Review 13 reasons why phần 1

Season one was as solid 10!! The material covered is so real and so relevant. They told the story in a way that was original and so very interesting. I own a salon and told several moms of teenagers that they should watch each episode and then discuss it. These conversations need to be happening in every home! Shine a light on all the tragedies centering around our children. Season 2 was also very good. I knew it would be hard to follow the almost flawless first season. Then...ANI in season 3. What the hell were they thinking?? Why was she so important and so trusted?? Like within minutes she's knows all the deepest darkest secrets. How?? Why?? She's a nosy two faced meddler!! She is AWFUL!!!! I don't know if she's just a terrible actor or that her character is absolutely unlikeable!! She has NO redeeming qualities. She was a huge mistake she added nothing except confusion and anger from fans of the show. I held off writing this review, in hopes that season 4 would make up for the Ani disaster and they'd be back on track. Not the case. Ani, I hate to say, is back. And when I saw her face and heard her voice I remembered all the reasons that make her terrible. 10 minutes in and everyone is already telling her how much everyone needs her...ugh!! Writers should've listened to the fans and axed her. I'm not sure I'll be able to watch season 4, that's how bad this character sucks!!

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Did the creator and producers really care after season 1?!

13 Reasons Why started strong, interesting and haunting in its first season, having me on the edge of my seat and fully interested at all times. It was super gripping, well-done & well-acted and by the end of that season, I couldn't stop thinking about it, highly praising and recommending it for quite a while. Then the subsequent seasons followed and the magic vanished pretty quickly, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

  • Season 1 gets a 10, It was the best and should have finished there.
  • Season 2 gets a 7.5, explored the aftermath, while having filler scenes of Hannah Baker, not doing justice to her in a decent way.
  • Season 3 gets a 5, the writers ran out of ideas, dragging the series and adding an outsider character by the name of Ani, not making any sense in the series, let alone her deceitful personality, unpleasant presence and distasteful acting.
  • Season 4 gets a 2.5, It is basically a comedy and parody of the show like "Scary Movie" was at its time. It fills its viewers up with messages of compassion, love vs. hatred, sanity vs. insanity and unrealistic accentuation of issues like anxiety and depression. While the mentioned are very important, exist (in the series and real world) and even back then in season 1, It's their depiction and development based on the storyline that is weak, feeble and unconvincing.

All executives involved, forgot about the real story of the series, about Hannah Baker and how she was martyrized and battered. They forgot about her pain, suffering and hopelessness, which got to my throat and saddened me beyond measure.

A continuation and dragging of a series mainly about Hannah Baker and her issues, without her being in it and an active part of it, was most unforgivable. I loved Liberty High and its life, but without Hannah in it, it was just a shadow of a life.

Hannah, you were traumatized beyond measure, made a point at the expense of your life and will be dearly missed. Hope that other persons like you, out there, find the courage and strength to speak up before it's too late.

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Season 4 was NOT how this should have ended!

Warning: Spoilers

I read the book years ago and felt Season 1 was a decent adaptation, even though they did change some things.

I even liked Season 2, because I had grown interested in the characters.

Season 3 I had mixed feelings. I didn't like Ani. I didn't like them trying to make us see this other side of Bryce. However, a lot of great powerful moments for Jess, Clay, and Justin occurred.

And let's talk about Clay and Justin. The way their relationship started and grew. It was my favorite thing about this show! I was so happy that they became brothers and Justin was adopted and he really did this 180 with his life. It was so nice to watch. He went from being one of the bad guys to someone we all hoped would be OK in the end. He redeemed himself and proved to be a good friend.

Season 4 seemed to take all of this and all of the other great things about this show and throw it into the trash. Clay's issues should have been addressed and handled much differently by his parents, therapist, teachers friends. He wasn't simply "anxious". We spend the majority of the season watching him freak out, berate Justin, have hallucinations, etc. Aside from briefly being in the psych ward, it's like no one was really doing anything about it. So unrealistic.

The camping episode? What was that? When did this show turn into a horror movie? So many loose ends. Why wasn't his mom out there in the woods looking for him when he was missing for hours? It just made no logical sense. The riot episode was also too much and out of place. Of course these kids should be under security restrictions..half the senior class has died or gotten into serious trouble!

They tried to cram in too many "woke" things. More than usual and it felt awkward and rushed.

They threw in new characters. Winston was terrible, Diego (also terrible), and Monty's sister? What? Then they threw in Alex all of a sudden being gay and having this brief fling with Winston only to then be with Charlie? Too rushed and could have been handled better. Tyler and Tony's storylines kind of fell into background, but again just nothing felt like it made sense. I don't like how Clay was not there for Tony at all. Weren't they best friends?

I thought Season 4 was going to be about Justin trying to stay sober and him and Clay's bond and also Justin and Jess working things out slowly. While they all struggle yet work together to not get caught. Clay treated Justin so poorly, and I get that he was having a mental breakdown, but I wanted a better reconciliation toward the end.

The finale was the only decent episode of the season. I was angry at what happened to Justin, but in a way I had a feeling they would do this. His character grew the most and he just always had this tragic story no matter what. Kind of like how they killed off Jen in the Dawson's Creek finale. I suppose the ending scenes between him and Clay made up for the trash in other episodes, but I still wanted Clay to do more. To say more. But again he also struggled from his own issues, so maybe that was best we could get. But Justin deserved more.

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Ani...reasons why???

Ani makes me feel like we accidentally turned on audio description & can't turn it off.

The first series was exceptional and I did enjoy season 2 despite the Hannah visions. Season 3 though...... How is this new girl trusted by everyone? How did she become so close to Clay so quickly? Why is Hannah barely mentioned? The tapes were released publicly she could easily have listened to them. She is obviously ridiculously interested in the group so it makes no sense that she wouldn't listen to the tapes!

I do think the whole storyline for series 3 would have been great without the awful commentary from Ani. It's just completely unnecessary! It makes sense that Bryce could be killed but we are so connected to the other characters that they would have been able to explore this story without the need of Ani! Nothing against the actress, she does a good job with what is written. It's the whole part that is just completely unnecessary & highly irritating.

I am English, so it's not the accent that grates on me. It's the personality of the character. It's making it very hard for me to keep watching! I have watched series 1 & 2 a few times each. The music & the intertwining stories were great but I will never be able to watch this series again. I want to press mute whenever she speaks!

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How to get away with murder

Warning: Spoilers

They go against everything they stand for, sexual abuse, drug addiction, bullying, rape and violent behaviour plus they send another message how to get away with murder and blame the dead they spoilt it I liked 13 reasons why but not no more they have just sent the wrong message completely I'm very disappointed HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER!!! is the only message I got from the series 13 reasons why

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If you are just thinking of watching this, stop after season 1.

Disappointed is all I'll say. People may disagree but this is honestly how I feel about the show.

Season 1 was 9/10 for me. Brilliant season. The shock factor made this show stand out. It felt like a refreshing presentation of not very commonly talked about situations. I do advice a little discretion if you're going through a tough time as it can have negative effects inadvertly. The show should have ended right here, and no one would've complained.

Season 2 is a drag. A very huge dip. It still ties to the main story but draws a lot of different branches, each of which explore the main plot from Season 1. Still watchable.

Little "extra" details ahead: Season 3 is a disaster in my honest opinion and hence you see the earlier 9/10 become a 3/10. I don't want to spoil anything exactly, hence I can't give away precise details. The third season doesn't even feel like 13 Reasons Why. It is so overly obsessed with "who does what" and "who is it" over 12 episodes while contributing contents of character development which doesn't even get utilized in the 13th (finale) episode. There's a new randomly introduced character and that character is supposedly someone the viewer should care for, for some odd reason. They tried character development to impact the viewer's perspective, but I feel like the execution was poor.

Season 4, here we go. Not as big a disaster as Season 3. I've seen people hate it and I totally understand why. The season is weirdly paced. Sometimes it feels dragged, sometimes it feels forced. There's too much unnecessary information again. What started off with the first season has zero relevance to this season, at this point. That being said, I think it's good to see them wrap it up. It could've been worse. Coming out of season 3, I didn't know what to think. But it is not as worse as I imagined it to be. It's still below average in my opinion, but at least they concluded the story without making an even bigger mockery of it. The emotional touch at the end did influence my opinion on the season.

9/10 for the first season. 6/10 for the second season. 2/10 for the third season. 3/10 for the fourth season.

5/10 for the whole 4 seasons.

Dylan (who played Clay) was great throughout the series. Katherine Langford did a really good job with potraying Hannah. Tyler, Justin and Bryce were well acted out too.

The show had a very limited shelf life. The show should've ended with Hannah's story. I think the creators should've acknowledged this simple fact. The story fell apart as the timeline progressed, even though the acting was top notch. It's a shame. Regardless, the first season of the show will always stand out to me. It will always be one of my favourite seasons of any show. Anything after that? I'd probably avoid.

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Don't watch after season 1

Season 1 8.2/10 Great season and I really enjoyed it. It's got great acting and was really entertaining. Should've stopped at this season though

Season 2 5.0/10 This season is really boring and it feels like there just dragging it out so that they can get to 13 episodes. I did really enjoy zachs episode, but the rest was overall just average, stretched out and boring.

Season 3 0.3/10 This season is by far the worst season of television I have ever watched. It's stupid and unwatchable. They added a annoying new character (ani). And they turned it into a embarrassing murder mystery. I mean at least in season 2 they were still trying to start a "conversation".

**SPOILERS** Season 4 1.4/10 Is a horrible season and is somehow miles better than season 3. Season 4 destroys the last bit of integrity of all the characters, especially clay. The only thing that was actually good about this season was Dylan minettes (clays) acting, best actor on the show. All of these characters should be in jail for what they've done, they also killed a main character from aids? I literally think they did this to fill the embarrassing episodes they had left. And they ended this season in a very average way.

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Ani who?? S3 is just....

Warning: Spoilers

Can't understand (within context of S1&S2) why the writers would introduce a new character/narrator named Ani, who has unimaginably earned the trust of absolutely every character over the last 2 seasons in a meresly few months of being at Liberty High. All the characters' deepest secrets, regrets, lies and pain (which she bares no tied emotional connection to whatsoever) is all of sudden be-known by Ani within the first 15mins of S3. It continues to leave the stars of the show looking like they are nothing but support role characters in their very OWN story. Ani goes on to portray a "loved by all gate keeper of secrets" for no logical reason, whilst giving her naunced view and advice to everyones troubles. A predictable and frustratingly uninteresting addition that brings no value or even a slight bit of foreshadowing. Such a disappointment after an intriguing S2 finale.

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Should have been one season only

Season one was great. If you've heard good things about this show, it's more than likely things being said about the first season. The second season is okay but not as good, and then the last two are pretty bad. They're entertaining don't get me wrong-but in some of the worst ways possible. In my opinion, it turned into a show where they were exploiting serious issues just for shock value and to keep the show running-as opposed to addressing those issues and tackling them with a storyline that makes coherent sense.

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Credit for burning itself to the ground

Warning: Spoilers

After the gruelling terribleness which was Season 3..and the backlash and bad reviews... you have to give them credit for continuing to self combust and going out in a blaze of glory.

Season 4 is painful in a totally different way to Season 3.. and after being annoyed and offended and embarrassed for the a serial killer in a straight jacket , I found myself half way through Series 4 just laughing at and appreciating it for being OTP, mildly offensive and idiotic.

However, by the finale, I now believe this show is actually a danger to others. It cannot help but turn good into bad. Finally stabbing itself in its back by destroying Justin, who for me was the most believable and likeable character in this show. To do this by killing him off with a disease that in 2020, most people manage to live with shame free, is insensitive and sends out the wrong message to kids today. It puts us back 20 years!

So what starts off as a show with a goal to raise awareness of the issues facing the youth of today.. in failing to do this in a tenacious, educated and positive way... it actually ends up being a dangerous entity in itself.

If I had kids, I would want them to avoid this series at all costs.

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Overall ratings

Season 1 - 9/10 Season 2 - 6/10 Season 3 - 3/10

I really dont know why season 3 was necessary, it should have ended at season 1 to be honest. Season 2 was better than season 3 but i feel like the show's story was told completely in season 1 and thats where it should've ended.

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Season 4 is terrible television in about every way

Let me preface this by saying that I loved Season 1, it was one of my favourite shows in 2017. But it should have stopped there, the story in the book ended there. Season 2 was hugely dissapointing and season 3 was downright garbage. So I went into season 4 with zero expectations and it still managed to disappoint me.

There's no narrative thrust to this season, no plot, no reason why it exists. It's just people walking around doing stupid things and saying stupid things. Why can't people in this show communicate with anyone? Why are people sleeping with each other just to gleam information from each other? Is that how people behave in america? The dialogues are horrible and the constant "You can get through this" rhetoric adds nothing new to help out the people suffering from mental illness.

If you want to see a great show about anxiety, paranoia and depression then go watch the incredible Mr Robot.

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Season 1 YES! Season 2 Eh. Season 3 No No No.

I came here to write a review specifically about the character Ani, but upon seeing previous reviews, there's nothing left to be said. The show apparently needed a voice in the background because Hannah isn't there to do it, so they introduce us to a RANDOM character and make us believe she was included in this very VERY closed off group because...that's exactly how high school works, right? Love the actress, hated the character. This show turned teen detective very quickly, and the main story line is everyone is lying about something, but what clue can us teen detectives find at the end of each episode to bring truth to a lie. Every time.

I DO have to say something about the cinematography and lighting and editing. That was awesome and these poor teams hardly get credit. The seamless transitions to flashbacks worked like, for the lack of a better term, like magic. You watch a character walk away, but in the same shot as the lighting changes see the character emerge again in the flashback. Standing ovation for that. I loved it.

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New Girl Sucks!!!!

I have seen 2 episodes of S3 and I cannot stand Ani...It took 2 seasons to understand all the characters and they are giving more screentime to the new chick, it doesn't work that way.

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By some distance the absolute worst thing I have ever seen

This disgusting piece of irresponsible garbage, including the hideous narcissistic main character and the horrific underlying messages regarding social status, sex and suicide, pretty much encapsulates everything I despise about modern society.

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Too controversial for modern tv

Why on earth is everyone having like a constant acid trip or panic attacks in season 4? The characters and plot seem to have just gone out of wack after each season has passed. Give up already on this trash.

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Warning: Spoilers

Season 1: great Season 2: ok Season 3: quite boring

A new character Ani is introduced as the main character/narrator/detective. She is in every scene which doesn't work for the audience as she is not even known, let alone trusted.

The season drags on and on, and you soon realise that Ani is a distraction, because if any other character was given adequate screen time, the murderer would be so very obvious. The ending reveals no justice, no true friendships and sheer depression. It is literally all about kids getting away with murder and avoiding any negative outcome. Even the sheriff knows the truth but refuses to arrest the murderer.

If you're busy and want noise in the background, maybe give it a go, but otherwise don't waste your time!

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Ani totally not needed.

Bad choice. Not needed. A HUGE DISTRACTION. What? Why? Not needed. A distraction.

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Warning: Spoilers

At first I was really trying to understand the Ani-character and why they gave her such an important role on the show, even though she's just the new girl who didn't even know the whole Hanna-story! Come on guys... let's be honest here! She was a manipulative liar. How did they even let her control the whole gang to blame Monti for Bryce's murder... Oh and one other thing! Although she fell for Bryce and saw the good in him, because he was getting help and trying to become a better person, she blamed Monti just like that for a murder he didn't commit, who by the way was just as troubled and hurt as Bryce. Don't get me wrong! I'm not saying that he wouldn't have to pay for what he did to Tyler. All I'm saying is that they try so hard on this show to pass the right messages and at the end all we saw were two "good" kids to observe Bryce drowning without even blinking and the "bad" boy, who needed so much help, taking the blame for a murder. Don't get me started on Alex... Not only aggressive and suicidal, but now a murderer as well. However, he walks free just because he has good friends and deserves to get help, to become a better person, to move on with his life! Oki-doki guys...

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they took it too far

Warning: Spoilers

Before season 3 i liked The serie after season 3 i hate it. WHO thought that Anni Girl was a good idea. She destroyed everything. The serie is NOT PLL. I am really disappointed

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This Ani character has to go

I have never written a review on here before, but use it religiously when watching something new. For people like me I felt like I needed to write a review about season 3. I am only giving it a four because season one and two were actually good. But season 3 is so disappointing, and makes my rating that low. This new character Ani is horrible! Everything about her is annoying, her voice, her personality, her lies, EVERYTHING. She came out of left field, doesn't even fit with the original characters. She has absolutely nothing to do with Hannah, which was the original point of this show. It's just very disappointing and she should of never been brought into the group.

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What the?!? Season 3??

Warning: Spoilers

Normally I would wait until the end of a show to write a review but season 3 has me baffled, confused, and slightly angry. They introduced a new character, Ani, who just came out of nowhere and season 3 seems to be all about her and her lies. I was waiting so patiently for this season to start and this is the garbage we get? What happened to Hannah's story and justice? At least Jessica is being heard finally. And she's not a victim anymore. She turned out to be a very strong young woman... except her boyfriend is the guy who did nothing and actually allowed her to get raped.

I believe Clay has always been the actual main character of the show and he was always fighting for the truth for both Hannah and Jessica...but now he's the main suspect of Bryce's murder. Geesh. I want to know/hear the rest of those tapes. I don't believe they played all 13 of them. But now all we're hearing is this girl Ani narrate and lie through this season. Poor Clay is being dragged through the mud when he's the one who fights everyone's battles. He the strongest young man in the show.

What a mess they have made of what was once a good show. Let's play teenage detectives everyone. I don't even know if I can finish this season. It's that bad.