How does the use of Area Command facilitate the job of the incident Commander and agency officials

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Terms in this set [36]

What type of structure is established over several individual incidents?

a] ICP
b] Area Command
c] Incident Complex
d] Unified Command


In the context of incident management, complex incidents generally:

a] involve multi-jurisdictional efforts of more than one agency
b] involve one centralized agency and/or political jurisdiction
c] have few casualties
d] require minimal resources


___ is an organization that oversees the management of multiple incidents. Examples include 2 or more HM spills, fires, etc.

a] EOC
b] Incident Management Team
c] Unified Command
d] Area Command


How does the use of Area Command facilitate the job of the IC and agency officials?

a] Area Command communicates agency policies, priorities, constraints, and guidance to Incident Commanders implementation across all incidents.
b] Area Command determines the incident tactics, objectives, and strategies.
c] Establishing Area Command eliminates the need for a written delegation of authority.
d] Area Command replaces the incident-level ICS organizations and streamlines Incident Commander functions and tasks.


What is an advantage of activating an Area Command?

a] The role of the IC is shared by two or more persons.
b] Allows different agencies to work together.
c] Resolves the resource competition between incidents.
d] Incident tactics, objectives, and strategies are not necessary.


When should an Area Command be established?

a] When one major or complex incident is occurring.
b] When incidents are using similar and limited critical resources.
c] When incidents are expected to conclude in one Operational Period.
d] When life and property values are not at risk.


Which responsibility outlines an Area Command's primary function?

a] Establish facility use between various incidents
b] Ensure that Unified Command personnel assignments and organizations are appropriate.
c] Maintain contact with the President
d] Develop broad objectives for the affected area.


Assessing incidents and allocating resources are two of the three most critical responsibilities of the Area Commander. What is the third?

a] Directing operations
b] Establishing resource priorities
c] Writing the IAP
d] Communicating with the media


What is the delegated authority that directs the use of agency resources?

a] IAP
b] Coordination
c] Command
d] ICS Form 206, Resource Order Form


What term is a NIMS guiding principle that states everyone involved in incident management reports to and takes direction from only one person?

a] unity of command
b] unity of effort
c] chain of command
d] area command


MAC Groups are frequently defined ___, especially when an emergency crosses jurisdictional boundary.

a] functionally
b] geographically
c] nationally
d] federally


MAC Groups may be established by a/an ___ as part of its EOC function.

a] Governor
b] EOC Director
c] single jurisdiction
d] multiple jurisdiction


The Command and Coordination component of NIMS includes four NIMS Functional Groups: ICS, EOCs, and Joint Information Systems. What is the fourth?

a] MAC Groups
b] Area Command
c] Incident Command Team
d] Resource Allocation


What NIMS Functional Group integrates incident information and public affairs into a cohesive organization to provide coordinated and complete information before, during, and after incidents?

a] EOCs
b] Joint Information Systems
c] MAC Groups
d] ICS


Of the agencies listed, what decision-making agency may provide multiagency coordination?

a] Department Operations Centers [DOCs]
b] National Operations Center [NOC]
c] Dispatch centers
d] Crisis actions teams


From the list below, what location is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and sharing incident information?

a] Joint Field Office [JFO]
b] Joint Information Center [JIC]
c] Joint Operations Center [JOC]
d] Emergency Operations Center [EOC]


EOCs provide coordinated support to on-scene personnel, other EOCs, and ___.

a] agency officials
b] Unified Command
c] incident command
d] individual agencies


Why are MAC Groups established and organized?

a] To make policy-level decisions during incidents
b] To deconflict resources
c] To have one designated person to whom all report.
d] When incidents cross political jurisdictions.


When an incident complex is established over several individual incidents, what happens to the previously identified incidents?

a] The EOC establishes a specialized Planning Branch and begins directing planning activities.
b] They become branches or divisions within the Operations Section of the incident complex.
c] They become branches or divisions within the Planning Section of the incident complex.
d] Technical specialists are added to the Planning Section to provide better support throughout the planning process.


Which of the following factors are characteristic of a complex incident?

a] The incident involves a vehicle fire, an injured person, or a police traffic stop.
b] No written IAP is required.
c] The incident draws national media interest.
d] The incident can be handled with one or two resources with up to six personnel.


Why would an Area Command be activated during an incident?

a] Because multiple incidents are competing for similar resources.
b] Because multiple incidents do not have similar resource needs.
c] Because an incident expands to a large geographic region.
d] Because the incident is managed by several Incident Management Teams.


What is an advantage of using Area Command?

a] An Area Command is informal yet flexible and based on oral agreements between jurisdictions.
b] Allows the Incident Commanders to focus their attention on their incident objectives, strategies, and tactics.
c] Embodies the concept by which each person within an organization reports to one and only one designated person.
d] Serves as a Coordination Center from which to operate.


Regarding EOC and MAC Groups, what is an advantage of activating Area Command?

a] Increases responsibility
b] Shares resources
c] Maintains shared situational awareness
d] Expands coordination efforts


What type of activation should be considered when incidents will continue into the next Operational Period?

a] Area Command
b] Unified Command
c] Level 4
d] Level 5


Which responsibility outlines an Area Command primary function?

a] Provide federal authority for assigned incidents.
b] Determine contingency plans.
c] Establish critical medical priorities between various incidents.
d] Coordinate development of incident objectives and strategies for each incident.


During an Area Command activation, whose responsibility is it to set broad objectives and coordinate effective data communications?

a] EOC Director
b] Agency Administrator
c] IC
d] Area Commander


What is the exchange of information systematically among principals who have or may have a need to know certain information to carry out specific incident management responsibilities?

a] Coordination
b] Command
c] Delegation of authority
d] Operational Period Planning Cycle [Planning P]


In NIMS 2017, what term is broadened to include the Command and Coordination architecture for tactical coordination [ICS], operational support coordination [EOCs], policy level coordination [MAC Group] and their support through coordinated information [JIS]?

a] Multiagency Coordination System [MACS]
b] Resource Management
c] Communication and Information Management
d] EOCs


Multiagency coordination is commonly accomplished at different levels. In this example, how is the MAC Group organized?

Law enforcement agencies at local, State, and Federal levels establish a MAC Group to assist in coordinating response to major civil unrest or terrorist activity.

a] functionally
b] nationally
c] federally
d] geographically


Multiagency coordination is commonly accomplished at different levels. In this example, how is the MAC Group organized?

During wildfire season, a national MAC Group convenes at the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho.

a] functionally
b] nationally
c] federally
d] geographically


Command and Coordination component of NIMS includes four Functional Groups: EOCs, Multiagency Coordination Groups, and Joint Information Systems. What is the fourth?

a] Area Command
b] Incident Command System
c] Incident Management Team
d] Unified Command


What NIMS Functional Group consists of the processes, procedures, and tools to enable communication to the public, incident personnel, the media, and other stakeholders?

a] EOCs
b] Joint Information System
c] Multiagency Coordination Groups
d] ICS


Of the agencies listed, what operations/support agency may provide multiagency coordination?

a] Crisis action teams
b] Policy committees
c] Agency executives
d] EOCs


Which of these have the responsibility to support resource prioritization and allocation during incidents?

a] EOC
b] National Response Coordination Center
c] MAC Group
d] Joint Information Center


To improve interagency coordination, what organization within a Multi-Agency Coordination is applied when there is more than one agency with jurisdiction over an incident?

a] Unified Command
b] Area Command
c] Unity of Command
d] Unity of Effort


MAC Groups are formed for their decision-making elements, while EOCs are formed for ___.

a] public relations and political reasons
b] resource allocations
c] facilities and operations support
d] command and coordination


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What are the three most critical responsibilities of the area Commander?

The Area Command has the responsibility for: Setting overall strategy and priorities. Allocating critical resources according to the priorities. Ensuring that incidents are properly managed.

What does Area Command do?

Area Command: An organization that oversees the management of multiple incidents or oversees the management of a very large or evolving situation with multiple ICS organizations. See Unified Area Command.

What is the responsibility of the incident command system?

Has responsibility for ensuring incident safety, providing information services to internal and external stakeholders, and establishing and maintaining liaison with other agencies participating in the incident.

Which of the following is a responsibility of the Incident Commander?

The Incident Commander has overall responsibility for managing the incident by establishing objectives, planning strategies, and implementing tactics. The Incident Commander is the only position that is always staffed in ICS applications.

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