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Anonymous INDIE LIVE EXPO 2024 05/25/24[Sat]06:35:15

INDIE LIVE EXPO 2024 Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]06:35:15 [Reply]

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:01

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:01

\>casual shaming


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:06

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:06

What's even your proposed solution? For Steam to create a Quality Assurance Committee™ and only games that get a Passing Quality Grade™ can be published there? Or for them to not recommend people games that are popular?


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:31

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:31

\>we were told to show the boss KEK


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:46

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:46

They will dumb down the difficulty after this stream.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:11

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:11

Well it's not like their chances were that great even back when Next Fest wasn't crowded before. For every single game that anons propped up in the Next Fest threads, there were a dozens more at the very bottom of the featured list that had wishlists and follows in the single digits. Game dev and marketing is hard.

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:37:02

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:37:02 [Reply]

So is this good or just the same as genshin?

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:02:47

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:02:47

why don't japenis people just make a game that's cool and fun and has cute anime girls but without gachashit?


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:03:47

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:03:47

The fluid movement and combat is a welcome change to other games that feel slow and clunky in comparison. It's refreshing to see the developer improving on features from both Genshin and Breath of the Wild.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:05:19

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:05:19

I won't spoil the environmental storytelling, but there is quite an a-ha moment if you aren't paying attention.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:10:23

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:10:23

the bots are on a roll in this thread


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:16

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:16

\>why don't businessmen make less money instead of more? Retard.

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:56:07

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:56:07 [Reply]

double exp in a few hours Who wants to do a Red Mountain raid?

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:58:46

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:58:46

i met a nice fellow called gaenor and he offered to trim my ebony armor well, he seemed a trustworthy sort so i let him take it its going to look so swag walking around with my ebony [g] armor i'm just going to stand in this spot for 72 hours until he logs back in


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:00:49

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:00:49

\>Start playing \>First real quest gives me a mission marker at some steampunk ruins where I'm supposed to find some cube \>Keep killing mobs inside over and over but it never fucking drops WTF is this horseshit? What's even the drop chance on this shit?


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:12:49

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:12:49

Are you sure you're killing the right mob? I think it's some unique rare spawn. He has an 8 hour timer.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:09

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:09

\>quest marker how to spot a faggot


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:15

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:15

Not if I steal this

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:28:38

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:28:38 [Reply]

are intel GPUs a meme?

6 Replies / 2 ImagesView Thread

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:47:14

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:47:14

Much better than Amd sir


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:48:36

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:48:36

I've never heard of anyone using these so I guess? But as a consequence I've never heard anything negative about them either


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:57:12

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:57:12

Intel is a meme in general.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:08:43

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:08:43


Arc 380 = RX 6500XT Arc 580 = RX 6600 Arc 770 = RX 6600XT

Yet Intel's GPUs are cheaper and have more VRAM [which means better futureproofing].


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:15

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:15

Techpowerup actually has those Intel cards bench a lot faster than the AMD ones.

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:52:47

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:52:47 [Reply]

Only by completing Boss Challenge on Hard can you become a true Stellar Blader.

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:07:00

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:07:00

At least 2B's game was good and worth playing even if there was zero fanservice in it.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:08:18

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:08:18

If that's true then why didn't I play it?


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:08:18

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:08:18


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:11:51

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:11:51

Reminder that they only uncensored two costumes. The game is still censored and even the new additional costume is censored. Keep pressuring them into fixing all the costumes.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:15

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:15

\>At least 2B's game was good and worth playing Stellar Blade is a better game than Nier Automata.

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]05:37:40

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]05:37:40 [Reply]

\>/v/ likes infinite healing items baka desu senpai.

81 Replies / 11 ImagesView Thread

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:07

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:07

I still beat the game and loved it, so no, it didn't filter me.

\>walking around a world to explore? \>finding items to help you survive?

Yes, I love these two things, and don't just want boss fights. What I don't like is having to kill the same enemies in the same place over and over for vital items. This is Demon's Souls, not an old school RPG like Dragon Quest where you push through a dungeon so you can hopefully make it to the next town and recover. That's what made Estus so great, it guaranteed you'd have some healing, but not enough to guarantee complete safety. You still had to complete a trip under X amount of mistakes [The amount of mistakes, increased, by finding an item in the world that helps you survive. Very fucking simple.]


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:42

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:42

\>What I don't like is having to kill the same enemies in the same place over and over for vital items Have you considered getting good?


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:04

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:04

it's actually a good solution to the ass cancer that is farming old rpgs for healing items that fill up your inventory there are still limited healing items, way better than estus but estus is there for you if you can't find any


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:17

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:17



Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:15

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:15

So basically lifegems? Dark Souls 2 won again who could've expected that hehe...

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]05:20:59

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]05:20:59 [Reply]

Design a better version of this game.

203 Replies / 29 ImagesView Thread

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:08:30

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:08:30

I feel you, anon. Merula is the perfect witchfu. I also like Cassandra Vole from Magic Awakened...but she's also got the privilege of being part Veela, so go figure that she's attractive. What house are you? I'm Ravenclaw.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:12:04

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:12:04

When did I ever say I never read them anon. Also, what makes you so upsetti about someone not liking the things you like? It's like your a woman.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:13:33

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:13:33

Nice try nigger. I called you a movie only fag and you didn't object until 5 posts after when you desperately tried to come out with another excuse. You opinion literally doesn't matter. You didn't experience the thing you're talking about.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:48

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:48

\>ummm you didn't respond to my gay insult! \>checkmate! Kek. You definitely act like a woman. No wonder you like Harry Potter so much. So when did you Troon out? How many deatheater tats did you get?


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:13

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:13

Never got into Magic Awakened. It was only ever a pipe dream when I was active, but I was never concerned with it anyway. Technically, I should be Ravenclaw, but I chose Slytherin so I could be in Merula's house in Hogwarts Mystery. Christ that feels like so long ago, but, whatever. she's still the strongest.

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:28:19

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:28:19 [Reply]

Why is it so hard to settle on a personality everyone likes?

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:35:41

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:35:41

I want to have sex with movie Sonic, the only Sonic I ever felt that way about.

That has to count for something.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:39:56

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:39:56

Okay I didn’t need to know that


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:50:18

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:50:18

\>he gets weirded out by shit posted on /v/


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:55:43

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:55:43

because when you try to please anyone that means you have no artistic vision so it's more likely that you will fail pleasing anyone


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:10

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:10

Japan and the west simply have fundamentally different types of stories that they prefer for characters like Sonic. In the west, it's not uncommon for stories to consist of animal characters who are treated as normal characters within the context of the story. This is probably to help humans from different cultures to project onto the characters: they're not English or French or Italian or German so it's easy for those stories to spread. In Japan stories involving supernatural creatures always has one or more human characters in the central role, and the supernatural creatures' roles in the story revolve around how they affect the humans. This is not uncommon with older folk stories in Europe, but differs in that it's exclusively how folk stories are in Japan. So this is why the preferred Japanese Sonic story is something like the storybook games, or X, or 06, because they revolve around how Sonic affects a human or humanlike character's development.

Anonymous Black Samurai in Japan? 05/25/24[Sat]08:09:18

Black Samurai in Japan? Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:09:18 [Reply]

From the studio that brought you black Vikings, here's your new Assassin's Creed game! Is this a problem chud? You're still going to pay $79.99 + tax and tip for the game, right?

2 Replies / 1 ImageView Thread


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:13:07

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:13:07

that's really high quality kek


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:10

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:10

The nigja looks like george floyd

Anonymous MADNESS: Project Nexus 05/25/24[Sat]00:39:09

MADNESS: Project Nexus Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]00:39:09 [Reply]

What does /v/ think of this game? Discussion of Madness: Project Nexus [Classic] is also welcome.

66 Replies / 23 ImagesView Thread

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:02:42

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:02:42

You get a corpus block when you learn a core skill related to the origins specialty with the exception of the noob origin.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:03:09

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:03:09

They are looking for alternative ways to satiate his boner


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:06:28

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:06:28

They gonna end up like deimos


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:10:43

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:10:43

Deimos isn't a fag.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:09

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:09

They gonna end up like deimos as in they will be targeted by the Auditors petty hate boner and also because deimos was once a agent

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]06:49:36

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]06:49:36 [Reply]

Wow, this is really deep

78 Replies / 16 ImagesView Thread

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:41

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:41

\>lizards: prefer dry \>salamanders: die if dry One is earth element and the other is water element. Isnt this what you faggots should be good at remembering?


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:10

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:10

If one can't be "too young" to transition then one can't be \>too young to work \>too young to pay taxes \>too young to have sex or watch porn \>too young to be imprisoned for crimes \>too young to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or take drugs [in countries where it's legal in the first place] \>too young to gamble [you have no idea how much corporations want this] Meaning that even 2 years olds should be ""allowed"" to drink hard alcohol instead of milk. The entire concept falls apart if anyone spends a single minute to think about it.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:26

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:26

haha don't be crazy that couldn't be \>people in the life sim game have no necks


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:44

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:44

Wasps mark you as an enemy so their peers attack Projecting human emotions onto that is just make believe


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:07

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:07

Fuck you nigger.

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]01:59:35

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]01:59:35 [Reply]

I have no friends /v/ What video game should I make my friend for the next month or so

90 Replies / 26 ImagesView Thread

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:03:01

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:03:01

Man, i just want to make some actual friends or something but these threads are always so infuriatingly fucking gay. How do you expect people to share steam accounts with people like that.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:06:36

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:06:36

Where do you think you are faggot?


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:07:55

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:07:55

i liked this one a lot. Its a new short game with a very unique spin for turn based jrpg. Very nice stylized art and really heavy emphasis on character interactions with comedic DnD dice toll bits. Has been my favourite rpg since F&H1.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:13:10

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:13:10

Anyone got a cord that isn't full of aisloppers?


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:07

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:07

How can you have so many social outcast, conservative, racists in one place an also have so many of them be unironic faggots.

Anonymous State of ffxiv 05/25/24[Sat]05:06:56

State of ffxiv Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]05:06:56 [Reply]

what are your thoughts on the state of the game? which player demographic is more to blame for your concerns? are you already giving up on 7.0 being good like the developers did for the combat system, or do you still have hope for its content?

260 Replies / 46 ImagesView Thread

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:21

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:21

We can guess what will happen in the future in this instance because there is precedent for those changes in the past. They are connected. This is called pattern recognition. It's the innate superpower of white people. Holy fuck speaking to browns is exhausting.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:29

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:29

What is wrong with you people, can't you appreciate some cute feet?


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:59

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:59

\>Some tiny QoL tweaks happen \>this somehow means no more content updates Go back to >>>/x/ with your schizo theories


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:17

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:17

There is clearly a huge fucking trench between UI improvements based on popular mods and the shit modbeasts do. And you're retarded if you're trying to compare them or go for some slippery slope angle here.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:05

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:05

\>Now tell me why Dawntrail has more content than every expansion before if he's catering to modbeasts? Again, we are speaking about the future here. Not past decisions. We are talking about the priorities of the developers in the FUTURE if the game's demographic and thus its own priorities continues to shift. Dawntrail has more content than ever because the playerbase wanted it and Yoshida gave it to them. And then at fanfest he was visibly shocked about how more people cared about dyes than content. So now his perception has changed. Let me repeat, we are not talking about the past. We are talking about the future. Not past. The future.

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]02:30:57

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]02:30:57 [Reply]

\>Akuma came out \>Nobody gives a shit I mean, you can't say SF6 was a flop [even though I'm certain it was supposed to be much, MUCH bigger], but the apathy is stunning, you don't even get the SFV type contingent who shit on the game because they cared and wanted it to be better. What went wrong?

320 Replies / 59 ImagesView Thread

315 replies and 58 images omitted. Click here to view.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:10:37

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:10:37

it just sucks that it got memed to hard that capcom literally removed them from the series along with all of the actual strategy around combo routing beyond meter burn.

aside from a few poor design choices [which were all vanilla characters because vanilla was jank and they didn't know what kind of game they were making] you really didn't *need* to learn those links at all unless you wanted to become a tourneyfag. but having hard execution in your game gives you things to actually improve upon instead of learning a week 1 bnb and then doing nothing else for the next 5 years, and when your game keeps going as long as sf4 did, having a high ceiling because very beneficial to both players and spectators, that is where a big part of the actual player retention in fighting games comes from. not having hard combos is like having a mario game where the difficulty caps at world 3 and mandating for that to be the ceiling for all future mario games


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:11:30

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:11:30

\>what about OD fireball, or his OQ qcb move Just tested both. volcano punches don't setup into it. but OD fireball does. if you block it point blank and he demons afterwards you can't avoid it. Nice find. There's probably other ones he can do too. Just have to find them.

mashing the input is literally easier than doing it normally.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:13:21

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:13:21

\>SF6 animation and vfx are god tier Holy shit this is the end of fighting games. These zoomers really think that shit looks good. Every other SF had better animations and fx. SF6's is one of the worst. They should have definitely reused the ones from SFV like Tekken did.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:48

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:48

\>kekken \>animation lmao absolute peak of irony


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:04

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:04

\>SF4 being treated as this foundational game Nobody says that SF2 is the foundation game, If anything SF4 brought a new renaissance for the genre, so much that MK and KoF copied the 2.5D and here we are with 2.5D being the new normal. The retarded thing with SF4 is it catered heavy to fighting game fans, hardcore fighting game players. When really, like SF2, it should have been catering to casual players, just pick up and play. Even now SF6 the inputs with shit is still retarded, despite being so liniment. It should be more lenient. Like akuma if I want to bash HP,MP,MP LK wile wiggling the Dpad down and left his fucking target combo and tatsu should just fucking come out anyway. the only reason for there to be any sort of timing frame link rhythm is just for an arbitrary burden on the player. Not that I have an issue but people who just want to pick up and play should be able to do the shit they want to do without having to practice for ages. And I am not talking about faggy modern controls, 1 button specials and auto combos being the answer either. The real answer is 6 buttons and if I want to press HK into HP, MP,LP LK, into a DP it should just fucking work. Instead SF has limits in what can and cannot go into and what can or cannot be cancelled into a special. Its antiquated.

Anonymous Persona 3 Reload 05/25/24[Sat]06:01:47

Persona 3 Reload Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]06:01:47 [Reply]

\>Game starts \>gloomy sickly green hue and coffins suddenly appear everywhere \>MC isn't bothered the slightest.. because he's le edgy? first time I dropped a game after only 20 minutes

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:55:03

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:55:03

In the movie adaptation the MC suggests that he’s been experiencing the Dark Hour for a significant time prior to the game. In game dialogue options do not suggest that, however. It’s mostly fine though because the character is written to be a stone cold aloof dude who isn’t phased, which is why he’s a natural leader.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:05:29

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:05:29

He literally said he thought it was normal. His parents and the day he got his power was when he was 5 years old.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:13:34

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:13:34

it's been a decade and then some since I played it but I'm pretty sure that the game explains to you that he's been experiencing the dark hour since the accident


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:33

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:33



Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:03

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:03

\>MC isn't bothered the slightest.. because he's a silent protagonist Fixed it. You dodged a bullet though because the game is pretty mid.

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]06:13:15

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]06:13:15 [Reply]

unplayable without a guide

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:19

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:19


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:54

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:54

it's so goofy that they never criticize any of the actual flaws with the game and instead rant about nonsense


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:56

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:56

just to clarify, by "realised it was shit" I mean dual uchis are shit


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:56

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:56

\>will get the worst ending But which endings are good or bad is completely subjective. Also, games used to have stuff you weren't meant to find on the first playthrough. Stop being a casual.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:02

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:16:02

? Just get the weapons you want and upgrade them as high. It's weapon range + level range

Anonymous The Elder Scrolls VI 05/24/24[Fri]22:32:44

The Elder Scrolls VI Anonymous 05/24/24[Fri]22:32:44 [Reply]

Hopes? Fears? Expectations?

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Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:52:59

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:52:59

\>Hopes? A fantasy life sim with hardcore elements and exploration, just as Daggerfall envisioned. \>Fears? Exploration takes a backseat to everything else. \>Expecations? That I'll set the bar very low and it will somehow still underperform.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:55:38

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:55:38

Dunno, I don't play toddslop.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:59:53

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:59:53

\>no more radiant quest bullshit because clearing out the same dungeon or constantly saving your wife from bandits gets annoying after the second time \>never doing the starfield procedual exploration again where you see the same dungeon on every planet \>either having no base building or actually putting effort into making base building fun and rewarding \>having actual dialogue trees \>having your character build matter instead of allowing your character to max out every skill given a grind


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:10:38

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:10:38

\>having your character build matter instead of allowing your character to max out every skill given a grind You want restrictions, because you choose to do something you don't like? I've spent 50-100 hours on very specialized characters in Skyrim, and had a great time. I've also deviated early on from my initial plans, and was glad to have freedom in character building.

Limitations would be stupid.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:56

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:56

hopes? \>no pozz fears? \>giga pozz expectations? \>pozzed

Anonymous Devs says Dataminers are cring[...] 05/25/24[Sat]07:12:08

Devs says Dataminers are cringe Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:12:08 [Reply]

Do you concur, /v/? I do. Getting surprises ruined by datamining nerds is always cringe.

61 Replies / 9 ImagesView Thread

56 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:12:11

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:12:11

Yep. I fucking loathe Dataminers.

They've ruined MMO's. Until the Dataminer issue is figured out, MMO's will continue to be awful.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:12:32

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:12:32

ARGs, continual slow pace news drips, and puzzle-laced reveals are nothing more than "games as a service" mechanics but without the actual game attached to them. I play games, not load software up every day to find clues on what might or might not occur for a game.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:12:39

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:12:39

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Spoilers Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:06

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:14:06

For the most part, I agree. I'm the kind of person that hates getting spoiled and will usually stop using the internet for weeks before a game I'm interested releases, so imo dataminers suck and them ruining any kind of surprise for everybody weeks before a game comes out is shit. But at the same time there are a small handful of situations where they revealed some scummy shit like on-disc DLC and the devs should know by now how these people operate. So just take the extra bit of effort it requires to not put NEWCHARATER.txt in the game's files that is also filled with dialogue for more incoming characters and 3D models.

You can even have fun and fuck with dataminers. Don't remember the game, but there was one where the devs had text files and the announcer record a character select name reading for every character in the franchise so dataminers didn't actually know which of those characters would be added in later down the line.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:55

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:55

\>datamining and reading 25 wiki pages and 300 reddit threads is the only way to figure out how to take the poopshit to assland bravo

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]04:22:51

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]04:22:51 [Reply]

No gamedev thread? Here's a gamedev thread. How's your game going, /v/? Show those AAA devs that you mean business!

43 Replies / 9 ImagesView Thread

38 replies and 9 images omitted. Click here to view.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:50:58

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:50:58

That is insanely pathetic.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:59:18

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]07:59:18

Blueprints are plenty fine for performance on like 90% of your game if you have good coding practice. \>don't hard reference things that don't need to be \>don't run EVERYTHING on tick \>smart use of timers \>good structure/organization Blueprint is only "slow" because c++ is insanely fast in comparison. It's still pretty fast unless you are using loops. Loops suck in blueprints unless they are like >

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:04:29

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:04:29

Basically any function that needs to loop many times that is not already a blueprint node. Example you are making a RPG or a card game, the game logic should be C++. There is absolutely no difference in performance between a few nodes in a blueprint and C++.


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:13:39

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:13:39

Great to know, I assume having a blueprint call a custom C++ function that's heavier would be the way to go about that

I'll read more on the references but off the bat I have a question : if I already have BP SomethingA loaded, in the world or w/e, hard referencing it would not "reload" it? Or what's the best practice for referencing an already existing instanced BP from other BPs


Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:54

Anonymous 05/25/24[Sat]08:15:54

Adding onto these, let me give you a very crucial piece of advice

You do not want to care about performance [mostly]. The most important thing for you as an indie developer is getting shit done. You want to make everything in the way that is quickest/easiest for you while keeping good coding practice in mind. Don't do the really stupid shit you know will run terribly, but do not nitpick and obsess over your code. Worry about performance when it starts to run like shit, then you can port the problem code into c++ near the end of your development so it runs nice and pretty. You will escape the optimization autism vortex this way and avoid being demotivated. Godspeed.

What is V

/v/ is 4chan's video games board. The board has spawned multiple Internet memes, most notably the NPC Wojak in 2016 [derived from the gaming term non-player character to describe those who do not think for themselves or make their own conscious decisions].null4chan - › wikinull

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