Lỗi consistency validation for sql server registry keys năm 2024

Rule “Consistency validation for SQL Server registry keys” failed. The SQL Server registry keys from a prior installation cannot be modified. To continue, see SQL Server Setup documentation about how to fix registry keys.

The issue occur when the installer unable to update the registry entries due to lack of permission. Please follow the below steps to resolved the issue.

1. Go to RUN –> Type regedit.

2. Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> MICROSOFT -> Microsoft SQL Server in the registry

3. Right click and select Permissions…

4. Click on Advanced

5. Under Permission TAB, select “Replace permission entries on all child objects with entries shown here that apply to child objects”.

6. Click OK.

7. Now Re-run the SQL Server installer.

References: //sqlserverteacher.blogspot.com.es/2014/01/consistency-validation-for-sql-server.html


This entry was posted on 19 May 2014 a 3:54 pm and is filed under Errores, SQLServer. Etiquetado: installation. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can , o trackback from your own site.

The below post explains the end to end process of software updates management in SCCM 2012 Pre-requisites: 1. WSUS Server [WSUS 3.0 SP2 ] should be installed on the SCCM site server or if you want to install WSUS on another server, it is important that you install WSUS administration console as the SCCM Server uses API. This link explains the step by step procedure to install WSUS 3.0 SP2 2. Install SUP-Software Update Point on the SCCM Server . 3. Reporting Services Point: Install reporting services point role as described in this link . 4. Client agent: The software update client agent should be enabled[will be enabled by default] and the settings have to specified as per the requirement. On SCCM console, go to Administration>Site Configuration>Client settings>Right click on Default client settings> Click on Properties. If required, we can create custom client settings and then enable client settings for that settings. Unde

Consistency validation for SQL Server registry keys failed error -SQL for SCCM

During installation of SQL server, "Consistency validation for SQL Server registry keys failed” error pops up in the below scenarios.

  1. Previous installation of SQL exists.
  1. Inappropriate permissions on the registry keys of Microsoft SQL server.

Solution that worked me is explained below.

Identify the issue:

1. Go to %Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\100\SetupBootstrap\Log\”date and time of installation”

2. Search [in Detail_GlobalRules.txt] for lines containing the following string

"Could not fix registry key"

3. Run “regedit”, s

et full control permissions for the appropriate registry keys mentioned in "Detail_GlobalRules.txt" file.

Re-run the installation.

  1. Modifying the registry:

1. Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server in registry. [To open registry, run “regedit”]

2. Right click and go to Permission

3. Click on Advance tab and c

heck the below options.

  1. Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent.

ii. Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object.Click OK twice.

Reboot the server and try installing again.

Take a backup of the registry before modifying.

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