Two different dice are thrown together find the probability of getting have a sum less than 7

If two cubical dice are thrown simultaneously, then find the probability of getting the sum of numbers ‘more than 7’ or ‘less than 7’.



Hint: Find out total number of outcomes when two dice are thrown simultaneously. Then find the total number of events in which the sum of the numbers on two dice is ‘more than 7’ and ‘less than 7’. Divide the number of desirable outcomes with the total number of outcomes to find the probability of both the cases.

Complete step-by-step answer:
Since, a cubical dice has six faces and each face has a number that range from 1 to 6. So, the total number of outcomes when 1 dice is thrown is 6. Therefore, when two dice are thrown, the total number of outcomes will be the total combinations of the 6 numbers of one die with the 6 numbers of the other die.

Now, let us come to the question.

Total number of outcomes or total number of sample space $=n[S]=6\times 6=36$

Combinations in which sum is more than 7 are: [2, 6]; [3, 5]; [3, 6]; [4, 4]; [4, 5]; [4, 6]; [5, 3]; [5, 4]; [5, 5]; [5, 6]; [6, 2]; [6, 3]; [6, 4]; [6, 5]; [6, 6].

Therefore, the total number of outcomes in which sum is more than 7 $=n[{{E}_{1}}]$$=15$.

Combinations in which sum is less than 7 are: [1, 1]; [1, 2]; [1, 3]; [1, 4]; [1, 5]; [2, 1]; [2, 2];
[2, 3]; [2, 4]; [3, 1]; [3, 2]; [3, 3]; [4, 1]; [4, 2]; [4, 3].

Therefore, the total number of outcomes in which sum is less than 7 $=n[{{E}_{2}}]$$=15$.

We know that, probability of an event $=\dfrac{\text{number of desired
outcome}}{\text{total number of outcome}}=\dfrac{n[E]}{n[S]}$.

Therefore, probability of getting the sum more than 7

Also, probability of getting the sum less than 7

Note: It would be favourable for us to note all the outcomes in a table otherwise we may get confused in counting the desirable number of events. It is important to note that if ‘n’ number of dice is rolled simultaneously then the total number of outcomes will be ${{6}^{n}}$.

The outcomes when two dice are thrown together are
[1,1], [1,2], [1,3], [1,4], [1,5], [1,6]
[2,1], [2,2], [2,3], [2,4], [2,5], [2,6]
[3,1], [3,2], [3,3], [3,4], [3,5], [3,6]
[4,1], [4,2], [4,3], [4,4], [4,5], [4,6]
[5,1], [5,2], [5,3], [5,4], [5,5], [5,6]
[6,1], [6,2], [6,3], [6,4], [6,5], [6,6]
Total number of outcomes = 36

[i] Let A be the event of getting the numbers whose sum is less than 7.

The outcomes in favour of event A are [1, 1], [1,2], [1,3], [1,4], [1,5], [2,1], [2,2], [2,3], [2,4], [3,1], [3,2], [3,3], [4,1], [4,2] and [5,1].
Number of favourable outcomes = 15

[ii] Let B be the event of getting the numbers whose product is less than 16.

The outcomes in favour of event B are [1,1], [1,2], [1,3], [1,4], [1,5], [1,6], [2,1], [2,2], [2,3], [2,4], [2,5], [2,6], [3,1], [3,2], [3,3], [3,4], [3,5], [4,1], [4,2], [4,3], [5,1], [5,2], [5,3], [6,1] and [6,2].

Number of favourable outcomes = 25

iii] Let C be the event of getting the numbers which are doublets of odd numbers.

The outcomes in favour of event C are [1,1], [3,3] and [5,5].

Number of favourable outcomes = 3

The outcomes when two dice are thrown together are

[1,1], [1,2], [1,3], [1,4], [1,5], [1,6]

[2,1], [2,2], [2,3], [2,4], [2,5], [2,6]

[3,1], [3,2], [3,3], [3,4], [3,5], [3,6]

[4,1], [4,2], [4,3], [4,4], [4,5], [4,6]

[5,1], [5,2], [5,3], [5,4], [5,5], [5,6]

[6,1], [6,2], [6,3], [6,4], [6,5], [6,6]

Total number of outcomes = 36

Let A be the event of getting the numbers whose sum is less than 7.

The outcomes in favour of event A are [1, 1], [1,2], [1,3], [1,4], [1,5], [2,1], [2,2], [2,3], [2,4], [3,1], [3,2], [3,3], [4,1], [4,2] and [5,1].

Number of favourable outcomes = 15

`:.P[A] = "Number of favourable outcomes"/"Total number of outcomes" = 15/36 = 5/12`

What is the probability of rolling 2 dice and getting a sum less than 7?

Probability = 18/36 = 1/2.

What is the probability of getting a sum 7 from two throws of a dice?

So, P[sum of 7] = 1/6.

What is the probability of obtaining a score less than 7?

Answer: the probability of getting a number less than 7 in a throw of dice is 1.

What is the probability of getting a sum of 7?

Detailed Solution. ∴ The probability of getting sum as 7 when two dice are thrown is 1/6.

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