the souths là gì - Nghĩa của từ the souths

the souths có nghĩa là

Any area in the US where the word "Y'all" is used by anyone.


If your an Atheist don't move to the south, they hate us here.

the souths có nghĩa là

With regard to the other definition ...
If you're a yankee don't move here, we hate all y'all too!


We don't really care how you did it up north. If everything is so great up there, then Delta is ready when you are!

the souths có nghĩa là

Ones Genitals


Missy Elliot - Crazy in Love:
"Got em lookin so cray rite now, crazy rite, now make ya go down south"

the souths có nghĩa là

Contrary to the opinion of many northerners, the south is not a place filled with rednecks drinking whiskey, playing banjos, sleeping with our cousins, and beating on black people. In fact, we are actually pretty tolerant, as a whole, of other races and religions [i would like to point out that the biggest riots when they integrated schools were in boston.] We also have a very unique culture including music and literature. A lot of great writers and musicians were from the south, such as B.B. King, William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, and Anne Rice. We also contribute to movies as well, since many great actors such as Morgan Freeman and James Earl Jones hail from here. So biased northerners should get a clue, or maybe read Gone with the Wind, the most beloved work by an American author. It's by a dirty racist southerner, I hear.


If Pennsylvania was so much better than the south, why don't you just pack your bags and go back!

the souths có nghĩa là

noun, A Place Where: 1]Tea is sweet and accents are sweeter, 2]Summer starts in April 3 ]Macaroni and cheese is a vegtable 4] Porches are wide and words are long 5]Pecan Pie is a staple 6] Y'all is the only proper noun 7]Chicken is fried and biscuits come with gravy 8]Everything is Darlin' 9]Someones heart is always being blessed.


I love the South

the souths có nghĩa là

1. lower regions of a designated person, place or thing

2. term used to refer to the lower, warmer states in the USA; most are known for having played roles in the Civil War. Often times the people are stereotyped as being closed minded bigots or inbreeding cultural deficient folk. THIS IS A LIE! Southerners are renowned for their hospitallity though this is not true for all. Yes, most of the Southern states played a part in the pro-slave side of the Civil War but people today are more open-minded and educated. People of today can not be blamed for events beyond their control. Also fabled for greasy, salty fattening foods. I need only point out to a northern McDonalds to prove that this is a common misconception although we do make pretty good fried chicken.

3. the south pole


Most of you people don't know anything about the South!

the souths có nghĩa là

basically just states in the south of the united states of america. the south is generally a very nice place to live in, with warm weather and friendly folk; the main reasons so many northerners are moving down to the south. What most southerners don't know is that the 'damn yankees' don't make fun of the South much at all, in fact we never really -mention- the south. We don't bring up the Civil War and taunt the South or anything. Some southerners have this idea that all yankee's think that the south is full of hicks, but this is not true. Yankee's like southerners, so you southerners should learn to be tolernat of yankee's and their culture to. we're all one country, after all.


Southerners say "y'all" mostly and Yankee's say "you guys" mostly. This is one of the many differences between the south and north, but something that they can get over and just get along.

the souths có nghĩa là

In short, The South is a distinct region of the United States which consists of the same states that seceeded from the union in the pre-civil war era. If you don't know them by now, then you'll never know them. The South is growing at a more than moderate rate and is a lot more diversified than it used to be. The South is the epitomy of amiability but also maintains a great sense of pride. If someone outside of The South "disses" it, a severe ass-whippin can occur.


some idiot: You talk country.
me: What? You don't like my Southern drawl?
idiot: No. You sounded like a dumbass hick during the presentation.
me: I'm from The South, bitch. Plus, I'll be getting my Doctorate while you'll still be hunting for your Master's.
idiot: I don't care.
me: Me either. [thousands of Southerners show up at my defense]
idiot: We're all friends here........right?

the souths có nghĩa là

1. The best dam place
2. Three words to describe it are: ice tea, GOD, and the best FOOTBALL the world has ever known!
3. Surprisingly not everyone is a racist, sexist redneck.
4.Best god dam food 5. The south has two religions God and the SEC


The south is the home of the best fried chicken.

the souths có nghĩa là

A term generally used to discribe parts of Florida, most notabley coastal urban centers and Orlando. A large percentage of these areas' residents originate from northern regions, such New York, New England, and parts of southern Canada. As a result, they are almost entirely devoid of things typically associated with the deep south [southern accents, Confederate pride, etc.]. Called "South of the South" for it's location south of the Deep South [or Dirty South]. Note that in means being physically south of the region called the south, NOT the southern part of the region called the south.


Pretty sure being South of the South is *better* than being in the Deep South, too.

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