reversal’. A range of parades featuring floats and performances can be found throughout the major cities. Bar crawls, outrageous city name changes and official colours can all be found during this event.

Preparations for the Carnival in the Netherlands start on the 11th of November [11/11] at 11:11. The number 11 is the ‘fool’s number’ in the Netherlands.

Suspend your daily life for three days and join in on action at the Carnival in the Netherlands!

On the 11th of November each year, the city council votes for a Prince of Carnival for their town. The mayor then transfers the power and key to the city to the Prince on the first day of the carnival; symbolising the suspension of daily life and the beginning of the party. The Prince is ultimately in charge of the city for three days.

Where to view Carnival in the Netherlands

The Carnival in the Netherlands is predominantly celebrated in the southern region of the Netherlands. The province of North Brabant [Noord-Brabant] borders Belgium.

It includes some of the largest Dutch cities such as Eindhoven, Breda, Tilburg and ’s-Hertogenbosch. The Carnival is celebrated in most major cities in the South of Holland. 

How to get around Noord-Brabant

Getting around the Netherlands is quick, easy and affordable; with a range of public transport options available. Noord-Brabant features a number of major cities, which can be reached by intercity trains as well as buses.

The nearest airport is Eindhoven Airport, located in the Noord-Brabant province; however, visitors can easily travel from Amsterdam airport to the Southern Region by train. You can easily travel around and/or between cities by frequent trains or buses. 

Where to stay in Eindhoven

Carnival is traditionally celebrated in a number of major cities in the South of Holland. Many visitors choose to use the largest city of Eindhoven as a base and visit other nearby events from there. Eindhoven has a number of accommodation options ranging from hostels to hotels and Airbnb’s; all within walking distance of the central station.

You can find accommodation options in Eindhoven for Carnival on the map below. Other popular carnival bases include Breda and Den Bosch close by. 

Things to do in Noord-Brabant

There are a number of things to do in the Noord-Brabant province during carnival season. The Dutch are known for their music festivals and of course, there are plenty to choose from during the carnival. The most popular carnival festivals include Karnaval, Confettival and Het Stuiterbal.

In addition to music festivals, there are also a number of attractions; ranging from parks and nature reserves to museums, sporting events and countless dining options. 

Rad’s Carnival in the Netherlands Bucket List

Dress Up!Dressing up for Carnival is absolutely essential as everyone who celebrates will be in costume. Crazy and traditional carnival costumes can be found in most stores from as early as January and will have plenty of options for you to choose from. Homemade costumes can also be found on many throughout the celebrations.

Role Reversal – One of the traditions of the Carnival in the Netherlands is role reversal; where as the name suggests, males dress up as females and females dress up as males. Take part in this fun Dutch tradition and switch up your outfits with your friends! You can also find plenty of costumes in store. 

Try Schrobbeler – The traditional liquor from Brabant is a popular drink in the province; particularly during carnival season. Prepare to drink a lot of this as many people will offer the local drink to you. You can also find the drink at most bars as well as liquor shops.

Carnival in the Netherlands 2023 Dates

The next celebration of Carnival in the Netherlands will take place from February 18-21, 2023. You can also check out the Maastricht Carnival.  

When in the Netherlands it’s also worth exploring Maastricht Carnival. What other crazy Carnivals are happening in Europe? Read more about Notting Hill Carnival in London and Basel Carnival in Switzerland two of the best parties on the continent.

Photo Credit: Omroep Brabant

Netherlands Travel Tips:

Plan ahead: Book your perfect trip with our Netherlands travel guide and destination information. Does Netherlands require a visa? Check the visa requirements before you get caught up during your travel.

Stay safe: Even the best-laid plans can head south. SafetyWing travel medical insurance can help you stay safe and cover you in unlikely situations as well as that epic road trip or on your next adventure. How to stay safe during Carnival in the Netherlands 2023? If you’re not covered for your trip yet, get your quote here.

Spend money wisely: Take public transport and dine in from time to time are common saving tips during traveling. How to spend money wisely in Netherlands? Make use of technology. There’s an app for everything.

Hoeveel dagen nog tot carnaval 2023?

Wanneer is het carnaval? 🥳.

Welke dagen vallen carnaval?

Carnaval wordt gevierd op de drie dagen voor Aswoensdag. Traditioneel gezien duurt het feest drie dagen, van zondag tot en met dinsdag, maar in praktijk zie je dat de feesten meestal al op vrijdag beginnen. De naam Carnaval komt waarschijnlijk uit het Latijn.

Hoeveel weken tot carnaval 2023?

Wanneer is het Carnaval 2023 t/m 2033?.

Hoe weet je wanneer carnaval is?

Dit hangt af van de stand van de maan. Afgesproken is dat Pasen gevierd wordt op de eerste zondag die volgt op de eerste volle maan na het begin van de lente. Pasen valt daardoor tussen 22 maart en 25 april. Carnaval vieren we daarom tussen 1 februari en 7 maart.

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