Create playlist YouTube

Playlists arent just for streaming music and road trips. You can make them for videos as well even YouTube videos. Maybe you just want to organize your favorite YouTube videos better, or maybe you just need a themed playlist for some reason. Regardless of why, making a playlist on YouTube is actually fairly simple.

Heres how to create a playlist on YouTube.

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Step 1: Log in to your Google account

Create playlist YouTube

YouTube accounts require a Google account to sign in and youll need a YouTube account to make a playlist. And so, if you dont have a Google account, youll need to create one, and then sign in to YouTube with that account.

Step 2: Find the first YouTube video for your playlist

Go ahead and pick out one of the videos youd like to include in your new playlist and go to the videos YouTube page.

Step 3: Select the Save icon beneath that video

Create playlist YouTube

On the videos YouTube page and beneath the video itself, select the Save icon. The icon looks like three horizontal lines paired with a plus sign.

Step 4: Select the Create New Playlist option

Create playlist YouTube

The menu that pops up will offer you a number of options to save your chosen video.

Basically, you can save the video to your other playlists, save it to YouTubes preset Watch Later playlist, or create a new playlist and save the video to the new one. Since were making a new playlist, go ahead and select Create New Playlist from the menu.

Step 5: Name your playlist

Create playlist YouTube

Once you select Create New Playlist, that same menu should expand to help you finish creating your playlist. In the expanded menu, within the text box labeled Name, type in the name of your new playlist.

Step 6: Choose your privacy level

Create playlist YouTube

In that same expanded menu, you can also pick the type of privacy level you desire for your playlist. From the drop-down menu designated as Privacy, you can select from Public, Unlisted, or Private. Public indicates that your playlist can be seen or searched for by anyone. Unlisted signifies that anyone who has a link to your playlist can see it. Private means precisely what it states, that you are the sole person who can see the playlist. No one else will be able to view it.

Step 7: Select the Create button

After youve given your playlist a name and decided on a privacy level for it, click the blue Create button at the bottom of the menu. After you do this, youll have a new playlist, and the video you selected will be immediately added to it.

To look at your brand-new playlist, click the Menu icon thats hanging out in the top-left corner of the page. This will look like three horizontal lines piled on top of one another. Having done that, youll see a menu appear on the left side of the page. Your new playlist should display as an option in this menu. (You may need to click Show More in order to see it.) Choosing your playlist from this menu will cause your playlist to pop up on the right side of your screen, and your first saved video for it should be displayed directly within the playlist.

We also encourage you to look at our handy guide on how to download YouTube videos.