Onomatopoeia sentence examples

When looking at the English language you will sooner or later find yourself confronted by the word onomatopoeia. Although this looks like a very challenging word that must surely carry a complicated meaning, in reality it is the complete opposite. We are going to take a look at what exactlyonomatopoeiais and how it can be used. We are also going to look at a comprehensive list of words that are classed into thisonomatopoeiacategory.

Table of Contents

  • What Is Onomatopoeia?
    • Onomatopoeia Definition
    • Onomatopoeia Examples
  • Onomatopoeia Words
    • Listof Onomatopoeia Words
    • Picture of Onomatopoeia Words
  • Onomatopoeia Examples | Images

What Is Onomatopoeia?

Onomatopoeia Definition

In shortonomatopoeiais when a words sound resembles the sound which it is describing. For example, the word sizzle is a form ofonomatopoeiabecause the sound that the word makes actually sounds like a sizzle.

You can think ofonomatopoeiaalmost like a sound effect. When the word is said, the sound that it makes sounds like the thing it is talking about. These words can give a more detailed description of an item or a situation by actually allowing the listener to hear the sound of what is being talked about.

Many onomatopoeic words fall into groups depending on what it is they are describing, for example, words such as splash, drip, drizzle and splosh can all be used to describe water and therefore are grouped together.

Onomatopoeia Examples

Lets take a look at some examples ofonomatopoeiato further explain how it can be used in a sentence or conversation.

One of the most common uses for onomatopoeia is within written text such as fiction or descriptive work. It enables the writer to give a more in-depth and understandable description on something. For example, the sentence:

  • The wind blew through the trees could become the wind whistled through the trees.

The word whistled being the onomatopoeic word in this case.

Another common way to useonomatopoeiais to describe the sound which are made by animals. For example rather than saying;

  • The duck made a sound. you could sayThe duck went quack.

In this case the word quack is theonomatopoeiain this sentence.

Here are some more onomatopoeia examples being used in a sentence, the onomatopoeic words will be highlighted in bold.

  • The flood water gushedthrough the town.
  • The owl hootedin the tree.
  • At night, the wind was howlingin the darkness.
  • My teeth chatteredas I stood in the snow.
  • The corn went popin the microwave.
  • The leaves crunchedunder my feet as I walked through the woods.
  • The car horn beepedloudly.
  • The mouse made a squeakas it skittered across the floor.
  • The tap needed to be fixed, all I could hear was the dripcoming from the bathroom.
  • There was a loud bangon the door.
  • The lion roaredas it chased its prey.
  • When you eat an apple, you hear a crunch.
  • I hear thesnapof a twig.
  • The butterfly flutteredby as I walked through the meadow.
  • There was a loud crack.
  • My cat often purrswhen I scratch his tummy.
  • The sausages were sizzlingin the pan.
  • When we enjoy a performance, we clapour hands.
  • I heard arattleand so I had to check I had bolted the window once again.
  • My dog will barkat strangers.
  • The metal clangedin the wind.
  • The rooster cries cock-a-doodle-doevery morning when the sun comes up.
  • Shh. We need quiet in here while the baby is sleeping.
  • The water went splashas the diver jumped into it.
  • The snake hissedas it jumped out from behind the rock.
  • The toilet makes a flushingsound.
  • The piece simply clickedinto place.
  • It is important to whisperwhen we are in the library.
  • A ghost says boo!
  • She cried ouch when she fell down the stairs.
  • Hold your breath and your hiccupswill stop.
  • He burpedafter eating a large meal.
  • The fire crackled,keeping the room warm.
  • The rain drizzleddown for hours on end.
  • The bells went ding.
  • I could not understand him since he alwaysmumbled.
  • The car zoomedaround the race track at a high speed.
  • Little dogs tend to yaprather thanbark.
  • HuhI didnt hear what you said.
  • The ball boingedup against the wall.
  • I sat and listened to thetickingof the clock.
  • When I receive a a message, my phone makes a beepingsound.
  • If I wear these shoes, all I hear is a click-clackas I walk around.
  • The chickens spend most of the day clucking.
  • He let out a huge groanwhen he sat on a nail.
  • I like tohumas I work.
  • The ice cream ploppedinto the bowl.
  • My daughter tends to ripup her books.
  • There was a loud smackas he hit the mans face.
  • Birds make a tweetingsound.
  • I willwhizzpast my opponent in the race.
  • The bees buzzed through the air.
  • When you sneeze, you make the sound achoo.
  • The baby bird made a chirp.
  • My little sister is only a few weeks old but she is already starting to coo.
  • There was a sudden whooshof wind through the trees.
  • There was a quiet clinking sound.
  • The monkeys were chatteringin the jungle.
  • My horse makes a whinney when he is scared.
  • When she talks, all I hear is blah blah blah.
  • The baby lamb made a bleating sound when it was born.
  • The clock chimedat midnight.
  • The robot makes a bleepwhen you switch it on.
  • The guitar goes twangwhen you pluck the strings.
  • The sound of the little birds peeping was so relaxing.
  • The water sprinkledall over the grass.
  • The eagle crowedoverhead as it circled its prey.

Onomatopoeia Words

Listof Onomatopoeia Words

Here is a detailed list of words which are onomatopoeic.

  • Atishoo
  • Bam
  • Bang
  • Bark
  • Bleat
  • Bow-wow
  • Beep
  • Belch
  • Blah
  • Blab
  • Blast
  • Bloop
  • Blow
  • Blurt
  • Boing
  • Boo
  • Boom
  • Boop
  • Burp
  • Buzz
  • Caching
  • Chatter
  • Chirp
  • Chirrup
  • Clang
  • Clink
  • Click
  • Clap
  • Clop
  • Cluck
  • Cock-a-doodle-do
  • Coo
  • Creak
  • Croak
  • Crow
  • Crunch
  • Crackle
  • Ding
  • Dong
  • Dribble
  • Drip
  • Drizzle
  • Fizzle
  • Flick
  • Flop
  • Flush
  • Gallop
  • Gargle
  • Giggle
  • Gloop
  • Gong
  • Groan
  • Growl
  • Grunt
  • Gulp
  • Gurgle
  • Honk
  • Hum
  • Jingle
  • Jangle
  • Lash
  • Lilt
  • Low
  • Laugh
  • Mumble
  • Murmur
  • Neigh
  • Nibble
  • Oink
  • Ooh
  • Oops
  • Ooze
  • Ouch
  • Patter
  • Peep
  • Phew
  • Ping
  • Pong
  • Pingpong
  • Plop
  • Pop
  • Pow
  • Puff
  • Rap
  • Raspy
  • Rattle
  • Ring
  • Rumble
  • Scrape
  • Screech
  • Sizzle
  • Slam
  • Slash
  • Slosh
  • Slurp
  • Slap
  • Snap
  • Splash
  • Spray
  • Sprinkle
  • Squirt
  • Swish
  • Swoosh
  • Thud
  • Thump
  • Tick
  • Ting
  • Tock
  • Toot
  • Twang
  • Vroom
  • Warble
  • Weep
  • Wham
  • Whap
  • Whallop
  • Whimper
  • Whinney
  • Whisper
  • Whip
  • Whomp
  • Whoop
  • Whoa
  • Wow
  • Yap
  • Zap
  • Zing
  • Zip
  • Zoom

Picture of Onomatopoeia Words



The use ofonomatopoeiais for describing something using a word which sounds like its meaning. These words can be grouped into the things that they are describing such as words that describe animal sounds, words that describe human sounds, words that describe nouns and so forth.

Onomatopoeia Examples | Images

Onomatopoeia Words and Examples


Examples of Onomatopoeia


Onomatopoeia Words and Useful Examples


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