Đánh giá sennheiser hd 202 ii

The headband padding is very nice, and though comfort is passable, you’ll feel them digging into your ears after about an hour or so.

That said, they are pretty lightweight which is definitely a plus.

Build Quality/Longevity

This is about as durable as it gets for this price range.

The headband adjustment is a little bit awkward but works well and is unique from other cheap models.

The adjustment is the ear cup. You simply pull or push them up or down.

What I really like about these is that there are minimal parts [really just the two ear cups and one piece of plastic as the entire headband].

In other words,

if you drop them they are less likely to break.

They can really take quite a bit of abuse as well.

I’ve slept with them on, slept ON them, dropped them, and gotten them stuck in weird places around my bed. They also get thrown into my backpack daily.

After all this, they still look and sound good as new.

This is likely due to the super rugged yet still malleable plastic.

It almost feels like you could bend it like Beckham and it would spring back into its original shape like a rubber band.


Earcup removal

Removable ear-cups

The ear cups can actually be removed from the headband.

Note: If you can’t remember which cup goes with which side, there’s an R and L indicator on each wire going into the cup.

Honestly, I don’t know why you would ever want to take the ear cups off. But today I did just so I could show my friends at work haha.

To me it contributes to their minimalist design, preventing damage to the unit.

Belt Clip

Belt clip

I also appreciate the fact that Sennheiser included a belt clip for the extra chord slack.

I can now use these at work with no problem.

The clip does tend to slip off if you’re moving around a lot, and the wire may come loose from the little grooves occasionally, but for the most part, it’s really convenient and gets the job done.

1/4″ adapter

It’s a bit odd that a headphone at this price range comes with a 1/4″ adapter.

I honestly have never seen that before, and I’ve bought and demoed a lot of headphones.

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It’s convenient and smart, but we’ve come to expect that from Sennheiser, no?



The wire leaves a little to be desired. It honestly feels like a throwback to 1990.

I suppose I have been spoiled by my M50 chord.

That said, these do make great cans for those late-night Netflix sessions.

No case

Even after so many great features, they didn’t include a case.

Maybe they knew the headphones were so durable that they don’t need one. Lol.

In any case [no pun intended], I suppose it would only serve as the cherry on top.

Pad issues?

I will caution you that these are just the type of pads to flake and peel over time.

I never experienced that for myself as I only owned them for about a year +, but generally speaking, after the 2-year mark is when you’ll likely start experiencing issues.

I’ve had problems with the MDR-7506, M50, and PM-3 in this regard.


The Sennheiser HD 202 is a solid bang for your buck option that does well with most genres of music.

They are loud, have a deep, tight bass response, and are very lightweight but at the same time durable.

The chord can be a pain at times because it is so long, but it does come in handy if you’re sitting farther away from the source.

It also feels a bit cheap and throwback but functions fine. The wires come out of both the right and left ear cups.

Overall, there are a lot of features that come with this model that make them a lot more valuable than their price tag would indicate.


As far as value, the HD 202 is a pretty remarkable upgrade from your standard factory earbuds and any similar headphones that sound terrible.

The price vs. performance ratio is very solid.

You are definitely getting more for less here.

The overall sound of these is pretty big for such small headphones.

They are nice and loud, and the bass really pumps.

It can get slightly distorted at very low frequencies, and on certain tracks, you will find become muddled and somewhat fuzzy.

You will also find that at very high volumes the sound gets sort of confused.

They don’t really know how to handle it all at once.

They aren’t quite good enough to discern each individual sound and make it transparent, so the resolution isn’t quite up to snuff.

That’s the best way I can describe it.

Overall they are pretty clean and clear, just be aware of your sound source.

These are really the type of headphones that a casual listener would be impressed by.

Perhaps someone who hasn’t heard anything better than low-grade dog food.

In other words,

I think these are a step up from the trash you’d find in a drugstore, but not quite on the level of some entry-level audiophile-type stuff.

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The mid-bass will most certainly excite you but doesn’t always sound good.

I think it really depends on the song but also keep in mind that it’s your typical boosted affair at roughly 100-200Hz.

Mid-Range & Treble

I like how Sennheiser handled the mid-range, as there’s a rise from 1-2kHz that our ears expect.

This is going to make most music sound good and “correct” in its portrayal of instruments and voices, but the treble can be hit and miss.

I like how it’s not overly bright, but at times it lacks some sparkle that you may desire.

It also seems to be a bit erratic in its peaks and dips from 3kHz onward.


  • Durable.
  • Great value.
  • Great features.


  • The cable can be a pain for on-the-go situations.
  • The sound may get muddy at times due to the mid-bass boost.
  • Some bass frequencies have trouble registering.
  • Comfort isn’t the best.
  • Pads may peel and malfunction over time.

Amp/DAC requirements

At 32 Ohm, none! How to choose a headphone amp!

Who do these headphones benefit?

  • Those looking for great value/bang for their buck.
  • Hip-hop heads on a budget.
  • Those looking for a loud sound, conducive to headbanging 😛
  • Netflix marathoners.

Who these headphones do not benefit?

  • Those looking to mix down a track, as the bass is a bit too heavy.
  • Those who value extreme comfort. These are comfortable, but only up to a certain degree. Occasional to frequent adjustments will have to be made.
  • Those who are looking for a neutral sound signature. These are anything but.


The HD 202 is a surprisingly decent set of headphones, but I think there are better options for your money nowadays.

Final Word

I used these every day from 2015-2016 at my old job.

They were reliable and sounded pretty good, but I think you can do better.

Interested in learning more about my top option in the budget category?

Learn More:

Well, that’s about it for today my friend! I hope you’ve enjoyed this Sennheiser HD 202 headphones review.

Questions? Comments? Requests? Did I miss the mark on something? Please leave them down below or Contact me!!

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What do you think about these bad boys? Are they still worth a purchase? I would love to hear from you. Until next time…

All the best and God bless,



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Sennheiser HD 202


  • Durable
  • Good Bass Head sound
  • Great Value


  • Some very low frequencies hard to register
  • Thin and cheap feeling wire
  • No case
  • Potential pad issue
  • Sometimes muddy

Stuart Charles Black

Stu is determined to help you make sound decisions, and strives to deliver the best and most in depth content on the internet! In his spare time, he likes to fish, paint, play guitar, pray, rap, make beats, take photos, record videos, graphic design, and more. His sense of humour, coupled with a knack for excellence and strict attention to detail are what allow him to stand out in an crowded industry.

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