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Today, we bring you a topic that any type of player, including both F2P and spending players, should care about. It is the Rise of Kingdoms Civilizations. There are 12 choices to flex within various playstyles. Read this Rise of Kingdoms Civilization Guide for all you need to know.

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Rise of Kingdoms Civilization – Rome

Starting CommanderSpecial UnitScipio AfricanusLegionary

RoK Rome Description

Rome is one of the four Rise of Kingdoms Civilizations which allows players to have strong Infantry Units after Tier 4 research. It is in the top 2 civilizations to choose for Infantry Players.

RoK Rome Buff

  • Infantry Defense +5%
  • Troop March Speed +5%
  • Food Gathering Speed +10%

RoK Rome Tips

  • Rome is a moderate option for infantry players, it provides an increase in defense stats for infantry as well as a bonus on marching speed for all troops.
  • Furthermore, it boosts Food gathering speed, which is one of the two significant resources [except for gold] to train/heal infantry troops [Food and Wood].
  • Additionally, the specialized unit of Rome, the Legionary, has greater stats on defense in comparison with other infantry unit types.

Rise of Kingdoms Civilization – Japan

Starting CommanderSpecial UnitKusunoki Masa ShigeSamurai

Rok Japan Description

Japan is the next Infantry Rise of Kingdoms Civilization. Japan is not so popular among players since the buff for the meta game does not help much, however, it has pros and cons depending on your playstyle.

RoK Japan Buff

  • Troop Attack [all types] +3%
  • Scout March Speed +30%
  • Resource Gather Speed [all types] +5%

RoK Japan Tips

  • The Rise of Kingdoms Japan Civilization provides attack stats for all troop types. Players find Japan useful at the early stage with the 30% increase in scout march speed, this helps explore fogs as well as investigating caves faster.
  • On the other hand, it boosts all types of resources’ gathering speed. This is particularly suitable for RoK Farm Accounts since its purpose is mainly to supply resources to the main account. Pair them with one of the Best Rise of Kingdoms Gathering Commanders and you’ll be in a good place to get some serious resources.
  • Last but not least, the specialized unit of Japan, Samurai, has a pretty cool graphic with relatively high attack stats.

Rise of Kingdoms Civilization – Viking

Starting CommanderSpecial UnitBjörn IronsideBerserker

RoK Viking Description

Viking is the newest Rise of Kingdoms Civilization. As history said, Viking is known as the land of warriors, in Rise of Kingdom, the Viking civilization also shows off their special features with a great attack buff and a cool special unit.

The RoK Viking Civilization is often chosen by Bosses/Whales to fight during warfare.

RoK Viking Buff

  • Infantry Attack +5%
  • Counter-attack Damage +3%
  • Troop Load +10%

RoK Viking Tips

  • The stats of the RoK Viking Civilization buff are optimized for war purposes, this is beneficial for key rally/def. For that reason, Whales with VIP 17 and up usually use Viking to maximize damage as well as to minimize losses in their rallies and defenses.
  • Berserker is a strong specialized unit with buff into attack and defense stats, compared with the normal infantry unit. Besides the stats, its appearance is catchy and cool, which could possibly generate awesome feelings for the player.

Rise of Kingdoms Civilization – France

Starting CommanderSpecial UnitJoan of ArcThrowing Axe-man

RoK France Description

Although last in the list of Infantry Civilizations, France is known as the top choice of Civilization in Rise of Kingdoms. Its great buffs make it the reason why it has been holding the greatest popularity rate until now.

RoK France Buff

  • Troop Health [all types] +3%
  • Hospital Healing Speed +20%
  • Wood Gathering Speed +10%

RoK France Tips

  • In Rise of Kingdoms, the stats [attack, defense, and health] are hugely important in war. Particularly, the stats could be ranked as follows, health > defense > attack. Therefore, the 3% bonus upon the health stat for all troop types, makes France one of the best RoK Civilizations.
  • [Note] the speed in the game could be explained as below, if you get a 100% [anything] speed, it means you do it [building, researching, or healing] 2 times faster; 0%: 100 days with 100%: 50 days.
  • France provides a 20% healing speed bonus. This is super effective during war, especially for F2P and low-spenders, especially with speed items being so precious.
  • Finally, the action of the Axe-man unit is the coolest in Rise of Kingdoms, and for all the above analysis, France remains the top Civilization to play, especially for an Infantry player.

Rise of Kingdoms Civilization – China

Starting CommanderSpecial UnitSun TzuChu-Ko-Nu

RoK China Description

China is the top choice in the early game for players to boost their progress faster. This civilization is used by both F2P and Spenders popularly.

RoK China Buff

  • Troop Defense [all types] +3%
  • Building Speed +5%
  • Action Point Recovery +5%

RoK China Tips

  • China has an attack buff upon all troops types and a minor boost on action point [AP] recovery. This is all good, however, these are not the main reasons to choose China.
  • [Note] the speed in game could be explained as below, if you get a 100% [anything] speed, it means you do it [building, researching, or healing] 2 times faster; 0%: 100 days with 100%: 50 days.
  • China provides a buff on building speed, and China is the only Rise of Kingdoms Civilization to have this buff. Therefore, for beginners, or in the early game, players can choose China to reach the highest city hall [level 25] as fast as possible.
  • Moreover, we consider Sun Tzu one of the Best Epic Commanders in Rise of Kingdoms, especially in RoK KvK 1, so it’s a great choice for new players to grow quickly.
  • Lastly, at Tier 4, the China special unit, Chu-Ko-Nu, has the greatest stats archer troops vs. other Rise of Kingdoms Civilizations.
  • As well as in this Rise of Kingdoms Civilization Guide, this Rise of Kingdoms Civilization is highlighted in our Rise of Kingdoms Tips and Trick for Beginners Guide.

Rise of Kingdoms Civilization – Korea

Starting CommanderSpecial UnitEulji MundeokHwarang

RoK Korea Description

Same as China, Korea is also chosen for its buff at the early stage, but mainly for Boss/Whales. As a result, it is not popular among free players or in the late stage.

RoK Korea Buff

  • Archer Defense +5%
  • Hospital Capacity +15%
  • Research Speed +3%

RoK Korea Tips

  • [Note] the speed in game could be explained as below, if you get a 100% [anything] speed, it means you do it [building, researching, or healing] 2 times faster; 0%: 100 days with 100%: 50 days.
  • The Korea Rise of Kingdoms Civilization is not so popular in Rise of Kingdoms. It’s mainly for bosses, or players with conditions to change civilization [since it’s expensive]. Korea gives 3% bonus on research speed which is efficient for big research which could be up to 120 days.
  • Other than research speed, there are not many reasons to change to the RoK Korea Civilization.

Rise of Kingdoms Civilization – Britain

Starting CommanderSpecial UnitBoudicaLongbowman

RoK Britain Description

Britain is one of the two Rise of Kingdoms Civilizations which has troop training speed buff. It is a moderate choice for players focused on the long term.

RoK Britain Buff

  • Archer Attack +5%
  • Ally Garrison Capacity +20%
  • Troop Training Speed +5%

RoK Britain Tips

  • [Note] the speed in game could be explained as below, if you get a 100% [anything] speed, it means you do it [building, researching, or healing] 2 times faster; 0%: 100 days with 100%: 50 days.
  • Having the troop training speed bonus makes Britain a moderate choice for archer players to pick up.
  • Furthermore, longbowman also has greater attack stats than the other archer troops. This helps players deal better damage with their Commander AoE skills which is particularly useful when paired with one of the Best Archer Commanders in the game.

Rise of Kingdoms Civilization – Ottoman Empire

Starting CommanderSpecial UnitOsman IJanissary

RoK Ottoman Empire Description

The Ottoman Empire Rise of Kingdoms Civilization is the top choice for archer players, no matter if F2P or a spender. The buff for archer troops is outstanding vs. the other options. They also start with one of the Best Epic Commanders in the game, Osman I.

RoK Ottoman Empire Buff

  • Archer Health +5%
  • Skill Damage +5%
  • Troop March Speed +5%

RoK Ottoman Empire Tips

  • As mentioned before, the health stat is the most important stat for all troop types. For that reason, Ottoman has already offered an attractive factor to players.
  • Ottoman also provides a march speed buff which has a crucial role in war.
  • Finally, the buff on skill damage is what the Ottoman Empire is best for. The skill damage buff is great with AoE attacks [and archer has the most AoE commanders in the game]. This buff makes the Ottoman Empire precious for not only archer players but also everyone whose playstyle is war with AoE commanders.

Rise of Kingdoms Civilization – Spain

Starting CommanderSpecial UnitPelagiusConquistador

RoK Spain Description

Coming first in the cavalry list, Spain could be considered an average choice for players at an early stage. Pelagius is also one of the Best Commanders in Rise of Kingdoms, especially when it comes to cavalry solo battles.

RoK Spain Buff

  • Cavalry Defense +5%
  • EXP from Barbarian and Neutral Units +10%
  • Resource Production +20%

RoK Spain Tips

  • With the buff onto the cavalry defense stat, Spain is a fine choice for cavalry-focused players. However, it isn’t an outstanding civilization in comparison with other cavalry Rise of Kingdom Civilizations.

Rise of Kingdoms Civilization – Arabia

Starting CommanderSpecial UnitBaibarsMamluk

RoK Arabia Description

The Rise of Kingdoms Arabia Civilization is known for its buff on rallied armies. Many bosses and whales use this civilization specifically for war. In addition, Arabia players also start with Baibars who is one of the Best Epic Commanders in Rise of Kingdoms. Nevertheless, its buff doesn’t always satisfy all the warmongers and warriors.

RoK Arabia Buff

  • Cavalry Attack +5%
  • Damage to Barbarian and Neutral Units +10%
  • Damage Dealt by Rallied Armies +5%

RoK Arabia Tips

  • The Arabia Rise of Kingdoms Civilization is useful for war when rallying. However, the cavalry attack stat isn’t great [Health or Defense is better] so we mostly witness Arabia being used at the early stage of the game rather than later.
  • Mamluk, the special unit of Arabia, has a different weapon than any other civilization, which is swords. This leads to cool graphics for this troop type.

Rise of Kingdoms Civilization – Byzantium

Starting CommanderSpecial UnitBelisariusCataphract

RoK Byzantium Description

Byzantium is in the top 2 of Rise of Kingdoms Cavalry Civilizations to play. Believe me, it is worthy and not overrated. They also start with one of the Best Epic Commanders in the game, Belisarius.

RoK Byzantium Buff

  • Cavalry Health +5%
  • Hospital Capacity +15%
  • Stone Gathering Speed +10%

RoK Byzantium Tips

  • As you have read, health is always the greatest stat, which causes players to choose the Byzantium Rise of Kingdoms Civilization.
  • Moreover, the starting Commander of Byzantium is Belisarius, the icon of cavalry with Speed of Lightning and ‘Enemy’ of Resources nodes.
  • Hospital capacity is a small point, however, stone gathering speed is on another level. During play, we consume a lot of stone for building, especially for walls. Additionally, in war, using cavalry also requires tons of stone. For that reason, we highly recommend Byzantium for cavalry players.

Rise of Kingdoms Civilization – Germany

Starting CommanderSpecial UnitHermannTeutonic Knight

RoK Germany Description

Germany is the top choice for Rise of Kingdoms calvary players. Not only for its buff but also for its special unit. They also start with Hermann who is one of the Best Epic Commanders in Rise of Kingdoms.

RoK Germany Buff

  • Cavalry Attack +5%
  • Troop Training Speed +5%
  • Action Point Recovery +10%

RoK Germany Tips

  • Firstly, the great point of Germany is its training speed buff, which only Germany and Britain have.
  • Germany is one of the only two civilizations to provide an action point recovery boost. However, it gives double than the other, 10% with 5% respectively.
  • Besides this, the buff upon the attack stat of cavalry is okay, but not too much to discuss.
  • Lastly, the stats of the Teutonic Knight troop type make it the most balanced troop compared to other civilizations. For these reasons, Germany, without a doubt, remains the top 1 choice for all cavalry players, especially for F2P/Low-Spenders.

Rise of Kingdoms Civilization – Egypt

Starting CommanderSpecial UnitImhotepMaryannu

RoK Egypt Description

Egypt are a great option for players who want to focus on the archer troop type. They get a nice attack buff as well as a further buff when taking part in rallies. They are also a good option for development with a building a research speed buff.

RoK Egypt Buff

  • Archer Attack +5%
  • Damage Dealt by Rallied Armies +5%
  • Building and Research Speed +1.5%

RoK Egypt Tips

  • [Note] the speed in game could be explained as below, if you get a 100% [anything] speed, it means you do it [building, researching, or healing] 2 times faster; 0%: 100 days with 100%: 50 days.
  • Although Egypt receives a nice Building and Research buff, Britain is a better option if this is a priority with their +5% Building Speed.
  • Egypt has the highest archer attack buff in the game, and when combined with the rally buff, players will see a very potent archer attack.
  • The starting Commander of Egypt is Imhotep, who we consider one of the Best Epic Commanders in Rise of Kingdoms, and they, therefore, make a great choice for new players who just want a good Commander to get them started.

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