Neck of the woods là gì

your neck of the woods Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

neck of the woods

A neighborhood or nearby area; the area around where one lives. Next time you find yourself in my neck of the woods, give me a call and I'll show you around.See also: neck, of, wood

your neck of the woods

INFORMALYou can talk about the place where you live as your neck of the woods. Are there any nice restaurants in your neck of the woods? Note: You can refer to the place where you are at the moment as this neck of the woods. So what brings you to this neck of the woods, Greg? Note: This expression originated in the United States. `Neck' comes from `naiack' which means `point' or `corner' in an Algonquian Native American language. See also: neck, of, wood
See also:
  • neck of the woods
  • neck of the woods, this
  • in [one's] neck of the woods
  • in your, this, etc. neck of the woods
  • stake out
  • stake someone/something out
  • keep within
  • keep within [something or some place]
  • God's country
  • twilight zone

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