HP Envy laptop shuts off randomly

Q: I have an HP Pavilion laptop with Windows 10. When composing emails, or creating documents in MS Word or Excel, my computer screen suddenly goes blank and then the system turns off. This can happen several times during the day. What's strange is that after I reboot, the computer takes me right back to where I was before the sudden shutdown. Any ideas what's going on and how to fix this? 

— Thomas A. Pombar, Vero Beach

A: Often, if a computer suddenly turns off, the issue has to do with the internal power supply. 

This is a hardware component that essentially converts the power provided from an outlet into power for the parts inside the computer's chassis. If the power supply is damaged or past its lifespan, then the system won't get the power it needs to run and will shut down repeatedly and unexpectedly during use.

Typically replacing the power supply solves this problem — and this can be done cheaply and easily either through a shop or by yourself.




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But you mention that when you reboot the system it takes you right back to where you were at the time of the shutdown. That means the system is not turning off but going into Sleep Mode without warning. 

That's a different problem altogether.

Sleep Mode is a Windows power-saving option that pauses your session for an indeterminate period of time. Often, you enable Sleep Mode if you are going to step away from the computer for a while and want to resume the tasks you were working on beforehand upon your return. 

Adjustments to Sleep Mode can be found in your Window Power and Sleep Settings. This can be accessed by clicking on the Cortana icon [the circle or search bar beside your Start Menu button] and typing "Power and Sleep Settings" into the bar that appears. 

Once there, review the settings before you and see if Sleep Mode has been set to launch after an extremely short period of inactivity, like one minute. If that's the case, simply adjust the setting to something more fitting of your needs, such as a 20 or 30 minutes of inactivity, and see if the problem continues.

On a similar note, some research also has indicated turning off the "Laptop Lid" setting may solve this problem. 

This is a setting that tells the computer to enter Sleep Mode if the chassis is open. Sometimes, this setting receives false positive notifications from its sensors [especially if you have a cell phone set near the computer] and causes the system to fall suddenly into Sleep Mode. Disabling the setting will stop this from happening. 

To do this, return to your Power Settings panel [following the same instructions as written above] and click on "Choose what closing the lid does" in the left column. [Please note: This setting is only available on Windows 10 laptops, not with Desktops.]

From there, look for a line reading "When I close the lid" and select "Do nothing" from the drop down list beside it. Click Save Change and then see if the problem repeats. 

If it does, or if your Sleep Mode settings appear normal, then turn the laptop over and see how dusty the underside is. Lots of dust may prevent the system from cooling itself, which in turn can cause it to overheat and enter Sleep Mode as a precautionary step.

Dust the computer well, let it cool for a little while [especially if it feels hot to you] and then see if the problem returns.

If it does, then consult a local technician for additional help. 

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Your HP Laptop shuts off randomly on battery power? Are you searching for methods to fix this annoying issue? Don’t Worry! You are not alone because we are providing the best techniques to resolve it.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise, shortly known as HP, is an American multinational company. It is the world’s best computer and its related peripherals manufacturing company.

Millions of users use HP desktops and laptops for both personal and commercial purposes. As HP users work conveniently, they also face some issues.

When the battery is On, the HP laptop automatically turns off. That’s why we came up with this post with several solutions. You can use them and resolve the HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly on Battery Power issue.

HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly On Battery Power: Problem Overview

Users who are using any branded laptops or desktops must face issues with their systems. Due to hardware or software problems, they encounter many errors while working on it.

Today, we will discuss how to fix the HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly on Battery Power. Here we will let you know the various reasons that make your system shut down while charging the battery.

Along with that, we are offering the best tips and tricks to completely solve the problem. Follow the instructions as we said to overcome this error.

First of all, read the reasons that cause this random shut off of your HP laptop.

  • Overheating
  • Battery issues
  • Hardware failures
  • Expired Battery Drivers
  • Virus infections
  • Power Supply problems
  • No frequent service of your laptop

If your HP laptop is facing this problem, then it might be any one of the above reasons. Want to know what happens when the laptop shuts down randomly on battery power?

You will not execute any programs when we switch on the charging. If you avoid charging your battery, then the laptop works until it finishes the entire battery time.

So, to overcome this shutdown problem, apply the given steps as listed in the below sections.

HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly On Battery Power: Related Problems

Go through the problems and solutions that are related to HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly on Battery Power.

Basic Troubleshooting Steps

The basic troubleshooting methods that can fix the HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly on Battery Power issue.

A device contains a motherboard, audio & video cards, and many other components. Due to several issues, the components get corrupted and arise hardware failures. Thus, the functioning of the system is disturbed.

The HP Laptop issues many errors whenever the hardware gets failed. One such problem is randomly shutting down on battery power. To fix this issue, check the laptop for hardware problems and repair it immediately to work smoothly.

When this technique didn’t help you, scroll down to the below steps.

What happens if the battery gets damaged or works improperly? You have to face various issues while starting or working on the laptop.

Simply the HP Laptop shuts off randomly on battery power. While charging the laptop, it turns off the system without any notification or warning messages.

One of the main reasons for this problem is the laptop battery. If it is removable, then remove it from the device. After that, check whether it is working correctly or not.

If there are no issues with the battery, jump to further troubleshooting methods.

Is the power supply to which your laptop charger connected is good? Does the power goes off or fluctuate due to low voltage issues? Then the user might face shutdown problems with their laptops.

If you notice any such power connection issues, then quickly correct them to continue your work on the laptop without any hurdles. Maintain the required voltage that a laptop needs to avoid damage to the battery and internal hardware components.

The user who can’t fix the HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly on Battery Power with these basic steps can go to the next section to apply the advanced methods.


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Steps To Fix HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly On Battery Power Issue

We would like to say that the user can definitely resolve the problem using the advanced troubleshooting steps given below. Check-out them and carefully execute the methods step-by-step.

Run Virus Scan

Viruses or malware threats completely damage the entire laptop or desktop. When the application is infected with a dangerous cyber threat, we can’t use it anymore on our systems.

Coming to another side, virus infections also lead to many other severe issues. The HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly on Battery Power also occurs due to malicious items that exist on the system.

That’s why we have to free up the laptop from viruses, malware, and other malfunctions. For that, we have to run the antivirus software.

Either we can use the Windows Defender or install the best antivirus apps on the HP laptop. You can set up the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or BullGuard Antivirus.

  1. After completing the installation process, run the full system scan.
  2. Thus, it shows the infected files, folders, and programs. You can repair or remove them entirely to fix the issue.
  3. Finally, restart the laptop, and thus, the error disappears.

Cool-down the HP Laptop

Due to excess use, the laptop gets overheat. At the same time, the system overheats when the temperature of the workplace is high.

Even there are some more reasons for the overheating of the laptop. They are the dust that is filled in the fan and hardware issues. If you have been using the laptop for so many years, then we will see this overheating problem.

In such a situation, we need to cool down and completely avoid the laptop to overheat.

For that, we have to apply the cooling paste on the processor. We suggest the user approach the repair persons for applying the cooling paste.

Also, purchase the cooling pad for your HP Laptop to avoid overheating issues. Before that, check whether the laptop fan is working perfectly or not.

Check the RAM

Did the RAM of your HP Laptop stop working? Then you will face various problems whenever we start or shutdown or work on the systems.

To check for RAM crashes, detach the RAM from its slot. Place it on another running system and see if it is working or not. Is the system does not show any problem? Then the problem is with the RAM.

Once see the slot and clean it thoroughly to avoid RAM issues. If the RAM is damaged, buy a new one and replace it.

Even after replacing also you see the same issue, the problem happens due to some other reason. Don’t worry! Follow the below sections to get more methods.

Service the Laptop Regularly

Just using the laptop and shutting it down after completing your work. Then we say that it is bad maintenance of your system. If you continue like this, one day you will have to face severe consequences.

Some of the problems you might encounter are overheating, sudden shutdown, slow down of the PC performance, etc.

Thus, we clearly say that the HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly on Battery Power occurs due to the non-servicing of the system for a long time.

To fix this problem, regularly service the laptop by cleaning it internally and externally. Thus, it shows a higher performance and will not generate any errors.

Remove and Insert the Battery

As the laptop keeps shutting down randomly on battery power, you have to check the battery. Make sure that the battery is in good condition.

If the laptop you are using is older, then the battery does not work effectively. Some users will plug the charger and leave it even after it reaches 100%. The excess and repeated charging of the laptop will damage the batteries.

For that, remove the battery [for removable batteries] from the laptop and clean that area. After that, insert it properly and restart the system.

In case of a damaged battery, purchase a new battery, and replace it. Thus, the HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly on Battery Power is fixed.


Update Battery Drivers

The users are well aware that the expired device drivers damage the entire system. In some cases, the hardware components stop working. That’s the reason why we have to upgrade the drivers with the latest versions. For that,

  1. Open the Device Manager by typing devmgmt.msc in the Run box.

  2. After that, identify the batteries and expand it.
  3. Select the Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery and right-click on it.
  4. Choose the Update Driver option.

  5. Click the Search automatically for the updated driver software option.

  6. Just go through the on-screen steps to complete the driver update process.
  7. Now, reboot the laptop and see the error is resolved or not.

Uninstall & Re-install Battery Drivers

Still, you face the same issue after updating the battery drivers? Then uninstall and re-install them freshly.

  1. Open the Device Manager and select the Batteries.

  2. Now, double-click on it and choose the ACPI drivers.
  3. From the right-click context menu, click the Uninstall Drivers option.

  4. Go through some instructions and finish the uninstallation task.
  5. Restart the HP laptop. Windows will automatically install the latest battery drivers immediately after startup.

By this, the laptop will not shut down when the battery power is on.


Tips To Avoid HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly On Battery Power Issue

  • If you want to totally avoid this HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly on Battery Power, then scan the system to remove the viruses.
  • Be very sure that there are no hardware and power supply failures. If so, clear the issues quickly before it’s too late.
  • Clean the laptop regularly or service it with fixed time periods to escape from all these types of issues.

Contact Official Support

Finally, this post will solve the HP Laptop Shutdown problems when we charge the battery. It is very crucial and important to solve the issue as soon as possible.

According to our research on this problem, we listed out the best techniques. You will definitely overcome the error and work smoother without any issues.

If in case the problem still persists on your HP laptop, we suggest you visit the official forums and communities. Even though you can’t get any perfect fixes, then contact the HP technical support team.

Tell the problem clearly and get a solution from them either through emails or live chat.

Final Words: Conclusion

On the whole, the HP laptop users can benefit a lot through this technical guide. We can say that maintaining the system properly, such as removing viruses, repairing hardware issues, and others, will improve the performance.

If none of the methods solve the issue, then check for the latest Windows updates. At the same time, update the BIOS to fix these types of shut down problems.

By this, no errors will occur, including this HP Laptop Shuts Off Randomly on Battery Power. Moreover, the technical users who solved this issue with any other method can share it with us.

Visit our website to get in touch with more technical guides. If you like the post, then please share it. We welcome your valuable comments and suggestions on this post.

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