Tài liệu PRD là gì

What is a Product Requirements Document?

A sản phẩm requirements document [PRD] is an artifact used in the product development process to lớn communicate what capabilities must be included in a hàng hóa release lớn the development & testing teams. This document is typically used more in waterfall environments where product definition, kiến thiết, và delivery happen sequentially, but may be used in an agile setting as well.

Bạn đang xem: Prd là gì

The PRD will contain everything that must be included in a release lớn be considered complete, serving as a guide for subsequent documents in the release process. While PRDs may hint at a potential implementation khổng lồ illustrate a use case, they may not dictate a specific implementation.

See also: Market Requirements Document [MRD]

Whats the Difference Between a PRD và an MRD?

For decades, a product requirements document [PRD] was the most important artifact hàng hóa managers would create. It painstakingly lists out everything required for a given product release và serves as the document of record that the entire release is based on. In short, if it isnt included in the PRD, it wont be included in the release.

The PRD may follow on the heels of a marketing requirements document [MRD]created by hàng hóa marketing, kinh doanh, or hàng hóa management as wellthat describes customer dem&, market opportunity, và a business case for the overall product or a particular product release.

The PRD itself does not touch on market opportunity or revenue but is instead firmly rooted in use cases và desired functionality. Each feature or capability is usually described as a separate tòa tháp, và a use case is typically included for every thành phầm as well.

Based on the PRD, a number of other artifacts will be created by others in the organization. Engineering will create a functional specification, which describes how each item in the PRD will be implemented, và they may also create [or update] an architectural kiến thiết document. UX will create wireframes and mockups as needed, & quality assurance will write a kiểm tra plan ensuring every single use case in the PRD can be successfully executed during testing.

What Should a Product Requirements Document Contain?

A PRD must include every explicit capability required for the release. To support each desired capability, there should be an accompanying use case illustrating how a user would utilize this functionality & to inform the test plan.

If a feature is complex, sub-items may be used to provide more detail và granularity for the technical teams. Each of these sub-items should include their own use case when relevant.

In addition to the specific features và capabilities, the PRD should include an overview/purpose for the release. While this shouldnt try to replicate what is in the MRD, it should detail exactly what the sản phẩm team is trying to achieve sầu with this specific release [as an MRD may be used for multiple releases of the same product/suite of products].

In addition to the functional requirements, the PRD should also spell out any other requirements. These include any system or environmental requirements [i.e., this product should run on Windows 10 or later, or it should run in Firefox, Chrome và Safari browsers], as well as any usability requirements [i.e. one-handed navigation for Smartphone apps].

The final batch of ingredients for a PRD is the Assumptions, Constraints, and Dependencies.

Assumptions are anything you expect lớn be in place [yet isnt guaranteed], such as assuming that all users will have Internet connectivity.

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Constraints dictate something the eventual implementation cant require, be it a budgetary constraint or a technical one.Dependencies are any known condition or thành phầm the product will rely on, such as depending on Google Maps lớn add directions for a dog walking app.

Whats an Example of Product Requirements Document?

The following is a basic outline of what should be included in a PRD. There are no hard-and-fast rules for this, but these items are typically present:

Objective/Goal: Explain why are you building this và what vì chưng you hope lớn accomplish.Features: For each feature, you should include a mô tả tìm kiếm, goal and use case at a minimum. Additional details may be helpful or necessary depending on the complexity of the feature, such as out-of-scope items.UX Flow và Design Notes: Most organizations complete the UX kiến thiết of features after the PRD has been reviewed and accepted. However, there may be some general guidance required at this stage lớn ensure the release objectives are met. This is not the place for pixel-perfect mockups or wireframes that map out every possible scenario; instead, it can be used to describe the overall user workflow.System và Environment Requirements: Which end-user environments will be supported [such as browsers, operating systems, memory, và processing power, etc.].Assumptions, Constraints & Dependencies: List out what is expected of users, any limits for the implementation to be aware of và any outside elements required for the final solution to be functional.

What are Steps in Creating a PRD?

Assuming an MRD already exists, product management should first consult with sản phẩm sale to ensure theres a full understanding of the business drivers for the specific release being described in the PRD. From there, whichever product prioritization methods are already being used should be tapped to identify what is in scope for the release.

Its then time khổng lồ author the document, utilizing notes & user feedback captured for each feature being included in the release. The document should go through several rounds of review with others in the hàng hóa team if possible to lớn ensure as many potential questions have been answered and the document is as thorough as possible.

With a fully complete PRD, it should next be circulated amuốn the business side stakeholders to lớn confirm theyre aligned with the objective sầu of the release và the features included lớn meet that objective sầu. When consensus is reached, its time khổng lồ hvà the PRD over to lớn engineering.

At this stage, there will be questions, clarifications, và challenges from the technical team that should be addressed verbally và updated in the PRD if necessary. The goal is to lớn have a PRD thorough và comprehensive sầu enough so there are no surprises later on. Once there is an agreement that the PRD has reached that stage, it is then passed onto lớn other teams for UX design, functional specifications và demo plan definition.

By including all these teams in the PRD creation and nhận xét process, it gets everyone onboard with the desired outcome & contents of the release. There should be little question as to lớn what will be shipped, how it will benefit the business and its impact on users at the kết thúc of the process.

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