How do I stop NetWorker services?

In case that you want to start/stop/restart EMC Networker service on Linux here is what to do:

1. Start service

#/etc/init.d/networker start 2. Stop service

#/etc/init.d/networker stop

3.Restart service There is no restart. Use stop+start instead.


Always, and I mean always be extra careful with restart of networker service because when in hurry you can by accident stop network of your server. In case that you do this and you do not have remote console approach you are basically in BIG trouble.
This has nothing to do with networker service by it self but only with similar names of services in /etc/init.d. 

Page 2

As a command-line geek [I'm certainly not a GUI man] I always like to know how to work with the command line, even on Windows systems [I've blown away folks looking over my shoulder with my command-line skills]; This page provides a one-stop quick guide to the commands needed to stop and start Legato NetWorker across various platforms.

This table below provides the stop/start commands for the NetWorker client [nsrexecd], the NetWorker server [nsrd], the management console [gstd] and the NetWorker License Manager [lgtolmd]

OS StopStartSolaris


[command line]

client /etc/init.d/networker stop /etc/init.d/networker start
server /etc/init.d/networker stop /etc/init.d/networker start
gst /etc/init.d/gst stop /etc/init.d/gst start
lgtolmd [included in stopping server] [included as part of server start]
client net stop nsrexecd net start nsrexecd
server net stop nsrexecd /y net start nsrd
gstd net start gstd
lgtolmd net start lgtolmd
client /etc/init.d/networker stop /etc/init.d/networker start
server /etc/init.d/networker stop /etc/init.d/networker start
gst /etc/init.d/gst stop /etc/init.d/gst start
lgtolmd [included in stopping server] [included as part of server start]
SystemStarter stop NetWorker SystemStarter start NetWorker
/bin/nsr_shutdown /etc/rc.nsr start
/usr/opt/networker/bin/NSRstartstop stop /usr/opt/networker/bin/NSRstartstop start

NOTE: All of these options are documented in the Legato NetWorker Administration Guides

If you have an EMC Networker services installed in your system, then you need to follow the below instruction to do stop and start on solaris.

ps -eo ppid,comm | grep “[n]sr” /etc/init.d/networker stop /etc/init.d/networker start

ps -eo ppid,comm | grep “[n]sr”

If you have an EMC Networker services installed in your system, then you need to follow the below instruction to do stop and start on LINUX.

ps -eo ppid,comm | grep “[n]sr” /etc/init.d/networker stop /etc/init.d/networker start

ps -eo ppid,comm | grep “[n]sr”

I always like to know how to work with the command line, even on Windows. [As I say in my book, while a picture may be worth a thousand works, a GUI is not necessarily worth a thousand command line options.]

As such, when I want to stop and restart NetWorker on Windows, I find it faster on the command line than going to the services panel and scrolling through to the various processes.

Note: All of these options are documented in the NetWorker and License Manager administration manuals, but as always, there’s a difference between something that’s documented and something you can find, so I’m presenting these for those who are pressed for time.

There are lengthy names for each of the NetWorker client service, NetWorker server service, and NetWorker Management Console server service which you may think would make it inconvenient to stop and restart from the command line, but thankfully there’s shortcut names as well. These are:

  • NetWorker Remote Exec Service: nsrexecd
  • NetWorker Backup and Recover Server: nsrd
  • EMC GST Service: gstd
  • NetWorker License Manager: lgtolmd

Now, if you’re wanting to quickly stop everything, you can rely on process dependencies and run:

C:> net stop nsrexecd /y

That will shutdown everything, since everything relies on the nsrexecd [client] process in order to run.

If you want to start NetWorker on a client, all you need to run is:

C:> net start nsrexecd

If you’re wanting to start NetWorker on a server though, you should run:

C:> net start nsrd

There’s a simple reason for this – nsrd relies on nsrexecd, so Windows dependency checking will start nsrexecd first for you.

Similarly, if you want to start the management console on a Windows machine, you’d run:

C:> net start gstd

And if you’re running Legato License Manager, you’d run:

C:> net start lgtolmd

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