How many vanilla beans in 8 oz

When I make my vanilla extract at home, how many beans do I add to my spirits? 

The following chart will summarize what you need as a starting point. This is for single-fold extract. If you enjoy the added sweetness of double-fold extract, simply double the amount of beans. 


How were these numbers calculated?

The FDA says that for extract to be “Pure” you need 13.35oz of vanilla beans in every gallon of spirit. The FDA also says that the spirit needs to be at least 35% alcohol, which is 70 proof.

Using the FDA’s math, you need roughly .83oz of vanilla beans in every 8oz [1 cup] of spirits.

If you purchased your vanilla beans by the ounce, then the simple, rounded column above makes it easy to figure out how many beans to add to your spirits. It's easy to remember that 8oz of spirits is a cup, so use 1oz of vanilla beans in 1 cup of spirits. That method is easy to remember and will never let you down! 

Weighing the beans on a kitchen scale is always the best way to make sure you get the bean-to-spirit ratio accurately. However, if you don't have a scale you can estimate the weight by counting the number of beans. But there are drawbacks. 

On average, there are 6-8 vanilla beans in an ounce. [While this is “average”, larger vanilla beans may be just 1-3 beans/oz and smaller beans could be 15+ beans/oz.] As such, going by bean count alone is the least scientific way to make extracts because no two beans are the same size. We include average number of beans in this chart only because it is such a common question. We recommend bean weight, not bean count, for the most predictable outcome. 

The nice thing about making your own vanilla extract is that you can add more or less beans as you'd like. You can try different beans with different flavors. You can blend beans. You can try different spirits. Taste test your extracts regularly to make sure you like how the taste is developing. Most importantly: Have fun!

Here is a quick video of how to make vanilla extract in less than 10 minutes:

Visit our comprehensive extract-making guide center for more essential extract making tips and ongoing education.  

Making homemade vanilla extract is so easy. What’s more, it’s 100% pure; no synthetic chemicals or preservatives are used.

Homemade vanilla extract only requires two ingredients; whole vanilla beans and alcohol. Then, all you need is some patience as you leave the precious beans in a cool, dark place for a minimum of 6 weeks to percolate in the alcohol and release their gorgeous sweet, aromatic flavour. It’s best to leave the extract for 3 months to fully develop its flavour.

The question many people ask is how many beans do you need to make a divine bottle of single-fold vanilla extract? According to the US Food and Drug Administration [FDA], to be labelled pure single-fold vanilla extract the liquid must contain 13.35 ounces of natural vanilla beans in every gallon of alcohol. Commercial double-fold pure vanilla extract contains 23 ounces of vanilla beans per gallon of alcohol. The FDA recommends the spirit should be at least 35% alcohol [70 proof]. Ideally, 40% alcohol [80 proof] should be used.

Most bakers and chefs use vodka to make homemade vanilla extract because it has a neutral taste. For an added flavour boost, you can use white rum, brandy and bourbon.

For the home baker, the FDA requirements equal 0.10 ounces of vanilla beans in every 1 ounce of spirits. If you’re using average-sized vanilla beans, 6 to 8 beans equal one ounce. For plumper vanilla beans, 1 to 3 beans equal one ounce. For smaller vanilla beans, you’ll need 15 or more to make up one ounce.

If you prefer to use a cup measurement, the proportions are roughly 3 whole vanilla beans per 1 cup of spirit [80 proof]. Again, this depends on the size of the vanilla bean. It’s best to weigh your beans using a measuring scale to ensure you get the perfect beans-to-spirit ratio for single-fold vanilla extract. If you want a stronger vanilla flavour, double the beans you add to the same amount of alcohol for double-fold vanilla extract.

Here is a table that will help you get started making your own single-fold vanilla extract. Double the quantity of vanilla beans for double the flavour.

  • vanilla extract making

How many beans are in an ounce of vanilla beans?

If you're using average-sized vanilla beans, 6 to 8 beans equal one ounce. For plumper vanilla beans, 1 to 3 beans equal one ounce. For smaller vanilla beans, you'll need 15 or more to make up one ounce.

What is the ratio of vanilla bean to vanilla extract?

A Note About Conversion. If you need to swap one vanilla flavoring for another, we've found that 1/2 vanilla bean is the same as 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract or 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste.

How much does 1 vanilla bean weigh?

If you don't have a kitchen scale, use 'Number of Vanilla Beans' as a general estimate—the Number of Vanilla Beans assumes each beans weight 2.09 grams.

What is the equivalent of 1 vanilla bean?

As far as substitutions go, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract is equal to one 2-inch piece of vanilla bean, so 1 typical vanilla bean will equal 3 teaspoons extract.

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