Music video playlist app

Create & manage playlists

A playlist is a collection of videos. Anybody can make playlists,share them, and friends can add videos to your playlist.

You can go to the Library tab

Music video playlist app
to view all of your playlists. You can also manage your playlists in YouTube Studio.

If a video or channels audience is "made for kids" and youre on a homepage, you can't add it to a playlist. You can still add content from search results into playlists.

Create a playlist

YouTube app

You can either start a playlist with a video, or from the Library tab

Music video playlist app

With a video:

  1. Find a video you want in yourplaylist.
  2. Tap Savebelow the video to automatically save it to the last playlist youve saved to, or to your Watch Later playlist. A message will pop up at the bottom of your screen confirming which playlist the video was added to.
  3. To change where your video is saved, tap Change on the pop up. Select from the list of your playlists where your video should be saved and then tap Done .

From the Library tab:

  1. Go to the Library tab
    Music video playlist app
  2. Tap New playlistin the Playlists section.
  3. To add to the playlist, select one or more videos from yourwatch history.
  4. Tap NEXT.
  5. Give your playlist a title and set its privacy.
  6. Tap CREATE.

Mobile site

  1. Select a video you want in yourplaylist.
  2. Under the video, tap Save.
  3. Tap Create new playlist.
  4. Enter a playlist name.
  5. Use the box to select your playlist's privacy setting. If it's private, people can'tfind it when they search YouTube.
  6. TapCREATE.

To get to your new playlist, tap the Library tab

Music video playlist app

Delete a playlist

  1. Go to the Library tab
    Music video playlist app
  2. Tap the playlist you want to delete under thePlaylists" section.
  3. Tap More
    Music video playlist app
    on the playlist.
  4. Tap Delete playlist.
  5. Tap DELETE.
Note:Your old playlist may continue to existin viewers watch histories.

After you delete a playlist, the playlist URL and title will no longer be visible or searchable in YouTube Analytics. Data associated with the playlist, such as Watch time, will still be part of broaderreports, but won'tbe attributed to the deleted playlist.

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