Lightroom báo lỗi some export operations were not performed năm 2024

I have been exporting to my hard drive for years without any problems. This occurred after updating to Windows 10 and possibly a Lightroom update. I have two computers with Lightroom CC on it, both with windows 10 and the latest Lightroom updates. The other one works fine and the export settings in both Lightroom's are identical. I use the other Lightroom for practice and trying new things but it doesn't have my catalog on it, nor do I want it there [so I don't want to use that one].

I am excited to upload some pictures I took with my new Sigma 150-600 contemporary so any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue would be great. [forums were no help]

Aug 6, 2015 08:35:16 #

I have not seen the problem before . . .

If you right click on an image and Choose "Export to DNG" does this work instead of using the "Export" > Export to Hard Drive" and choosing file type DNG?

Aug 6, 2015 10:12:43 #

Revet Loc: Fairview Park, Ohio

Searcher wrote:

I have not seen the problem before . . .

If you right click on an image and Choose "Export to DNG" does this work instead of using the "Export" > Export to Hard Drive" and choosing file type DNG?

I convert to jpeg on export so that I can post them here or in Nikonites, emails, etc. Wouldn't Export to DNG export a DNG, not a jpeg?? I tried it anyhow and it did not work. Error message was different though "no rendered photo exists on disk". Maybe that error message will help

Aug 6, 2015 11:15:20 #

Ok, go the the Library and in grid view, look at the images. Is there an exclamation mark or a small patterned area in the grey border top right hand corner?

also, Right click on an image in the Library, choose "Show in Explorer". Did this work properly? [Explorer opens and shows the image].

Aug 6, 2015 13:14:11 #

Revet Loc: Fairview Park, Ohio

Searcher wrote:

Ok, go the the Library and in grid view, look at the images. Is there an exclamation mark or a small patterned area in the grey border top right hand corner?

also, Right click on an image in the Library, choose "Show in Explorer". Did this work properly? [Explorer opens and shows the image].

No exclamation mark or patterned area. Yes, Show in Explorer works.

Aug 6, 2015 13:23:20 #

Aug 6, 2015 13:38:49 #

Revet Loc: Fairview Park, Ohio

Thanks!!! I will let you know how it goes

Aug 6, 2015 13:43:20 #

Revet wrote:

Thanks!!! I will let you know how it goes

Be sure to click the link on the website regarding LR 6

Aug 6, 2015 15:18:09 #

Revet Loc: Fairview Park, Ohio

Resetting the Preferences did not help

Aug 6, 2015 16:10:47 #

Clutching at straws:

Change the destination folder and retry.

Does a Save As from Photoshop work OK?

Aug 6, 2015 18:59:09 #

Erik_H Loc: Denham Springs, Louisiana

Interesting, I'm running Win 10 and have the latest updates to LR and PS [as of yesterday] and everything works fine. I tried export to DNG and also exporting from the dialog box and changing file type to DNG. You're not running LR on both machines at the same time are you? Don't know if that would make a difference, but I'd look into it.

Aug 6, 2015 20:54:21 #

Revet Loc: Fairview Park, Ohio

Searcher wrote:

Clutching at straws:

Change the destination folder and retry.

Does a Save As from Photoshop work OK?

I tried that and low and behold it did not work but it gave me a more useful error message saying I did not have permission. I did not understand that because I was signed in as an administrator. I gave the homegroup users permission and all works fine in both Lightroom and PS now. Thanks for your help!!

Aug 7, 2015 06:13:24 #

That is good news, also rather pleased it wasn't a Win 10 problem.

Aug 7, 2015 06:33:11 #

I have a strange feeling you are suffer from a NTFS permission problems.

I spent a good couple of hours a couple of days back when suddenly my LR complaind about not finding the catalog and/or refering to a corruption on file system. For the record I am using a NAS stoarage.

Started to look at the folders and my fear was a fact. No access to files, and everytime i tried opening a photo i got the message about no access or corrupted. I had access like some hours before, so i could not understand that permission should be the problem. So i thought it was corruption. Just before i was about to restore my library , i wanted to check the NTFS permission. And bam !! Permissions were F****D.

So , since i know all about this , this should be corrected if I reset all folder permission from top level. The only problem was it just hanged big time, every time it arrived to LR catalog folder. So i could never complete the process. I wanted to removed the whole LR folder since i have the backup , but that was not possible. No access. Only solution was to MANUALLY go on each folder [meaning ALL folders under the Library] and set permission on folder. Having in mind there are like almost 3000 folder , there was no way I would continue like this. Dont know why MS cant make this available like many others.

You can not mark several folders and do this process. So since damn MS cant solve this problem [which by the way is not knew or win10 specific] i went and downloaded a little program called "NTFS permission tool x64" . With this little app I marked all the folders and then changed to everyone full Controll. So all my picture folders were now accessible. Only LR left.

For this folder I tried the same, but here was another problem. I was hanging. So i managed to brake this down and found there were two corrupted folders under "Lightroom 5 Catalog Previews.lrdata" Theese two folders were really corrupted and windows would not let me touch those. Solution for this is to run a checkdisk. This will solve your corrupted files and then able to delete them After this i did not restored my LR catalog. I'm guessing i problably have a folder which lost the history of work and it does not bother me. I could get it back from backupo i just dont know which picture folder is.

So in conclusion : 1. run a checkdisk [Right click on ur harddrive, Properties, and Tools. Check disk] and fix errors if you have. And try again. 2. Check your NTFS permissions on the folder you export to.

In the aftermath, IF i knew from the beginning that there was a corruption on these folders , I would have started just with checkdisk and eventually NTFS permission after.

Aug 7, 2015 06:45:46 #

Revet Loc: Fairview Park, Ohio

catalint wrote:

I have a strange feeling you are suffer from a NTF... []

You must have missed the post above but yes it was a permission problem. I don't get that because I am signed in as an administrator with Full access. I had to allow home group users full access to get everything to work well on the write to folder.

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