Remove item from list by id C#

How to remove elements from a list in C#

The List class in C# represents a collection of items that can be indexed, searched, sorted, and manipulated. The class provides three methods to allow the removal of elements from the list:

  • List.Remove[]
  • List.RemoveAt[]
  • List.Clear[]


The Remove[] method takes an item as a ​parameter and removes the first occurrence of that item from the list


The code snippet below illustrates the usage of the Remove[] method:

using System.Collections.Generic; class RemoveDemo { static void Main[] { // Creating a list of strings List Fruits = new List[]; // Adding items to the list Fruits.Add["Apple"]; Fruits.Add["Banana"]; Fruits.Add["Mango"]; System.Console.WriteLine["Original List:"]; // Printing the list Fruits.ForEach[System.Console.WriteLine]; // Calling the Remove[] method Fruits.Remove["Banana"]; System.Console.WriteLine[]; System.Console.WriteLine["After removing Banana:"]; // Printing the list Fruits.ForEach[System.Console.WriteLine]; } }


The RemoveAt[] method takes a zero-based index number as a ​parameter and removes the item at that index.


The code snippet below illustrates the usage of the RemoveAt[] method:

using System.Collections.Generic; class RemoveDemo { static void Main[] { // Creating a list of strings List Fruits = new List[]; // Adding items to the list Fruits.Add["Apple"]; Fruits.Add["Banana"]; Fruits.Add["Mango"]; System.Console.WriteLine["Original List:"]; // Printing the list Fruits.ForEach[System.Console.WriteLine]; // Calling RemoveAt[] method Fruits.RemoveAt[1]; System.Console.WriteLine[]; System.Console.WriteLine["After removing item at index 1:"]; // Printing the list Fruits.ForEach[System.Console.WriteLine]; } }


The Clear[] method removes all elements from the list.


The code snippet below illustrates the method of the Clear[] method:

using System.Collections.Generic; class RemoveDemo { static void Main[] { // Creating a list of strings List Fruits = new List[]; // Adding items to the list Fruits.Add["Apple"]; Fruits.Add["Banana"]; Fruits.Add["Mango"]; System.Console.WriteLine["Original List:"]; // Printing the list Fruits.ForEach[System.Console.WriteLine]; // Calling RemoveAt[] function Fruits.Clear[]; System.Console.WriteLine[]; System.Console.WriteLine["After clearing the list:"]; // Printing the list Fruits.ForEach[System.Console.WriteLine]; } }

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