republicanism là gì - Nghĩa của từ republicanism

republicanism có nghĩa là

Conservative, right-winged devout Christians, all Southerners except one Southerner educated and smart enough, is usually a Baptist, that has a fascist lock on how this country should be absolute Christian run, because they think it will make it perfect and please God, even though they know how good they have it, and they're in denial because they know religion sucks, and they love secularism, but they think they'll get some afterlife by pleasing God, so they keep it to themselves. They think as long as it pleases God, it should be able to be voted in, which is extremely fascist and dangerous to the constitution's secularism. The News station of every republican is Fox News. To them, other news stations are lefty and biased. Lefty Liberals may be dangerous, but republicans are just as dangerous. They think people like me who have mental disorders don't need help, and while suffering, we need only 'God'. They believe abortions are wrong because their holy book says so. For constitution's sake, mind you, any party that uses a holy book should be flagged as an abomination. They also favor various other things in the name of their religion, which is an abomination, and disgrace to the constitution & America which was founded to be a FREE & SECULAR country, They've discarded our freedoms so much, they've gotten In God We Trust, and Under God put in as our motto and pledge. Beware of this party. As an Independent myself, I could also write a song and dance for the democrats too.


That mentally disturbed pothead over there goes to church every week because he thinks everything he gets by working hard is given to him by the Christian God, and thinks Fox News and Republicans are the best party and news, unbiased and completely truthful.

republicanism có nghĩa là

Slang for someone who resorts to persoanl attacks that are unrelated to the topic at hand when his or her side is losing at something.

Not necessarily related to politics.


SCOREBOARD- Trojans 8 : Spurmz 1

BOB: That was a great basketball game, we won! Now pay up.
TED: No you didn't!
BOB: Your team needs to work on it's defence.
TED: You cheated! The referree was an alumni of your school! All the fans in the crowd were for the Trojans too! If there was Spurm support we would have won! You lost bitch! This whole confrence is pro-tro!!! LOSER.
BOB: Yeah, well the scoreboard says differntly.
TED: FUCKING CRYBABY! Why don't you go cry about some more to your momma?!
BOB: Huh? Don't be such a republican, Ted.

republicanism có nghĩa là

1. In Ireland, someone who wants the Six Counties back. Typically votes for Sinn Fein, although in the 26-county republic the centre-right majority party Fianna Fail have tried to steal the mantle.

2. In general, someone who supports democracy and dislikes monarchies, even as figureheads.

3. In the United States, someone who screams about persecution of a minority when the minority is very rich and the "persecution" comes in the form of taxation. The symbol is an elephant, presumably because the trunk hoovers up all the money. Someone who is staunchly pro-life ... at least if the life in question can afford a good lawyer. Will fight the terrorists du jour with every nigger/spic/piece of poor white trash they can scoop off the streets, but not themselves and not with their Johnny. You don't have to be an imbecile to be a Republican, but it certainly helps. Living proof of the falsity of their own cherished belief in the pseudoscience of Creationism. You'd think that in three billion seconds, never mind three billion years, God would have gotten it right.


I'm a Republican! Long live the 32-county republic!

I'm a Republican! Down with the Queen!

I'm a Republican, thank God! Where's my next trillion bucks gonna come from?

republicanism có nghĩa là

A redneck, gun loving, democracy hating, hypocrite that typically belives democratically elected leaders are tyrants, fascists, or Socialists, despite the fact that in reality the US already has elements of Socialism in place. Responsible for 90% of America's current problems. Synonyms of Republicans include bullshit, dumbfucks, and elitist ignorant bastards


Republicans make good cannon fodder

republicanism có nghĩa là

A US political party that is known for its strong closeted homosexuality and hatred of women, children, the US Constitution, freedom, and justice. They are famous for declaring that government is incapable of functioning well and proving it by being really bad leaders. They are often characterized by being failed businessmen that are baled out by their fathers and by Saudi oil barons. They generally test between 60 and 80 on standardized IQ tests and must therefore wear drool catchers in public. In addition to being gay, not that there is anything wrong with that, they are often paedophiles and enjoy sticking fruits and vegetables into the eye sockets of cute kittens.

See Larry Craig, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Mark Foley, Newt Gingrich, and Hitler.


What was the cause of the downfall of American society, the destruction of freedom all over the world, and a 10 fold increase in gas prices over eight years? Republicans.

republicanism có nghĩa là

A political group whos mascot is an elephant. Their Mascot suits them well. Elephants are Fat, Lazy, and stomp around on everything else and everyone else that is smaller or not as higher up as they are. They are a racist, sexist, Pro abortion, Conservative group who kisses every big buisness leaders ass just to get a free ride.


Republicans stomp on the working class because the working class has to do the fallowing : have to work for their money, Pay for their kids schools (taxes), Pay for the roads they drive on (taxes), and wern't BORN with money or spoiled rotten.

republicanism có nghĩa là

One who see things in a way that rational people just can't. 1) one who sees economic prosperity in the past just before President Obama was elected 2) one who sees an economic collapse in the future if Obama's re-elected 3) one who sees lowering taxes on the wealthy as the best way to help the poor 4) one who sees increased military spending as reduced government spending 5) one who sees an attack on religious freedom anywhere religion is not free to attack 6) one who sees an evil Obama in an empty chair at the 2012 Republican National Convention 7) one who just doesn't see reality


Ann Romney: "There won't be any more tax releases...We given all YOU PEOPLE need to know."
2012 Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney: "Corporations are people, my friend."
2012 Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan plans to voucher Medicare in order to pay for tax cuts for millionaires and businesses that ship American jobs overseas, if elected.

republicanism có nghĩa là

Republicans are one of two dominant political parties in the United States, and the one that cleaves to generally rightist policies. Gained support by convincing poor whites that poor blacks benefited disproportionately from aid programs, thus getting a bunch of plutocrats elected to office for the sole purpose of giving tax cuts to the rich. Also reflexively oppose every policy proposed by a liberal group on principle. Dislikes government regulation of business. Would rather we have no way to stop businesses with evil intent from abusing us.


One good example (or bad one, depending on how you look at it) of a Republican is George W. Bush. The Tea Party have about 90% of the time voted for Republicans, so any bullshit about them not being Republican is only so Republicans have scapegoats for the occasional really insane shit they do.

republicanism có nghĩa là

The belief in conformity as the only way for society to function. Expresses everyone has the same opportunities. Of course only if you are white, European/North American, Male, heterosexual, religious, bigoted, racist and extremely utilitarianistic.


I bet republicans had to use a real dictionary to look up utilitarianistic.

republicanism có nghĩa là

A republicanism is when you state something as true to get people to believe it even though you know it is false.


On September 26 at 9am McCain has already won this evenings debate.

Don't spout your republicanisms at me.
