serbian là gì - Nghĩa của từ serbian

serbian có nghĩa là

you know you are Serbian when...
1. you are strangely taller than all your friends know that you are misunderstood by like the entire world

3. You say opa when you really mean to say yay

4. You can write in two different ways

5. you are the only person on the entire planet that suffers from the epidemic called "promaja"...a.k.a extreme wind paranoia

6. u go swimming in rivers that your American friends call gross or unswimmable...but you do it anyway cus thats how you roll

7.your best friend is a Russian

8. you are strangely attracted to boys that can kolo or boys that can "break"

9. your checkbones are wider than everyone elses hang out with your Greek friend nd attack suspicous Turkish-looking people from across the street with your squirt gun

11. If you laugh at your own hilarious jokes that noone else gets

12. you go to Finland and people think that you are African

13. Ana Ivanovic is your idol

14. futbol means war

15. you think its strange that your Croation nighbors say bog (god) as a greeting

16. your parents say your gonna "die" if you dont go to a good school

17. you are nocturnal

18. you kiss more than an Italian

19. When you always have to compare prices with everything at the store.

20. you know where to go for a fun,hot and CHEAP night life that wouldnt make you broke

21. you can shake "sta toja mama gave ya"

22. you can make a pita

23. you have an urge to help out people who have never skiied before

24. you invite your two friends over and cook enough food for an entire army...then when you serve them food and they say its enough you quickly give them more and say "ohh just a little bit more!"

25. you know how to "feed" your guests

26. you are always carpooling or inviting guests over when they dont know where to go

27. you can never get lost even if they put u in a village in the center of Romania

28. you know the real way to spell "Belgrade"

29. When you use your entire wage to buy something for someone who invited you for lunch

30. when people ask "do you know that guy with the accordian?"

31. when "its your way or the highway"

32. If you own a frula

34. you go to the beach and you end up flashing everyone at the end...

33. if you have a beach house in montenegro

34. the boys dont neccessarily know what exactly you are but they cant stop staring...

35. when your friends joke about drinking alcohol you say "OK!!!"...but you really mean it...

36. When you jump on people and they yell "im getting mobbed by a Serbian" even though that usually wouldnt happen...

37.If you are the only white person on the court that can play basketball

38. Ako razumes sta kasem!


Serbian people can vary just like everyone else ;p

serbian có nghĩa là

Serbians = the most beautiful people on earth. albanians and croats hatin..bitches plz u wish u were serb!


Serbians are gods.
Serbians are hot.
Serbians kick ass.

serbian có nghĩa là

Serbian people have been constantly fighting for thier existence against hostile countrys that surrounded it. People that are also widely misunderstood as a bad guy and the western media just shows over the tv how serbs are always "killing" innocent people, in croatia and bosnia.


The fall of Srebrenica was used as an excuse for NATO savage bombing of Bosnian Serbs and all-out ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Krajina (Croatia). The Serbs who survived Hitler are now - again - free to be slaughtered and cleansed. Only two weeks after Srebrenica, American trained Croat Nazis cleanse 250,000 Serbs from Krajina thus achieving their Nazi goal of forming ethnically "pure" Croat state.
The basic facts carefully avoided by
Western media: Srebrenica(famous for the "massacre" in 1995 by serb forces) was founded by the Orthodox Serbs many centuries ago. Not one family was Muslim for centuries. It was not until the 15th cuenturie when the ottomen empire took over bosnia was then converted to islam. A year before the West decides to use Srebrenica as their key propaganda lie, the Serbs publish a book "The Chronicle of Our Cemetery" which clearly shows who the victim in Srebrenica and the surrounding villages is. The Serbs suffered genocidal onslaught by their Muslim neighbors. In this book, journalist and author Milivoje Ivanisevic documents all the details. Western experts dig far and wide in desperate attempt to find a cover for "mass murder" story. The activity only proves that Srebrenica was one big hoax. In Srebrenica At least 3,227 Serbs were murdered or have died after horrible torture in concentration camps in the Srebrenica district during 1992 - 1995 time period. The torture and murder was perpetrated by Bosnian Muslims. Belgrade based Research Center collected substantial documentation on Srebrenica Muslim war crimes.
During the war in bosnia Srebrenica did not fall once to the serbs(july 1995) but three times.
1) April 19, 1992 - Srebrenica falls to the Serbs for the first time. Srebrenica Muslims promise not to fight and offer their weapon. The Serbs trust them and offer autonomy in return. Only days later, though, the Muslims under leadership of Naser Oric, a cop turn war criminal, not only renege on the promise given - they start slaughtering Serbian civilians. The Islamic terrorists do it in their traditional, bestial fashion.
2) April 18, 1993 - After whole year of struggle and suffering where the West was supporting Bosnian Muslim side few different ways, the Serbs manage to militarily take over Srebrenica for the second time. With only tiny core of Srebrenica still under Muslim control, NATO countries threaten to carpet-bomb Bosnian Serbs if they do not withdraw. The Serbs agree but only under condition that peace be guaranteed to the region. The Muslims should disarm. All sides: Muslim, Serb and U.N. (i.e. NATO) representatives sign 11 point agreement that conforms to the Serbian demand. Srebrenica - the first "safe area" is born. NATO forces (in U.N. uniforms) are to disarm their Muslim proxy - but they renege on the agreement. U.S. secretly arms Bosnian Muslims. Srebrenica terrorists are now free to continue their atrocities against the Serbs. Islamic terror is under NATO protection.
3) July 12, 1995 - In order to convert NATO from defense force into a World Policeman the Western governments are ready to wage all out war against the Serbian people. But first they need a good excuse. They need a holocaust story. Clinton's Administration tells Islam fundamentalist leader of Bosnia, Alija Izetbegovic, that at least 5,000 Muslims should die. The two set Srebrenica as a trap. Naser Oric, leader of Srebrenica criminals, provokes the Serbs for the last time and then secretly withdraws with his close followers. The remaining Srebrenica Muslim forces are now without leadership. They battle among themselves whether they should oppose imminent Serb attack - or simply surrender. Most of them decide to leave their women and children and try suicidal break through thick Serbian defence lines - all the way to the next territory under Muslim control which is miles away. This insane strategy exacts heavy price. Great! The West gets its excuse. The World Policeman is born. God gives NATO right to control the Earth.
The aftermath of this story is no surprise. NATO airplanes are followed by NATO troops and large NATO bases. Bosnia is but a colony conquered. The lie about "Bosnian Serb mass-execution of Srebrenica men and boys" is revamped whenever the West is to tie their screws tighter on the conquered but rebellious Bosnian Serb population. Despite years of digging and lack of any material evidence to the atrocious claim - entire Bosnian Serb leadership (both military and political branch) is declared to be "war criminals." The intention is to decapitate and subdue the Serbian people. The side effect is utmost racism that denied one whole people the very right to exist. In other words the West conducts genocidal policy against the Orthodox Christian Serbs in Krajina, in Bosnia, in Kosovo, in Central Serbia.
It is high crime that the Serbs who settled in Bosnia in 7th century and who formed all the towns and villages through and through (including Srebrenica) are now denied the right to exist on the lands where their forefathers did for more than millennia. That is true crime.

serbian có nghĩa là

The greatest and most superior race on the face if this planet Earth.

Ways To Identify a Serbian:
1) They LOVE their country.
2) Kosovo je SRBIJA.
3) They have the biggest sandwiches at school.
4) They love their baba.
5) Cevapi.


Joe: Yo, that new dude, Djordje, must be Serbian.
Mike: Why do you say that?
Joe: Look at the size of his sandwich!

serbian có nghĩa là

Serbians are mostly all very tall and skinny.
But also like to eat our meats :P

They are very proud of thier country

Also mostly all there last names end with- vic


"Whoah You tall !"
" Yea i know Im Serbian "

serbian có nghĩa là

The best type of people on this whole planet
Srbija do Tokija! jebes ameriku


Wow look at that sexy Serbian chick over there damn she's hot.Ya man all Serbian women are hot.Serbians are so cool.

serbian có nghĩa là

serbians have always been loyal and brave country that has never been scared of no one, even when the odds are agaisnt them. serbians have always had brave soldiers and sadly, always had alot of traitors and making bad decisions which is why serbians have been having such bad luck throughout history. the treachery and backstabing has been around serbia since the middle ages. from the battle of kosovo in 1389 to this very day.


Peter Karadjordjevic had good intentions after WW1, but made a big mistake which costed serbians alot. In stead of making one big serbian state he proclaimed the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians in December 1918 which divided alot of serbian land to give to the croats and slovenes. this would have had to be one of the biggest mistakes ever made by serbia. After yugoslavia was made the backstabing and hatred of the serbians began. the croatians in particular proved how much they hated serbians during the second world war by killing thousands of serb civillins, which was the thanks serbia got for saving them in the first world war. in stead of choosing a serbian to lead yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito was choosen a half Croat half Slovene - big mistake. the second world war soon coming to an end and the chetniks and partisans were ploting a attack to sweep through croatia, liberate the concentration camps and kill any remianing Fascists. Tito did not allow this plan to proceed as he said that the croatians are serbia's "brother" and that everything will be back to normal after the war. Tito had long planned to tear yugoslavia apart and destroy serbia, Tito put all the money into croatia and slovania and so when tito died yugoslavia would collapse. while tito lived, it was his personal prestige that was holding yugoslavia together. In 1989 Slobodan Milosevic was elected as president of serbia. although Milosevic was not such a great president he still wanted to unify yugoslavia and the serbian people. Slobodan Milosevic has made alot of mistakes and if were prevented from happening, serbia would be in a much better position. In 1999 NATO launched a illegal bombing campaign causing a massive humanitarian catastrophe. NATO bombing went on for 79 days, the biggest bombing campaign in history. By may 1999 NATO and US airforce supremacy was warning and urging Milosevic to sign a truce and allow NATO peacekeeper's into kosovo. If Milosovic had kept fight just for one more week, serbia would have won and would be in a totally differnt position and Milosevic would have been a world hero. This is just another example of a bad decision made by the serbians. On April 1, 2001 President Milosevic was arrested and imprisoned by the Serbian Government of the so-called “Democratic Opposition of Serbia,” On June 28, 2001, St. Vitus Day, the holiest day on the Serbian Orthodox calendar, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, in a humiliating display of treason, illegally kidnapped President Milosevic and handed him over to the Hague Tribunal which flagrantly violated not only the Constitutions of Serbia and of Yugoslavia, but also of numerous international statutes regarding the extradition of prisoners.
this shows the treachery and backstabing of the serbian people and that was a very big mistake handing over Milosevic like that. Milosevic should have been trialed in serbia by the serbians instead of handing him over to the Hague. serbians are not a united country which is why everything has gone wrong for the serbs.

serbian có nghĩa là

The coolest people ever. They make the best beer and food. And the best at Sports. (even more than Russia) Every other country that surrounds them steals their culture and blames them for everything. (They are all just jealous.)


That Serbian man can kick your scrawny Polish ass.

serbian có nghĩa là

Getting so fucking mashed that you end up anally raping your own son.


"Dude I got so fucked last night that when I got home, I only went and pulled A Serbian!" "Shit how did your son take it?" "He was mentally and physically ruined so I shot him to put
him out of his misery."

serbian có nghĩa là

A really vanilla person. Not into ANYTHING.


"Check out that guy! He might be interested in a threeway."
"Nah dude he's serbian."
"Aww shit"