Topic: the importance of learning english

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6 Reasons Why Knowing English Is Important in Today's World

  • Author:
    Zeeshan Naved
  • Updated date:
    Mar 12, 2021

I've come to realize that understanding English is important for many people, and I have a few suggestions for learning ESL.

There are many reasons for someone to learn English as a second language.

Sharon McCutcheon via Unsplash

Language is our primary source of communication; it's how we share ideas with others. Some people even say that language is what separates us from animals and makes us human. There are thousands of languages in the world; countries have their own national languages in addition to a variety of local languages spoken and understood by their people in different regions. Some languages are spoken by millions of people and others by only a few thousand.

English is one of the languages known by many, with about 20% of the global population speaking it [that's 1.5 billion people]. But did you know that most of those people aren't native speakers? Only about 360 million people speak English as their first language. Given its popularity in everyday communication, academia, business, and entertainment, it's no wonder many are saying it's important for non-native-speakers to hurry up and learn English.

Six Reasons Why English Is Important

  1. It's an international common tongue.
  2. It's the language of academia.
  3. It gives you access to a wealth of written media, online and printed.
  4. It comes in handy when traveling.
  5. It's essential if you want to work in international business or commerce.
  6. It's the language of Hollywood.

English is the primary language of many countries touched by British imperialism, and also of many business and cultural spheres dominated by those countries.

Waldemar Brandt via Unsplash

1. English Is the International Common Tongue

There are several factors that make the English language essential to communication in our current time. First of all, even for those who don't use English as their primary language, it is a very common second language in various cultures. This means that two people who come from different countries [for example, a Mexican and a Swede] usually use English as a common language to communicate.

I think everyone needs to learn the language in order to get in touch on an international level. Speaking English will help you communicate with people from countries all over the world, not just English-speaking ones. That applies whether you're traveling, doing business, or communicating with others on social media.

Most English speakers aren't native speakers.

It's the first language of about 360 million people, but the total number of people in the world who know English is 4 times that amount [about 1.5 billion people].

How Did English Become So Popular?

English originally developed in England as one of the Indo-European languages, but through the historical efforts of the British Empire, it has become the primary or secondary language of many former British colonies such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and India.

Currently, English is the primary language not only of countries actively touched by British imperialism but also of many business and cultural spheres dominated by those countries. It is the language of Hollywood and of international banking and business. As such, it is useful and even necessary for many to understand the language.

This map shows the percentage of English speakers in different countries.

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List of Countries by English-Speaking Population

source: //

Country% English SpeakersTotal English Speakers

United States












United Kingdom

































South Africa



2. It's the Language of Academia

English is also essential in the field of education. In many countries, children are taught and encouraged to learn English as a second language. Even in countries where it is not an official language, such as the Netherlands or Sweden, we will find that many syllabi in science and engineering are written in English.

Furthermore, English is generally thought to be the language of higher education. Many of the world's top universities are English-speaking schools. Because English is the dominant language in the sciences and international research, most of the research studies you find in any given scientific field will be written in it as well. At the university level, students in many countries study almost all their subjects in English in order to make the material more accessible to international students.

According to Pew research in 2010, over 90% of secondary school students and 73% of primary school students in Europe were taught English at school.

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English as a Medium of Instruction

In fact, English as a medium of instruction [EMI] is an increasingly popular model. Educational institutions may choose to use the English language to teach any given subject, sometimes because it is a commonly spoken language in that geographic region, but also sometimes because the institutions seek to attract a population of students who believe that conducting their studies in English makes them more employable in the world.

There is some contention about whether EMI is beneficial on the whole. While it's true that studying in English can be a highly sought-after and employable skill, some worry that using English in academics can threaten local languages and therefore erase learners' identities. Furthermore, if teachers and students aren't all personally invested in using EMI, the quality of learning can be diminished. Its effectiveness can also suffer if teachers and students aren't actually fluent in the language, as that impacts critical understanding.

English is generally thought to be the language of higher education.

chuttersnap via Unsplash

3. It's Favored by the Internet and Press

On the internet, the majority of websites use English. Even sites in other languages often give you the option to translate the site. The runner-up language is Russian, which only claims about 6% of websites. So English is the clear winner when it comes to the internet, with over 50% of the content in that language. And the amount of educational content on the internet is probably even more heavily skewed toward English dominance since, as we've already discussed, the modern world of research and academics favors English.

One in five people in the world understand at least a little bit of English.

English Publications Are Everywhere

It's also the primary language of the press: more newspapers and books are written in English than in any other language, and basically no matter where in the world you are, you will find some English books and newspapers available. In fact, because it is so dominant in international communication, you will have access to more information regarding nearly every subject if you can understand this language.

The World of Literature

If you know English, you'll also be able to read many great works of literature in their original versions. Of course, there are also great works of literature originally written in French, Spanish, Sanskrit, Greek, Chinese, and countless other languages. Nonetheless, a good portion of the classic literary canon is made up of works that were first written in English. And translations don't always capture the magic of great writers and poets like William Shakespeare and Emily Dickinson.

Knowing English makes it easy to get around when traveling in many parts of the world.

David Becker

4. English Is Useful for International Travel

Having a good understanding of communicating in English makes it easier to travel around the globe. Because it is the main international common language for foreigners, knowing English makes it easy to get assistance and help in many parts of the world. After all, about one in five people know or understand at least a little bit of Englishthat's not true of any other one language. You can test this by looking at online travel options; any travel booking site you can find will have English as a booking option. And it's a good language to know for navigating airports and other transportation hubs as well.

Not only is English useful for tourism, but many international conferences, competitions, and celebrations are held in English as wellthe Olympics, for example. It comes in handy almost wherever you go, for business or leisure. Even if you're not actively working on improving your overall understanding English, you might find it helpful to memorize a few English phrases before traveling to help you get around.

5. It's Essential for International Business

English skills are likely to help you in any business venture you choose to follow. That's especially true if you're working in the international sector, or if you'd like the option for your career to move from the local to international scale in the future. If you visit certain offices of private companies, governmental organizations, or even math or engineering companies, you will notice the prevalence of English.

Many big companies will hire professional staff only after getting to know whether they have good English or not. It's not uncommon for companies who want to function at an international level to only consider their staff to be well educated if they are fluent English speakers, writers, and readers.

Most of the world's mainstream commercial entertainment is in English.

Paul Deetman via Pexels

6. It's the Language of Hollywood

Everyone knows that Hollywood is in the United States and that the biggest television and music industries on the planet are based there. According to UNESCO, "a look at the languages used in the top 20 most popular films of 2012 reveals that there is a clear and almost undisputed predominance of the English language."

As I mentioned above, TV and movies are a great way to practice your English once you start learning. What's more, knowing English opens up thousands of movies, television shows, and games for your enjoyment. And if you want to work in the entertainment industry one day, English is even more essential.

I believe that those who are still unaware of the importance of English should start learning it, because it seems like the time is fast approaching when just about everything will be done in English. In some ways, that time is already here.

If you're interested, a good first step is to familiarize yourself by exposureso go ahead, watch some English movies to get an idea of the language.

English is the international common tongue in the business world, too.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator via Unsplash

Should English Be the World's Official Language?

There are many ways that individuals can benefit from understanding English. The idea of having an international common tongue seems pretty great; it opens paths of communication between more communities than ever, and it seems to level the playing field in some waysin the globalized world we live in, everyone having the best tools possible sounds like a good thing, right?

Language Is Tied to Cultural Identity

Some would disagree. First of all, language and culture are closely tied. The idea that English is the most important language can erase the importance of cultural identities that are tied to languages other than English. The increasing use of English could also contribute to the decline of less popular languages that are nonetheless fundamental to many people's lives.

Is English the Official Language of the US?

No. The United States has no official language, and it is a melting pot of various cultural and linguistic origins. However, most US states have made English their official language.

English Was Originally Spread Through Imperialism

It's also worth acknowledging the violence that contributed to the dominance of English throughout history. As mentioned, the language was mainly spread through British colonialism. That doesn't mean we should stop using the English language, but some do believe the oppressive aspects of language's history count against it, and that its continued spread is also a continuation of imperialist dominance and erasure.

Computer Translators Are Getting Better

It's possible that the rising quality of computerized translation technologies could make knowing English less necessary when communicating globally. Even though most web pages are in English, many can be translated. Many videos have subtitles available in multiple languages, and an app on your smartphone can help you have a conversation with someone who doesn't share any common language with you.

Resources for Learning ESL

Although many people think that it is very difficult and confusing, English is actually the easiest language in the world to learn because there are so many resources available. As soon as you decide you want to start learning English as a second language [ESL], you'll find there are thousands of resources on the internet and in bookstores.

I'm not just talking about lessons and grammar books. You can supplement traditional learning materials with children's TV shows and books. I suggest watching as much TV as you can, in English with English subtitles, and you will pick up conversational English in no time.

Tips for Improving Your English

  • Take a class online or in person.
  • Read books and watch movies in English to expose yourself to the language.
  • Watch English TV shows or newscasts regularly.
  • Make a point to learn five new English words every week.
  • Listen to English songs and learn all the words.
  • Practice with a mentor, or find a conversation buddy who also wants to learn English.
  • When reading a book in English, say the words out loud.
  • Use online dictionaries and translators.
  • Watch educational YouTube videos that teach English as a second language.
  • Get an instructional book on ESL to guide your learning process.
  • Use your phone's voice-to-text function to improve your pronunciation.

Exposing yourself to a new language through listening and reading helps a lot, but it's still extremely important to also practice saying words out loud and conversing with others if you want to improve.

Finding time for English classes or paying for a tutor are some ways to practice face-to-face conversation. And since so many people already want to learn English as a second language, you might be able to find a study partner who wants to practice speaking English with you! That way, you can become more fluent together. Learning a language sounds daunting, but there are many resources out there to help you along the way.


rabi ghosh on August 09, 2020:

Nice article. this can help me for more to study of english

Shabani Sefu Izzy on May 13, 2020:

Thank you very much for this clear explanation about why learn English as a language.

Keshav on April 28, 2020:


Neha kumari on April 18, 2020:


mhd_arf.n on March 12, 2020:

wow, thanks , this can help me for more to study of english

Mubarak hasan on December 21, 2019:

Importance of english language

on December 10, 2019:

I don't know English too much because I just know my mother toungue. I have studied government school because I'm poor boy. No one has taught us English. But from today I'll start learning English myself and with my friends. I want to also talk with someone on Whatsapp chat so I can make chance to improve more this language. Whatsapp 9712198982

Amaka on December 03, 2019:

Very understandable

joe mama on December 03, 2019:


Amarjeet on November 29, 2019:


abhi on November 23, 2019:


ALFIYA and Alfitha on November 22, 2019:

Very very thanks for post for this speech

Hasan Ahmed. on November 22, 2019:

very very useful Information for Importance of English.Thank you.

Josslin on November 18, 2019:

thanks for this information.

Ongskie21 on November 14, 2019:

Thanks for the Help really appreciate it

Anusaa on November 12, 2019:

Thanku for your great information thia help me a lot

Akshara on November 08, 2019:

Very useful information about English . Superb. Extraordinary

shiwa on November 04, 2019:

Very great information

Shanamasho on October 23, 2019:

Very very worst speech

Lateef zaibi on October 16, 2019:

English has got the status of International language. In the present age of quickest communication, its importance has became still greater. With the arrival of Internet, the whole world has shrunken into a global village. The language of this global village is "English''

Amrutha on October 10, 2019:

Thank you your information helped a lot

john on October 06, 2019:

thank you,your information helped me a lot..

Dhanush on October 03, 2019:

It is very useful to my competition

MAHIRAJ on October 02, 2019:

It is very useful to me and thanks to you

AVM GIRLS on September 22, 2019:

thank you so much . it is really very usefull to us . go ahead

Rishi sayegal on September 16, 2019:

by English language skills

Rishi sayegal on September 16, 2019:

it is very important question

Manoj kr singh on September 15, 2019:

There is very disopionment me people of india english speak 10% only .

anastacia s on September 12, 2019:

what is the main idea

santosh n on September 10, 2019:

english speaking analysis percentage per country in that india u are shown lagged behind pakistan and Bangladesh is wrong.india is always ahead of pakistan in english speaking .

carl marx on August 20, 2019:

you need to learn english, to make the Americans comunists

N JEEBANJYOTI on August 12, 2019:

It help me very to complete my assignment

wasi haider on August 03, 2019:

very informative

Ashok kumar jena on July 29, 2019:

This is very good to us and tanks

We like English so much, No English No Progress. on July 19, 2019:

We like it

Nimmi on July 12, 2019:

This help me so much.. Thanks

erwin on July 01, 2019:

role of english language in global communication? pls help me

T.priya on June 30, 2019:

great, its really usefull

yap on May 22, 2019:


sachini on May 18, 2019:

well done

Mathew Isinoke on April 25, 2019:

Thankyou very much

Subham on April 23, 2019:

English is very important in our day to day life because English is mostly used to communicate all over the world. If we go to any big companies to take a job, they will first see your way or skill of English you speak. It is also understood by many people in the world, as it is the international language. We must give most priority to English as a Second most important language after our mother tongue language.

Christy Jeniffer on April 16, 2019:

Brillant! I want this for my school competition and this is perfect for it. I hope I win. Thank you so much

Robinson on April 07, 2019:

Very good.this helped me so much.

lidya on April 03, 2019:

Very good

Felipe Marques Ferreira on March 22, 2019:

Of course that English is a universal language and unites the world without borders. But, the main problem is that some students that study English at school don't speak English they are taught at school but they don't practice with someone.

Diana on March 11, 2019:

This are useful for me

iamhuonggiang on March 09, 2019:

what is the original of english? help me

D.Ganesh on March 05, 2019:

learning English is essential for everyone in the world for three reason. first of all,English is an international language,so all people from different countries can communicate with each other. English languge help us to learn about other cultures and it makes people closer to eachother from one country to another country. secondly, English is easy to learn. there are alots of resources available on internet and we can find variety of educational resources on internet easily, so it makes easy for everyone to learn English. third ,English is essential in the field of education. in most universities of the world English is requirement,so people tought and encouraged thier children to learn english. to sum up,people learn English because it is an international language, easy ,and necessary in university

D.ganesh on March 05, 2019:

English is essential for everyone in the world for three reason. first of all,English is an international language,so all people from different countries can communicate with each other. English languge help us to learn about other cultures and it makes people closer to eachother from one country to another country. secondly, English is easy to learn. there are alots of resources available on internet and we can find

Abdulsatar on March 04, 2019:

learning English is essential for everyone in the world for three reason. first of all,English is an international language,so all people from different countries can communicate with each other. English languge help us to learn about other cultures and it makes people closer to eachother from one country to another country. secondly, English is easy to learn. there are alots of resources available on internet and we can find variety of educational resources on internet easily, so it makes easy for everyone to learn English. third ,English is essential in the field of education. in most universities of the world English is requirement,so people tought and encouraged thier children to learn english. to sum up,people learn English because it is an international language, easy ,and necessary in university

Semai on March 01, 2019:


ari on February 28, 2019:


Mahbubkhon Tajikistan on February 26, 2019:

It is serious and melodious. I offer to invest and support NGOs which are teaching English In developing countries

Arshu on February 19, 2019:

Absolutely good.

huns raj on February 15, 2019:

so useful for students

juwairiyah on February 12, 2019:

thanks for giving such beautiful thoughts it inspired me alot and check whether this text is correct or not.

Hamza naeem on February 06, 2019:

Best words

Usman on January 23, 2019:

It is not the importance of english language and when did in pakistan 50 percent people speak in english kind of not the thing I was founding

Mohammdi on January 16, 2019:

English language is very importan, because we can't connect with foreign country without it.

shayan on January 15, 2019:

English is very important for us

Suresh on January 15, 2019:

English is very important on international language . Because we can communication each other come to different countries.

Dilshod on January 09, 2019:

In my opinion. English language is very beatiful for me..

moreover English is the importance of education in the world and more languages world

VASU VISPUTE on January 08, 2019:


Kone Assana on January 02, 2019:

As for me english is an important language in the world and more spoken language.Thank to english we can find all our news on english sites and i encourage those people who can not speake inglish .

Trisha singh on January 01, 2019:

Nice useful

sardar Ahmed on December 30, 2018:

carry on

Bouna on December 27, 2018:

I would definitely admit that today English is what unites the World.

javid ah on December 27, 2018:

Thanx sir

on December 24, 2018:

Absolutely right.its so informative

Ashutosh on December 21, 2018:

Thankyou for this information

And this is good to know


V.s on December 21, 2018:

English is essential for us .

That's good

Santhosh on December 16, 2018:

Good and informative .so useful .

RAnyAAAA on December 11, 2018:

yeahhh!, thx man

Tanu jaiswar on December 05, 2018:

Thanku sir for making my work easy

on December 04, 2018:

It is nice but the matter is more

Mj on November 24, 2018:

English is very important in our life

Mahmoud on November 24, 2018:

English is an important language to communicate with the rest of the world, Thanks!

sohal khan on November 19, 2018:


Tarar Ngwe Chei on November 18, 2018:


fun on November 14, 2018:


Muskan on November 11, 2018:

Thank you

Ann on November 06, 2018:

Thanks .. English.... is very useful... for ..

Ann on November 06, 2018:

Thanks..... for.... this..... sir....

Hasan on November 05, 2018:

Sir it is very useful

Gulchemen on November 04, 2018:

Thanks. English is very need in my life. I love learn English and another international languages

Fathima on November 01, 2018:

Love this information

Thank you so much bro

Rajdeep kaur on October 31, 2018:

I love english so much

kk on October 30, 2018:

Thanks to ... useful information.

English is the most important language. it is very useful our study.

Verry on October 22, 2018:

Verry useful information for project assignment ect .... Thanks

Matias Quembo on October 17, 2018:

useful information

sawera lakho on October 12, 2018:

there are so many grammer mistakes.

MAI on October 10, 2018:



Aissata on October 08, 2018:

Very good English is an important langage for me.

Because it's a means for the comminucation

Ramprasad on October 06, 2018:

outstanding article...that help to understand the importance of English Language

17901088 on October 06, 2018:

English has became one of the most important language in the word and it a communication language at the moment. English language has many penefets such as it is important to study in the university. Also it is important to travel any where in the world English is the basic language for the study some sciences medicine, economics and engineering. And it is an important to get a Jap.

17901325 on October 06, 2018:

English is an important task as it helps us to obtain employment opportunities. Most of the functional articles are based on the English language. Also offers a variety of means of communication between different people as they are widely used in websites on the internet.

Outstanding article on October 04, 2018:

Outstanding article

Rajeshwari panda on September 24, 2018:

Nice article

shiva on September 19, 2018:


Zeeshan Naved

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