Past continuous listening exercises

A dog named freckles

retrived on: 27abril2017

There has been a crime in a mall in the south of Mexico City, a dog disappeared and nobody knows what happened. The police are interviewing everybody in order to try to solve the mystery.

When the police arrived, they found three men in the crime scene. The first man was sitting on a bench while he was reading a book. The second man was crying, but he stopped when he saw the police. The third man was sleeping, and he was snoring too.

he police decided to talk to the first man, so they asked him What were you doing when the incident occurred? He said that he wasnt paying attention because the dog disappeared when he was reading the best part of the book so he didnt see anyone or anything strange. The police interviewed the second man who was the dogs owner. He was doing the shopping while his dog was waiting outside. He tried to hurry because he knew that his dog, Freckles, didnt like to be on his own. He described the moment when he saw the empty space his dog had left: I was walking to the exit when I had a weird sensation. Somehow, I knew something was going on. I kept on walking and I saw something terrible, the place where I left my dog was empty! The was only his dog collar, so I decided to call the police. At that moment, I noticed two men who were also there, they werent doing anything wrong, but they both looked suspicious to me.

Finally, the police talked to the third man. He somehow confessed: I was sleeping when a dog woke me up. At first, I didnt anything but after a while, I decided to solve the problem, so I untied the dogs collar and I threw a sausage as far as possible so that the dog stopped barking. I went back to sleep and I dont know anything else.

All of a sudden, the man who was reading decided to stand up. The man who was sleeping started to point and the man who was crying started to smile. It was a happy ending, they all saw Freckles who was coming back with a new girlfriend!

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