Make money with playlist push

How to Get Paid for Making Spotify Playlists?

May 27, 2021

Most of us have a Spotify playlist, right? Have you ever thought about monetizing it?

What if I told you that you can get paid for listening to music!

Yes, you can. There is a method which can actually provide you with a stream of income from building a great playlist.

[If you dont know how to create a Spotify playlist, you can learn by watching this video]

Dont think that Spotify is going to send you money directly for the number of likes you get on your playlist. There is no official program from Spotify yet for this.

You have to think about how beneficial it would be for an emerging artist if his/her track gets featured in your playlist. Most of the listeners of your playlist is going to hear that new track too, which means the artist is going to get more streams which he/she will not be getting otherwise.

And for reviewing the song, you can charge the artist a fixed rate and only if you like the track you may publish it. Always put the focus on keeping the quality of your playlist top. Dont spam it with promotions. Users are going to leave and you may no longer have the business model intact.

[Check out The Ultimate Guide to Making Great Playlists]

Ill take you through an example:

Imagine this is your playlist, you collect all awesome tracks for writers to help them focus and to get them into the mood.

Now you are getting thousands of daily streams for your playlist. You have done your work, keeping the quality high.

Its time for you to think about making money out of it.

You have to give a contact point such as an email or an Instagram username so that artists can actually reach you.

There are platforms such as PlaylistPush which can make this process a lot easier by listing your playlist in their directory where artists come for searching for quality playlists to get featured in. Youll get paid per review request there.

Now, select the best records that you think suits your playlist the best and add it to your playlist.

Voila! You earn from it, and you help an emerging artist grow their career in the process.

Thanks for reading!

You can buy me a coffee if you want me to analyse your Spotify playlist

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[About the author: Jaison Thomas is an entrepreneur, speaker & writer. He co-founded the digital marketing agency, Blusteak .]

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