Iridium reverse playlist

how to reverse a youtube playlist order,how to play youtube playlist in reverse order

what is the youtube playlist?

Playlist on youtube it basically a group of videos and everyone on youtube platform can create, edit, and share playlists whether he is a youtube channel owner or a youtube user who just watches videos.

How to create a youtube playlist?.

To create a youtube playlist on your youtube channel you need just to follow these steps:

Creating a Youtube Playlist for Channel Owners.

  • Fist, go to your channel [Youtube Studio].
  • On the left side, choose Playlists and you will be redirected to a new page.
  • On the new page, you will find all of your playlist [If you have], and to create a new playlist just click on "New playlist".
  • Choose a name for your playlist, and select Public if you want to share it directly, or you can choose Private.
  • Click on Create and your playlist will be created.
  • If you want to edit the playlist, just choose which one and click edit, after that, add or delete videos from it.

Creating a Youtube Channel for Youtube User.

On the last Update, Playlist created automatically for users who don't have a channel and they don't share videos, and it will be created according to the number of Video Views.

But you can create your own playlist if you want, just follow these steps:

  • First, you should be login on youtube with a Gmail account.
  • Select a video that you want to add it to the new playlist, and click on the 3 points Next to the video and select save to playlist.
  • after that, a new page will appear to you and it has all the playlist you have, but in this case, you don't have anyone :'[.
  • Choose to Create a new playlist below.
  • Add your playlist name and privacy and click create.

How to delete a youtube playlist on mobile and desktop?.

Some times, You need to delete a playlist, and to do that just follow these tips:

  • On youtube Studio, click on Playlist, and you will be redirected to the same new page.
  • Select the specified playlist and click on edit.
  • You will be faced with a new page [Playlist Options], and bellow the title click on the three points, and select Delete.

how to reverse a youtube playlist on Pc and Smartphone?.

If you want to reverse a youtube playlist, unfortunately, you can't do that directly on youtube if you are not the playlist owner.

But there are some Methods to do that, you can Recognize them bellow.

1. Play Back Loop website.

This site 'Playback loop' can help you reversing youtube playlists, and to do it you need first to copy the URL of the playlist that you want to reverse, then open theplaybackloopsite and past the link there.

Next the Video title, you will find a box on the right, through it you can inverse the playlist, and you need just to change it from "Oldest first to newest first" and all of the videos on the playlist will be inversed.

[You can Use This site on Your Phone]

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2. iridium extension.

The iridium extension is more helpful than the playbackloop site because you don't have to copy the link and change the website.

all that you have to do is downloading the extension and install it on your browser [Mozilla Firefox or google chrome] and Enjoy.

iridium Features:

  • Playing videos in a pop-out window
  • Turning off the 60fps option
  • Allowing advertisements only in videos from your subscribed channels
  • Reversing any playlist on youtube
  • Taking video screenshots and save them on your computer
  • Viewing and saving videos thumbnail.

Download Iridium for YouTube Extension For Free

3. Reverse Youtube Playlist Extension

Another Extension that may help you to 'reverse the youtube playlist' and this is its name Xd.

You can download it from google extension store easily, just follow thislink.

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