Listening exercise about city

A2 Listening Test

Listen to Tom talking about living in Brighton. For questions 1 to 6, choose the correct answer.
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Listening exercise about city

Page 1 of 6

1How long has Tom lived in Brighton?

a.1 year
b.2 years
c.3 years

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2How long has he lived in his flat?

a.1 year
b.2 years
c.3 years

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3What does he like about the city?

a.the sea
b.the events
c.the nightlife

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4What does he dislike about the city?

a.the crime
b.the poor transport dirty it is

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5How does he get around the city now? and skateboard
b.bus and skateboard
c.skateboard and car

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6Which is his favourite place to eat out?

a.a restaurant in the city centre
b.a café near his office
c.a café by the sea
Listening exercise about city