How do you write positive and routine messages?

January 12, 2011 · 9:02 am

How do you write positive and routine messages?
Even when you write a simple routine and positive message, there is a way to do it. Some people will say that they will just use a Web 2.0 environment or other conventional tools, but here is simple three-step process you can use without any of those. Just like the other writing process, it consists of planning, writing, and completing.

1.    Planning
There are four tasks to do when you are planning: analyze the situation, gather the information, select the right medium, and organize the information. First, you need to analyze the situation to know the purpose of the message. Once you know what the situation is, you will gather the useful information, and select which medium is more effective for customers. The last step for planning is organizing your information.

How do you write positive and routine messages?
2.    Writing
Using proper English and active voice is the key when you write the message. You can use conversational tone, but sometimes it has to be more formal depends on the situation. In the body of the message, the main ideas and the details need to be included, and try not to be out of focus. Instead of using indirect approach, it is best conveyed using a direct approach. Understanding different culture is also important. You need to be very careful if cultural differences exist.

3.    Completing

How do you write positive and routine messages?

You always proofread before you complete and send the message to your audience even if you think you are done. If you finish writing right before the deadline, you will never have time for correcting any mistakes or even spell check, so have yourself plenty of time to proofread and revise. When you proofread, ensure that the message includes everything you wanted to say, and revise it as needed.

(Excellence in Business Communication, 9th Edition. Prentice Hall/CourseSmart, 01/12/2010. p. 209).

Providing Positive Messages to Your Employees


This article talks about making proper routine requests and sending appropriate replies. it also quotes examples and strategies to be used for making small requests and replies. This kind of communication though is subtle plays a very important part in our daily life changing the impressions of people towards you.

Most business communication is about routine matters: orders, company policies,claims,and so on. Such messages are rarely long or complex, where audience need to comply with the expectations.
Elements of routine requests:
Open, brief, close are the three parts of routine requests like all other business message. To be direct,

  1. Open with the main idea
  2. Use the body to illustrate the details.
  3. Close by requesting specific action.

Writing messages involves:

  1. Making requests
  2. Sending replies

Strategy for making routine requests:

  1. Stating the request up frontThe foremost approach is to avoid the demanding action and replacing those words with 'Please' and 'I would appreciate'.To be specific is also one of the points that play a crucial role to make the audience comply with.
  2. Explaining and justifying the request:Explanation is expected to be smooth and logical while briefing the idea. Asking questions and dealing only with the topic can make the request justified.
  3. Requesting specific action in a courteous close:Closing the message involves:1. A specific request that includes the relevant deadlines 2. Information about how it can be reached 3. An expression of goodwill.

Common examples of routine requests:

  1. Asking for information: Usually business organisations seek a lot of information in the process of decision making. When making a simple request, straightforwardness without much fuss can make the response quicker.
  2. Asking for recommendation: Seeking permission before using someone as a reference is one of the most vital aspect to be considered. Some people may not be comfortable in writing recommendation letter and some organisations have policies that prohibit employees from endorsing former employees. The message to the referrer should be opened with clear cut i.e applying for position. Refresh the memory of any potential reference that has not been in touch for a long period. The letter should be closed with a word of appreciation.
  3. Making claims and requesting adjustments: companies often accept the customer's explanation of claims and adjustments. So the claims should be backed up with the invoices, sales receipts, and any other statements. The message should end with the remedy i.e refund or replacing the product or any specific action the customer expects to be done.

Sending routine replies and messages:

Strategy for sending replies:
  1. Starting up with main idea: opening up with the main idea makes or prepares the audience for the details that follow. The main idea should be clear and concise.
  2. Providing necessary details and explanation: The main objective of this step is not to leave audience with confusion and skeptical. In case of message with disappointing information, the negative portion should be written as favorable context as possible.
  3. Ending with a courteous close: The benefits which audience are going to get should be highlighted. The follow up actions and an expression of appreciation would enhance efficiency.

Examples of sending routine replies:

  1. Creating informative messages: In case of informative messages, the content should totally focus on reader's benefits and from the reader's perspective.
  2. Fostering goodwill: The prime opportunity of sending goodwill message is to congratulate individuals for company's significant achievements, success in non business competition, etc. If the reader is friendly, the tone can be personal.
  3. Sending message of appreciation: An important message quality is the ability to recognize the contributions of employees, suppliers, etc. A word of appreciation encourages further excellence. Specifically the person name should be mentioned who is being praised in this particular message to make it more effective.
  4. Offering condolences: Difficult task is to condolence someone through written form. In writing condolence message, it should begin with sympathy such as , in case of death,"I was deeply sorry to hear of your loss, and the body should include the positive contributions made by the deceased.


In closing , the best wishes can be offered. For making the condolence message more effective:
  1. Be tactful
  2. Keep reminiscences brief
  3. Mentioning about the specific qualities of the deceased.

How do you write a routine message?

Use the Direct Writing Approach to Make Routine Requests: Asking for Information or Action.
put the main idea (your request) first..
phrase your request as a question (eg How much is...) or as a polite command using please + an action verb (eg Please call…).
use a bulleted list for multiple requests or questions..

What is routine and positive messages?

Routine messages provide information regarding the who, what, when, where, why and how of daily happenings in the workplace. Positive messages are a type of communication that provides good news, acceptance or congratulations in the workplace.

What are the example of positive messages?

Positive messages tend to consist of routine or good news. These messages might be items such as congratulations, confirmations, directions, simple credit requests, or credit approvals. Also included in this category might be denials that are somewhat routine or expected.

What are the three parts in a routine message?

Like all other business messages, routine requests have three parts: an opening, a body, and a close. Using the direct approach, open with your main idea, which is a clear statement of your request. Use the body to give details and justify your request, then close by requesting specific action.