Low memory available stability problems may occur lỗi năm 2024

I just did some tests and found the answer.

char a[6135];
void setup[] 
  a[0] = 0;
void loop[] 

This sketch does not give a warning:

Sketch uses 660 bytes [0%] of program storage space. Maximum is 253952 bytes.
Global variables use 6144 bytes [75%] of dynamic memory, leaving 2048 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 8192 bytes.

If I increase the array with 1, I get an error:

Sketch uses 660 bytes [0%] of program storage space. Maximum is 253952 bytes.
Global variables use 6145 bytes [75%] of dynamic memory, leaving 2047 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 8192 bytes.
Low memory available, stability problems may occur.

Conclusion: below 2 KB [2048 bytes] of free space, the warning is shown.

I did the same test for the Uno, and there the warning is shown when less than 1536 bytes are free.

Both percentages are 75%, so the end conclusion is that the value is based on 75% of memory.

I'm using this code:

# include 

# include 

# include 

# include 

# include "RTClib.h"

# define buzzer 2
//initialisation class HCSR04 [trig pin , echo pin]
HCSR04 hcAir[13, 12];
HCSR04 hcPakan[11, 10];
SoftwareSerial s[5, 6];
RTC_DS3231 rtc;
char daysOfTheWeek[7][12] = {"Minggu", "Senin", "Selasa", "Rabu", "Kamis", "Jum'at", "Sabtu"};
StaticJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject[];
void setup[] {
  pinMode[buzzer, OUTPUT];
void air[] {
  int air = hcAir.dist[];
  int rumus = [[100 / 50] * air];
  int isiAir = 100 - rumus;
  if [isiAir = 100] {
    root["air"] = 100;
    digitalWrite[buzzer, LOW];
  } else {
    root["air"] = isiAir;
    digitalWrite[buzzer, LOW];
void pakan[] {
  int pakan = hcPakan.dist[];
  int rumus2 = [[100 / 50] * pakan];
  int isiPakan = 100 - rumus2;
  if [isiPakan = 100] {
    root["pakan"] = 100;
    digitalWrite[buzzer, LOW];
  } else {
    root["pakan"] = isiPakan;
    digitalWrite[buzzer, LOW];
void waktu[] {
  DateTime now = rtc.now[];
  int jam = now.hour[];
  int menit = now.minute[];
  String hari = daysOfTheWeek[now.dayOfTheWeek[]];
  root["jam"] = jam;
  root["menit"] = menit;
  root["hari"] = hari;
void loop[] {
  if [s.available[] > 0] {

This message appears which causes the code to not run:

Sketch uses 10468 bytes [32%] of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes. Global variables use 1608 bytes [78%] of dynamic memory, leaving 440 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.

Low memory available, stability problems may occur.

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Home › Repetier-Firmware › Motherboard

"Low memory available, stability problems may occur."

I am sorry if I choose wrong category. I am building a delta printer. It is so simple that it has one extruder and one heat bed 4 stepper motor, 2 termistor etc. I configured a simple firmware for Ramps 1.4 based Arduino Mega. When I uploded the firmware to arduino, "Low memory available, stability problems may occur." error occurred.

I did not understand reason of error. The firmware is the simplest firmware to create on repetier configuration tool. Could you please help me to pass over the problem?

Thanks in advance.

my code is the same code as the this project imported to platform io I changed the the servo library to //www.arduinolibraries.info/libraries/esp32-servo it did not compile it had issues with the variable called index char * to int conversion fail . I renamed Index Index_arie it compiled .download. I only have esp32 bare modules not a devkit .

For Idea of how I will be doing the circuit please see


My Style is to be very careful Esp top right

2esp pots page 1 bottom left dual pots below esp [ Backup Motor feed Back too] 2 voltage monitors [ no hx711 the pressure sensor is is not nxp but the ] 2te sensor one on 3v one 3v Aux one to main esp 1 to Aux 2 power supply may be the idea on page 2. Display is a TFT 2.5 inch or 3.2 Inch spi touch display.

Who knows I may even look at a second full mechanical backup.second Ambo bag

As my Input is not wanted or needed here. I all allowing myself to diverge from the design done by the 40 experts engineering and medical experts .

From my circuit my style is clear no way in hell will I put a pull up to 4.7k pull up to 5v on a device that the datasheet says max IO voltage in VDD . I put two sensors in the box and box not 1 .

//www.te.com/commerce/DocumentDelivery/DDEController?Action=showdoc&DocId=Data+Sheet%7FMS5803-01BA%7FB3%7Fpdf%7FEnglish%7FENG_DS_MS5803-01BA_B3.pdf%7FCAT-BLPS0038 [ page 5 max allowable voltage on pins SCL and SDA]

Note Jumpers allow cheap and 100% backup [ They are be wire links]

It is a Question of how you view your design . I am not a mechanical engineer and my software skills are limited .

Just a unemployed Electronics person that has over 30 years no second degree in Engineering not doing a Public relations exercise for Israeli defense company of Magaen David Adom

Who I am is clear where I come from is clear I have even added my resume the one that has not found work in over a year and note even my resume is clear I do not Lie and call myself things I am not qualified like a Degree engineer.

Who I am is clear as daylight did I know a closed pcb was in the works for this design yes. was if part of the Idea to fork the design yes most definitely. Part of open source design nobody owns the IP.

Did I need need to generate my own DXF Yes never done before my me in a design where I was unable to get DXF. I my pcb missing a mounting hole in the bottom right corner Yes no hole in the metalwork. Is my Switch to near to the mounting hole [Test ] I did not put switch in that position Ambovent did. Have I uses witches with a 8mm head not 6.5mm yes No cheap option Alpms .

Mix This the two pcbs below remove the [nxp pressure sensors and Arduino]. I will be a 4 layer board.3v 3vaux 5v and 5v_aux 12v 12aux on split planes.

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