On my bucket list meaning

on my bucket list definition, on my bucket list meaning | English dictionary



1an open-topped roughly cylindrical container; pail

2[Also called] bucketfulthe amount a bucket will hold

3any of various bucket-like parts of a machine, such as the scoop on a mechanical shovel

4a cupped blade or bucket-like compartment on the outer circumference of a water wheel, paddle wheel, etc

5[Computing]a unit of storage on a direct-access device from which data can be retrieved

6[Chiefly U.S.]a turbine rotor blade

7[Austral. and N.Z.]an ice cream container

8kick the bucket
Slangto die
vb, -kets, -keting, -keted

9trto carry in or put into a bucket

10intr; often foll by: down[of rain] to fall very heavily
it bucketed all day

11intr; often foll by: along[Chiefly Brit]to travel or drive fast

12tr[Chiefly Brit]to ride [a horse] hard without consideration

slangto criticize severely
[C13: from Anglo-French buket, from Old English buc; compare Old High German buh belly, German Bauch belly]

bucket about
vbintr[Brit][esp. of a boat in a storm] to toss or shake violently

bucket ladder

aa series of buckets that move in a continuous chain, used to dredge riverbeds, etc., or to excavate land

b[as modifier]
a bucket-ladder dredger

bucket out
vbtrto empty out with or as if with a bucket

bucket seat
na seat in a car, aircraft, etc., having curved sides that partially enclose and support the body

bucket shop

1an unregistered firm of stockbrokers that engages in speculation with clients' funds

2[Chiefly Brit]any small business that cannot be relied upon, esp. one selling cheap airline tickets

rust bucket

1Slangsomething that is run-down or dilapidated, esp. a very badly rusted car

2Informalrun-down or dilapidated
rustbucket factories

  • omw adv.on my way

    acronym, sms language

  • ice bucket challenge n.activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on your head and challenge other three friends to do so in order to promote awareness of the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [ALS] and encourage donations to research.

    also called "ice water challenge", viral campaign on social media during July–August 2014

  • shovel list n."It's a list of all the people and things I hate so much I want to hit them in the face with a shovel." Concept coming from the Marian Keyes novel, The Mystery of Mercy Close [2012].
  • OMG exp.Oh My God
  • my creys exp.an expression used to when you are about to cry

    Ex. : oh my creys!

  • pardon my French id.the phrase is uttered in an attempt to excuse the user of profanity or curses in the presence of those offended by it under the pretense of the words being part of a foreign language

    Syn.: excuse my French

  • I rest my case n.Phrase used when someone has brought all the evidences to support his point of view; "I'm done with explanations"
  • LMFAO exp.laughing my fucking ass off
  • love me, love my dog exp.expression used for pointing out that, if you love someone, you accept also things and people dear to the person you love
  • IMO abbr. acron.Short for "In My Opinion".
  • SMH abbr. acron.Short for "shaking my head".

    Used to convey your disappointment at someone doing or saying something utterly stupid.

  • FML abbr. acron.Short for "Fuck My Life".


Alphabetical index

  • bucket out
  • bucket about
  • bucket ladder
  • bucket seat

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