Sửa lỗi an internal inconsistency has been detected năm 2024

Is it possbile to enter this type of host name on the Configuration of Computer after Deploying a Master Image? We are planning to Put the MAC Address of the Computer, What VLAN it is, Computer Type [Laptop or Desktop] and lastly last 5 Serial of the Computer

DeployAnywhere Driver deployment after deploying an Image

May 17, 2018, 12:43 am


Is there are way that we can add a .exe or .msi file in DeployAnywhere Driver Database? It seems that .inf file are being read by the DeployAnywhere Driver Database when I add.

Multicast cloning limit to 32 clients while using large GHO image file

May 16, 2018, 8:00 pm

Hi there,

I am using Ghost v12.0.0.8023 Corporate Edition and GhostCast Server v12.0.0.8023.

We observed that with GHO image file of > 15GB, the maximum number of multicast clients allow to connect and cloning is 32 only. If using a small GHO image like [3-6GB GHO], it able to multicast to more clients, eg: 36 clients for our use-case. The setup is with Cisco managed switch and properly configured for IGMP and etc. All experiments done with same network and setup, just different GHO image size. From ghost logs able to see all clients did connected to GhostCast Server, but GhostCast Server only replied to 32 clients and no more.

Would like to hear from Symantec whether there is limitation imposed or our setup issue?

GSS 3.2 RU6 - Deployanywhere failing to run after upgrade.

May 18, 2018, 3:43 am

We're seeing the error "DeployAnywhere failed to insert hardware drivers" on all imaging tasks after going to RU6 from RU5. Has anyone else seen this behaviour?

I've just finished recompiling one of our WinPE automation environments and am testing it now - I'll post back the result in case anyone else hasn't yet upgraded and runs into the same trouble.

Update: Recompiling one of our WinPE bootdiscs hasn't helped. Same error across at least 6 different hardware configs ranging from notebook to desktop to workstation. I can't even see a window being called for the Deployanywhere task - whilst running it by hand you see the expected output so this appears to be an issue with our upgrade or a straight up major bug in RU6.

I'd appreciate to hear from anyone else that's gone to RU6 and has deployanywhere working successfully just so I know to revert to a snapshot/backup and try our upgrade again.

Update error windows 10 build 1803

May 21, 2018, 2:14 am

I can not install version 1803 of windows 10 in which I have installed gss 3.2 since it shows me that I have to uninstall altiris services previously. Any solution?


GHO file damaged by ghost explorer

May 28, 2018, 10:20 am

I created a image by Ghost and try to use Ghost Explorer to delete some useless files from the image. When I delete a fold, the ghost explorer seems idle whlile delete one file. The status bar shows "delelting file XXXX.YY", and keep the statment witout fresh the file name. I can only browse the file list, nothine else can be done. I have to close the application though it mentioned that stop the operating can damage the image file. And the image file does danmaged. I have tried to open it by ghsot explorer, tried to recovery the image to disk by ghost, both the applications crashed. I use ghost to check the image, and it gives a error message "Internal error 36000, An internal inconsistency has been detected, If the problem persits... " There are really improtent files in this image, and I have no backup. Such problem happend on ghost explorer does trouble me a lot. Can anyone help me recovery the image file and find my files back? attachment is the error log created by ghost. May it can help.


Installing GSS 3.2 on existing server running 2.5

May 31, 2018, 4:30 am

Hello all,

I will be transitioning from GSS 2.5 to 3.2 but before I do I have some questions / good practice tips, that I could not find answers to.

NB: 3.2 install will be on same server as existing and operational 2.5 service.

  • 2.5 agent has been deployed to my client PC's, should I remove this agent via Ghost Console before installing 3.2 ?
  • Assuming I use a different install path I can leave the 2.5 install intact ?
  • I should prevent ngtray.exe from running by removing entry in run folder of registry ?
  • Is there anything else I should do to prepare for an easy transition, I have checked software and Hardware requirements of GSS 3.2 and my server meets the specs?

Looking forward to your comments.

Bad Magic error 10024

June 4, 2018, 3:06 am


I know this is an old error, but I have only ran into it now and cannot find a way around it. Using ghost32.exe v11.5.1.2266 - I created a GHO image spanning over 23 GHS files. I deleted a couple of files using ghost explorer and then it seemed the image was corrupt when trying to restore the image to a drive. It said it is not a valid image file. After doing some checks I managed to "fix" the header to a point that it now sees it as an image and reports the data size correctly, etc, but when the clone from image starts it immediately stops with application error 10024. When doing intergrity check it shows - Bad Image header expecting type:4[412]. Error log shows error 10024, Bad Magic.

Please help, I don't want to lose data.


pxe boot ghost 3.2

June 4, 2018, 6:17 am

Is there a way to pxe boot without an agent but see the image file that you need to select and did an image will come down on that laptop or computer? How do I get a image onto a laptop that just came from the factory ? I'm using ghost 3.2.

Microsoft Activations [windows/office] are not transferring after computers are done imaged

June 5, 2018, 1:10 pm

We are imaging some computers using GhostCast Server from newest Ghost solution Suite. The image was also created using GhostCast.

The Problem we are running into is that the Windows Professional and Office MAK key are not carrying over to the imaged computers properly casuing activation to fail. Any idea why that would be and is there a solution to solve this?

The images have Windows pro v1803

Sysprep W10 - Drivers being removed - PersistAllDevicesInstalls = true in unattend.xml

June 6, 2018, 6:27 am

In the Generalize section of unattend.xml PersistAllDevicesInstalls is set to True. Execute sysprep \oobe \generalize \unattend:C:\unattend.xml. Prior to doing so in an attempt to quiet the store disable wireless adapater [Probably not best way, but I doubt this is contributing to issue]. On reboot I can clearly see some command window open and close. Sysprep stalls with an error from Synaptics about an error when an uninstalling. I can't even get access to keyboard or mouse to take a look at the system to see what else sysprep feasted itself on. I know you can also hard code into the registry the above mentioned setting. This last time around I neglected to do so. But what is bugging is me why the unattend did not process. I know it went through it because there is a section for creating a secondary admin type account.

I also tried to uninstall the Synaptics software and force windows to use a generic driver, which worked. But post sysprep re-boot I got same error. How is this possible when the offending software uninstalled before running sysprep again.

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Clients get PXE menu in legacy mode, not in UEFI mode

June 7, 2018, 7:04 am

I'm at a loss here.

I PXE boot computer labs for imaging. My Ghost [3.2 R3 at the moment] PXE server lives on a Windows 2008 R2 server that I use for Ghost. DHCP is managed by central IT, and I have applicable DHCP options set to make PXE go. PXE works fine when I boot a machine in legacy BIOS mode. It gets a link, gets an IP address, downloads the PXE boot menu, times out appropriately, it's all good.

I'm trying to make it work with UEFI because legacy BIOS functionality is getting slimmer and slimmer on new hardware. It's time.

I changed the bootfile name in DHCP from BStrap/X86PC/BStrap.0 to BStrap/X86PC/BStrap.efi. I try to PXE a machine in UEFI mode, it gets a link, gets an IP address, downloads the NBP file successfully, and then exits without an error.

I've tried pointing the bootfile name at BStrap/x64/BStrap.efi [which does exist], which results in a "PXE-E16 No offer received" error.


Capturing VM image using Ghostcast Server

June 8, 2018, 1:23 pm

Hi all-

Just received a number of new laptops and I'd like to create a new golden image for our fleet of laptops that can be deployed to different hardware configs.

I haven't been able to find much concrete information on this topic and would like some feedback. I'm creating a Windows 10 image [with the proper VL in place] in VMware and would like to use this image as the "standard image" that I can use to deploy. My question is how viable is this through Ghost?

I found this article: //www.symantec.com/connect/articles/converti...

but it's from 2010 and I'm not sure how applicable it is today. Can this process be done without using Ghost Solution Suite, or should I be using GSS for this process?

Any feedback is welcomed and I'll be happy to provide additional details if needed.

Thank you.

LONG Load Times, Scripted Install an Alternative?

June 12, 2018, 9:35 pm

This is a multi-part question, I'm looking for some guidance.

I manage a 30 PC computer lab for a department at a college. We configure the image, sysprep it, the deploy it. With Windows 10 however, that produces insanely long load times. Some students report waiting up to 5 minutes to log in. Log offs can also take 5-10 minutes.

I've taken steps such as keeping the number of programs in the base image to a minimum and installing everything afterwards with scripts, I've also removed all of the Windows store apps and our group policy campus wide disables the windows store.

Still, I can't get the load time for a login to under 1 minute. Best I can get is 1 to 1.5 minutes.

Our desktop computers use SCCM OSD to install instead of block imaging. So I decided to explore Ghost's scripted install since we can't use the OSD for labs. So here are some questions:

1.] Is there anything I might have missed that you could suggest to improve load speeds?

2.] When doing the scripted imaging, the partitioning part confuses me. All of the drives are NTFS formatted SSDs. Do I need a custom script or can I use diskpart? If I need a custom script, are there any resources on what that would look like?

I appreciate any tips or guidance. I got away from imaging for a few years and now I feel like I forgot everything.

Restarting DHCP Service Attempt X, Can I Skip This?

June 13, 2018, 6:45 pm

Hello, I just started using 3.2 [I am used to 2.5 and back] and I am having some issues trying to get a multicast session going. I want to image multiple machines through a switch using the multicast server, something I have had no problem doing in the past on 2.5 [note: this means there is no DHCP server on this little network]. I am so close to getting things going with one issue, when I try and boot from my bootable I get hit with the "restarting DHCP Service Attempt X." I have looked around and found that a lot of people say its a driver issue, so I added in all the NICs for my clients with no luck [Because there is no DHCP Server, I figured this would happen but tried it anyway]. It works perfectly after ~20 attempts to restart DHCP when it just says failed. Is there a way I can skip that and jump straight to the multicast setup?

DAgent displays Client Record Updated but job never starts

June 14, 2018, 9:27 am

I'm having this exact issue but with GSS 3.2 RU6 and WinPE 10:


I'm trying to pull a Windows 10 Education 64-bit image and the computer will boot to automation but once it gets to the Client Record Updated screen it just sits there and never starts the create image job. The computer name and MAC address fields remain blank. I've tried recreating my boot images 3 times, reinstalling my WADK, and tried tinkering with PXE settings but I can't get past this. Any help is appreciated. If you need more info let me know.

Boot Disk Ghost64.exe question

June 19, 2018, 6:10 am

I've been manually creating fresh WinPE boot disks for years, copying the full "\ghost" directory from boot disks originally made with Ghost Solutions Suite and just dropping a small batch file to run the application as WinPE loads. It works flawlessly and allows us to import dozens of Dell WinPE drivers from their .cab files in a single DISM command; we used to do this with GSS, but adding individual network and storage drivers to the boot disks via the Bootwiz application was always too tedious.

My question is this: within the \ghost directory there are many executables, .dll files, and scripts [like gdisk, ghconfig, etc. etc.], but are they necessary for Ghost64.exe to function, or is that single executable the only one I need to incorporate into my boot disk? NOTE: These disks are NOT for booting to automation, or any other complex task; they are SOLELY used to manually image machines 1:1 from external hard drives or to manually boot and join them to a GhostCast Server session running a local technician's console, typically with a private network switch for small multicast jobs. I've built a WinPE 10 boot disk using only the Ghost64.exe application and it appears to be working just fine - I just want to make sure there isn't some hidden catch I'm not aware of.

Many thanks!

Failed to mount disk image - solid state drive issue?

June 21, 2018, 10:06 am

Hi - we've been using GSS for a couple of years to push images to devices. We've had good luck with occassional issues where the automation fails to mount the drive to image. Nothing serious.

With the new PC's, they all have SSD's in them, in this case 2.5", not the M.2 version.

I'm 0-3 for getting my pushes to go through, and the only variable that I'm seeing is the SSD, we've pushed to the same model PC with a "normal" drive [SATA].

We've tried every switch we can think of to let it continue and no dice.

Anyone else having an issue like this? Any ideas on a fix?

Thanks a lot for any suggestions.

Auto Deployment stuck at "Client Record Updated"

June 22, 2018, 2:25 pm

I'm not sure where to start, but I'm running a distribute disk image job against a machine. PC reboots, connects to PXE, boots to WinPE, loads drivers successfully, and establishes a network connection. Then it starts dagent. Dagent displays "client record updated" but that is where it stops. It shows the address for my server, it shows the address for the client, but it doesn't display computer name or MAC address.

I'd like to troubleshoot why it hangs. Are there logs I can create that can assist here? Any advice or tips would be appreciated. I'm running a trial version of GSS 3.2 trying to get a proof of concept going so we can evaluate this product.

Ghost 11.0 - Internal Error 8027

June 26, 2018, 8:45 am

Trying to burn a number of USB sticks with an image and getting Inconsistancy error. Internal Error 8027. At least half of these drives are getting this error. I don't have the option of getting new ones. I have been told to make these work.

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