Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 7: Traffic

Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 7: Traffic

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  • Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 7: Traffic
  • Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 7: Traffic
  • Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 7: Traffic
  • Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Unit 7: Traffic
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UNIT 7. TRAFFIC (GIAO THÔNG, SỰ ĐI LẠI)I. GETTING STARTED :8. ride a buffalo : cưỡi trâu9. open-air (adj): ở ngoài trời = outdoor1. playground (n): sân chơi10. desk job (n): công việc bàn giấy2. Means of transport (n): phương tiện giao11. pond (n): cái aothôngIV. COMMUNICATION :3. to cycle (v): đạp xe4. By the way : nhân tiện1. roof (n): nóc xe, mái nhà5. how : bằng cách nào, như thế nào2. illegal (adj): bất hợp pháp6. go on foot (v): đi bộ = walk3. laws : luật pháp  driving laws: luật lái xe7. used to + Vo : đã từng (làm gì)4. reverse (v): lùi xe8. traffic jam (n): kẹt xe, tắc ngẽn giao thông5. right-handed (adj): thuận tay phải9. except (prep): ngoại trừ, trừ phi6. happen (v): xảy ra10. ride – rode – ridden (v): đạp, lái (xe 2 bánh)7. strange (adj): kỳ lạ11. drive – drove – driven (v): lái (xe 4 bánh)8. be allowed to do sth: được cho phép làm gì12. agree + to V: đồng ý (làm gì)9. shirt (n): áo sơ mi13. ride a bike : đạp xe10. T-shirt (n): áo thun14. drive a car (v): lái xe ô tô11. pair (n): cặp15. fly (v): bay – flew – flown  fly by plane :12. spare (adj): dự phòng, dự bịđi bằng máy bayV. SKILLS 1 :16. get on a bus / a train / a bike / a motorbike :1. zebra crossing (n): vạch kẻ đường cho ngườilên xe buýt / tàu / xe đạp / xe máyđi bộ17. get off a bus / a train / a bike / a motorbike :2. road users : người tham gia giao thông,ra khỏi xe buýt / tàu / xe đạp / xe máyngười sử dụng đường bộ18. get in a car / a taxi : vào xe ô tô / xe taxi3. driving license (n): giấy phép lái xe, bằng lái19. sail a boat : chèo thuyền4. speed limit (n): giới hạn tốc độII. A CLOSER LOOK 1 :5. railway station (n): nhà ga tàu hỏa6. train ticket (n): vé đi tàu, vé tàu hỏa1. road sign (n): biển báo giao thông, biển báo7. means of transport : phương tiện tham giađường bộgiao thông2. traffic lights (n): đèn giao thông8.rule (n): quy tắc, điều luật3. no parking : cấm đậu xe9. road safety (n): an toàn đường bộ, an toàn4. no right turn : cấm rẽ phải # no left turn5. hospital ahead : bệnh viện phía trướcgiao thông6. parking : chỗ đậu xe10. pedestrian (n): người đi bộ7. cycle lane: đường đi xe đạp11. driver (n): tài xế8. school ahead: trường học phía trước12. cyclist (n): người đi xe đạp9. no cycling : cấm đạp xe13. motorist (n): người đi xe mô-tô, xe máy10. to warn sb OF sth : cảnh báo ai về việc gì14. careful (adj): cẩn thận  carefully (adv)11. prohibitive (adj): ngăn cấm15. footpath (n): đường đi bộ12. on the way TO somewhere : trên đường đến16. to cross the street: băng qua đườngđâu17. light-colored clothes : đồ màu nhạt, lợt13. helicopter (n): trực thăng18. fasten (v): thắt, cột, buột14. seatbelt (n): dây an toàn, đai an toàn19. drink alcohol : uống rượu, uống thức uống15. pavement (n): vỉa hè = sidewalkcó chứa cồn16. break down : hư, hỏng20. park (v): đậu xe17. obey traffic rules : tuân thủ luật lệ giao21. strictly (adv): nghiêm túc, nghiêm khắcthông22. traffic signals : những tín hiệu giao thông18. railway station : nhà ga đường sắt, nhà ga23. handle bar (n): tay lái24. passenger (n): hành kháchtàu hỏa25. to turn (v); chuyển sang, rẽIII. A CLOSER LOOK 2 :26. helmet (n): mũ bảo hiểm1. indicate (v) chỉ ra27. at the side of the road: tại phần đường2. distance (n): khoảng cách28. wave(v): vẫy tay3. ride a tricycle : đạp xe 3 bánh29. dangerous (adj): nguy hiểm4. play hide-and-seek : chơi trốn tìmVI. SKILLS 2 :5. vehicle (n): xe cộ1. break record : phá vỡ kỷ lục6. traffic accident : tai nạn giao thông2. suffer from : hứng chịu, gánh chịu, trải qua7. play marbles : chơi bắn bi3. in the rush hour : vào giờ cao điểmroads : đường gập ghềnh4. main cause : nguyên nhân chính9. wild animals: động vật hoang dã5. narrow (adj): chật hẹp10. congestion (n): sự tắc nghẽn, sự mắc kẹt 6. poor-quality (adj): chất lượng kémtraffic congestion = traffic jam : kẹt xe7. to respect (v): tôn trọng, tuân thủ11. population (n): dân số8. bumpy (adj): gập ghềnh, lầy lội  bumpy12. queue (n): hàng (người, xe)II. GRAMMAR (NGỮ PHÁP)* Cách hỏi về khoảng cách với “How far….?”How far is it + FROM + A + TO + B? (Khoảng cách từ A đến B là bao xa)Ex: How far is it from Da nang to Hoi an? – It’s about 20 kilometers from Da nang to Hoi an.* USED TO : Cách sử dụng USED TO (đã từng)- Nói về thói quen trong quá khứ nhưng nay không còn nữa(+) S + used to + Bare-inf (Động từ nguyên mẫu)(-) S + didn’t use to + Bare-inf(?) Did + S + use to + bare-inf?* : “How…?” được dùng để hỏi về các loại phương tiện vận chuyển.Ex : How do you come to school ? (Bạn đi học bằng cách nào?) – I go to school on foot.How + do / does / did + S + V bare-inf ?Ex: When I was a child, I used to go to Suoi Tien. (Khi còn nhỏ, tôi đã từng đến Suối Tiên)Did you use to live in Hue ? (Bạn đã từng sống ở Huế rồi hả ?)III. Exercise: Write sentences using “ used to “1. Linh walked to school some years ago but now she cycles there.Linh used……………………………………………………………………………………..2. My father swam in the pool near his house when he was a boy.My father used………………………………………………………………………………3. There are many green trees in front of my house but now it is a big car park.There used……………………………………………………………………………………4. I usually stayed up late to watch football matches last year, but now I don’t.I used…………………………………………………………………………………………5. Linda doesn’t live with her parent any more.Linda…………………………………………………………………………………………6. My hair is now much longer than that in the past.In the past my hair……………………………………………………………………………7. He is not a poor man any more, but he becomes a rich businessman.He used……………………………………………………………………………………….8. Did you often go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang?Did you use…………………………………………………………………………………..?9. Van had a motorbike once, but he doesn’t have any more.Van used……………………………………………………………………………………………….10. My father usually goes to work by car.My father drives……………………………………………………………………………………………….11.My mother lived in small village when she was a girl.My mother …………………………………………………………………………………………12. There are more vehicles on the roads now.There did not ……………………………………………………………………………………13.My brother went swimming when he was a child.My brother ……………………………………………………………………………………III.Write the sentenses as directed1. The distance from my house to school is about 500 metres.It………………………………………………………………………………………………………2. My father went to work by car some years ago, but now he goes by bus.My father used to………………………………………………………………………………………….3. Don’t drive too fast or you’ll have an accident.If……………………………………………………………………………………………………….4. . I used to walk to school when I was young.(using FOOT)I………………………………………………………………………………………………..IV. Make these sentenes.1. We/ used/ school/ on/ foot.......................................................................................................................2. about / 30km/ my town/ Ha Long Bay/.......................................................................................................................3. My family/ used/ go / holiday / seaside / summer/.......................................................................................................................4. How/ long / it / take/ you/ Ha Noi / Sa Pa/?..............................................................................................................…IV. Choose the correct answer :1. Tung used …………………..………….…. a horse when he was a child.A. rideB. to rideC. ridingD. was ride2.My father ……………………… a car to work every day.A. driveB. to driveC. drivingD. drives3. He did not ………………………. jogging in the evening.A. use to wentB. used toC. used to goD. use to go4. …………… is it from your house to the stadium ? About 500 meters.A. How oftenB. How farC. How muchD. How many5.He used to collect stamps when he ……………… a child.A. wasB. wereC. areD. is6. ………….. is about 2 kilometers from my home village to the town.A. ItB. TheyC. HeD. She7. …………….. do you go to school ? I go to school by bike.A. HowB. whatC. whenD. where8. My brother used to go work ………………………. bike.A. byB. toC. onD. in9.I …………..…………. to school on foot.A. goB. to goC. goingD. goes10.How about ……………….. to Sam Son beach by bus tomorrow ?A. goingB. to goC. goesD. go11. Minh used to………………….his homework late in the evening.A. doesB. doC. doingD. did12. If people…………………the rules, there are no more accidents.A. follow B. take care of C. obey D. remember13. You should………………right and left when you go across the roads.A. SeeB. lookC. beD. take4. Hurry up or we can’t……………….the last bus home.A. keepB. followC. goD. catch5. Lan used to go to school……………A. with bicycleB. by footC. in carD. by bus6. Public………………in my town is good and cheap.A. transportB. tourC. journeyD. travel7. ………………is not very far from here to the city centre.A. ThatB. ThisC. ItD. There8. When there is a traffic jam, it…………………me a very long time to go home.A. CostsB. takesC. lastsD. spends9. Mai’s dad usually drives her to school…………….her school is very far from her house.A. ButB. thoughC. becauseD. orV. Put the correct form of the verb in brackets:1.He usually ( go) …………………………... to school by bike.2.My father used to (go) …………………………. Fishing when he was a child.3.I ( not/ used to) ………………………….. play games when I was a child.4.How about ( go) ……………………….……to the zoo on Sunday evening ?5.She used to (be) …………………………………. a teacher.6.I like ( study) ………………………. English every day.7.Ba used to (play) ………………………. Football in the afternoon.8.I used to (play ) ……………………………… football when I was young.