Export iTunes playlist to Android phone

One reason many iPhone users are fearful of switching to an Android device is that they dont know what will become of all of the music they purchased and stored on iTunes. Luckily, there are a number of ways for you to transfer your music files from iTunes to your new Android smartphone, and Ill go over several of them below.

1. Drag And Drop

Export iTunes playlist to Android phone

This is the simplest way to go about things, in my opinion. All you need to do is go to the music directory on your Mac or PC. There, you will find a folder labeled iTunes. Simply click iTunes, then iTunes Media, then music, and you will find all of the music you have stored or purchased on iTunes.


From here, it is a simple process. First, plug your Android device into your computer using a micro USB cable and open its file directory (to do this on a Mac, you must first install the Android File Transfer App or your phone wont be detected). Then, select the music files in your iTunes folder. From here, all you have to do is drag and drop these files into your smartphones music folder, and you will have access to them on your mobile device.

For more advanced users:

Heres a slightly different version of this method that some of you may prefer. First, create a new folder on your desktop named music. Then, navigate to your iTunes folder, select your music, and drop it into your newly minted music folder.

Now, plug in your Android device and wait for your computer to recognize it (again, to do this on a Mac, you must first install the Android File Transfer App). Once that is done, open up your phones file directory. There should be a folder there named music, and it will probably be empty. Heres the fun part: drag the new folder on your desktop named music straight into your Android phones file directory. Voila! All of your iTunes music is now on your Android device, and can be played right then and there on any music app you have.


2. Let Google Play Do It For You

Export iTunes playlist to Android phone

Google created a wireless file transfer service that allows iPhone users to easily move their music to Android devices. All you have to do is download Google Play Music Manager. Sign in with the same account you use for your Android device, and follow the instructions. It will ask you where you want to transfer your music files from, and iTunes will be one of the options.

Select that, and the Music Manager does all of the grunt work for you. What it does first is it analyzes the songs you have in iTunes. Then, it searches its cloud directory to see if it has access to that song.


If it does, it allows you to stream that song on your Android phone through the Google Play Music app. If you want to download those songs permanently (as opposed to keeping them in Googles cloud), all you have to do is find your transferred albums, hit options, and select keep on device, which downloads your music to your smartphones local memory.

If Google Play Music is the only app you use for music playback on your Android, then this is probably the quickest and easiest way to transfer your songs from iTunes.

3. Use AirDroid File Sync

Export iTunes playlist to Android phone

If you only need to transfer a few albums, this is the perfect option for you. All you need to do is download the AirDroid program on your computer, and the AirDroid app on your phone.

Then, simply select the music you wish to transfer within the AirDroid program, and wait for it to upload. Next, open the AirDroid app on your phone, and download the very same songs you just uploaded from your computer.

If you are uploading large music files, there is a chance you might hit the file size limit for the free version of AirDroid. Luckily, you can unlock the premium version with a cost effective $1.99/month subscription (I would say this price is worth it if you transfer many large music files on a daily basis).


Once you have downloaded the music to your phone, any music app you have should be able to find your collection and play it.


There are a couple of other ways to transfer your music from iTunes to Android, but they are often too complicated for their own good. The above methods are, simple, efficient, and effective, and should get your new Android smartphone or tablet up, running, and playing your favorite music in no time. With that said, enjoy your new device! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below and Id be happy to try and help.

There comes a time when we may be searching online and dont want the browser to remember our footsteps. The reasons dont always have to be what we obviously think of as the main reason; for example, sometimes, you may not want Safari to remember your passwords or prompt you to enter your password when surfing the web.

Whatever the reason, we may think that we are totally in the clear with Private Browsing on Safari and the other browsers on a Mac. However, a quick Terminal command can bring up every website youve visited. How do you do this? Also, how do you clear your tracks for good? We will provide both answers and more today.

Export iTunes playlist to Android phone

What Does Private Browsing Do?

When activated, Private Browsing on Safari prevents your browsing history from being kept in the history tab of the application. Along with this, it doesnt autofill information that you have saved in the browser. In this mode, you essentially become incognito and any references of previous use is essentially hidden when you are in private mode.

For example: if you are on Facebook or filling out a form and some information or your login is already filled in in the spaces provided, this is called autofill. Its activated by simply clicking Safari next to the Apple symbol in the menubar and selecting Private Browsing, then clicking OK to the prompt.


The reasons behind private mode differ for each individual. While we wont go into all of those reasons, one thing that is important to remember is that private browsing doesnt forget the websites you visit. As we will see later on, Macs keep a second copy of the websites you visit in either mode. If you are in frantic mode looking for a solution to this, look no further.

The Terminal Archive

While Safari does a good job of keeping your search history out of prying eyes in the history tab, there is a less-than-obvious way to view a full list of visited websites on Mac. This is done in Terminal; the command-line emulator that allows you to make changes to your Mac.

Terminal is located in the Utilities folder on your Mac.Once activated, simply add the command:

dscacheutil -cachedump -entries Host


Once you hit enter, a list of the visited sites appear. Showing only the domains, the sites appear in a format of:

Key: h_name :(website domain)ipv4 :1

However, theres no need to fearthere is a way you can clear this information from Terminal with a command thats just as simple.

Clearing Your Tracks

Just as simply as you were able to enter the command to view the websites, you can clear the cache that Terminal showed you with the comamnd:


dscacheutil -flushcache

As the command denotes, this literally flushes the domains from Terminal. This does not prevent the record from continuing to be recorded for future sites, however, so if thats an issue for you, repeat this process regularly.

Other Browsers and Private Browsing

Other browsers have this form of privacy mode for their service. They promise many of the same things as Safari, but they do not have the same Terminal issue due to how this command only presents websites visited on Safari (the browser Macs come shipped with).

If you useFirefox, youll notice that its private mode is also known as Private Browsing.Chromecalls private mode Incognito, whileInternet Explorerrefers to it as InPrivate Browsing.Operais the newest to the scene, denoting it as Private Tab. Safari is the oldest well-known browser with this feature.


As you can see, despite Private Browsing not being 100% private, Terminal allows for your browser to be. In what ways has Terminal helped your life or allowed you to become more productive? Let us know in the comments below.

Featured photo credit: Benjamin Dada via unsplash.com