Hướng dẫn hack camera interfere in sleeping dog definitive edition

I see most of the gamers having issues hacking security cameras in Sleeping Dogs so I decided to upload a sleeping dogs security camera hack for you guys.

So There is 4 digit placeholder and you have to put 4 unique numbers for your hack. So now do as I suggest. First, start hacking with 2- 4–6–8. see number 2 is unique for this hack but it is in the wrong placeholder. and number 4–6–8 is incorrect for this security camera hack, looks understandable is it, clear guys?

Now 2 is a unique digit so we have to find other 3 unique digits for this hack. Now we have to find the other 3 unique and correct numbers for this hack and before we place digit 2 in its right placeholder.

So let's put 5–7–9 instead of 4–6–8, and we got a unique digit 5 and also its already placed in its right placeholder. But the other 2 digits 7–9 are totally incorrect for this hack.

Let’s try the remaining numbers in this hack, let me put 1–3 and you can see the result 3 is a unique digit and already placed in its right place.

Simple. No matter what, do 9876 first then 0123 second if some of these go yellow put em in a different spot.

It is more like trial by error. Soon you will get the hand of it.

If you start with 0123, and progres in steps of 1, ie first attempt = no result, try 4567, then 890*. Ie, You will have all of the numbers in under 3 attempts, most probably 2. As you get each number yellow [or even green], you shift the pattern up by a single digit. ie 0123 [3 goes yellow, 012 is red.] 3456 [3 remains yellow, 5 goes green, 4 and 6 remain red] 7358 [3 and 5 are green, 7 and 8 will be at least 1 yellow.]

It's almost guarenteed to have the combination within the allowed guesses. The fact they [the developers] didn't allow multiples reduces the number of possibilities by an astronomical number.

не могу запустить игру. всё вроде установил. подскажите что за....


30 Jan, 2013 @ 12:04pm

everyone has a pattern they use to guess, personally i start with 9,7,5,3 then if none worked ill go 8,6,4,2... by then your usually done cuz the only 2 numbers left are 1 and 0


21 Apr, 2019 @ 3:22am

Originally posted by :

If you start with 0123, and progres in steps of 1, ie first attempt = no result, try 4567, then 890*. Ie, You will have all of the numbers in under 3 attempts, most probably 2. As you get each number yellow [or even green], you shift the pattern up by a single digit. ie 0123 [3 goes yellow, 012 is red.] 3456 [3 remains yellow, 5 goes green, 4 and 6 remain red] 7358 [3 and 5 are green, 7 and 8 will be at least 1 yellow.]

It's almost guarenteed to have the combination within the allowed guesses. The fact they [the developers] didn't allow multiples reduces the number of possibilities by an astronomical number.

Thanks bro.Your trick worked..

Originally posted by :

If you start with 0123, and progres in steps of 1, ie first attempt = no result, try 4567, then 890*. Ie, You will have all of the numbers in under 3 attempts, most probably 2. As you get each number yellow [or even green], you shift the pattern up by a single digit. ie 0123 [3 goes yellow, 012 is red.] 3456 [3 remains yellow, 5 goes green, 4 and 6 remain red] 7358 [3 and 5 are green, 7 and 8 will be at least 1 yellow.]

It's almost guarenteed to have the combination within the allowed guesses. The fact they [the developers] didn't allow multiples reduces the number of possibilities by an astronomical number.

but what do you do if you get one of them correct the first time how do you complete it


25 Aug, 2019 @ 10:27pm

Originally posted by :

If you start with 0123, and progres in steps of 1, ie first attempt = no result, try 4567, then 890*. Ie, You will have all of the numbers in under 3 attempts, most probably 2. As you get each number yellow [or even green], you shift the pattern up by a single digit. ie 0123 [3 goes yellow, 012 is red.] 3456 [3 remains yellow, 5 goes green, 4 and 6 remain red] 7358 [3 and 5 are green, 7 and 8 will be at least 1 yellow.]

It's almost guarenteed to have the combination within the allowed guesses. The fact they [the developers] didn't allow multiples reduces the number of possibilities by an astronomical number.
but what do you do if you get one of them correct the first time how do you complete it

If you have a number correct on the first time, then just leave the digit there.And try other places..

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