What are the advantages and disadvantages of a policy of promotion from within

Many companies promote the fact that they hire from within as a way to entice top talent to apply for positions. Promoting from within has many advantages, including familiarity and motivation for workers. However, several disadvantages exist that limit the ability of companies to optimize those benefits.

Missed Opportunities

When companies make internal promotion a focus in job searches, they may limit themselves from truly getting the most qualified applicant for an opening. While it may not be popular with employees, hiring top talent from other companies or outside the company may give you the best chance to assemble the most talented workplace. Some external prospects may not even apply for jobs in a company if it has a strong reputation of promoting from within.


One drawback of promoting from within is that employees may feel a sense of entitlement for promotions. If companies routinely promote from within without ample consideration of external prospects, current employees may feel like they are virtually guaranteed a promotion at some point without putting forth maximum effort in performing their current jobs.

Technical Skill Deficiency

Business consultant Walter Oelwein advises that when companies routinely promote from within they can put too much emphasis on growth into management positions. This can inhibit the ability of companies to develop top senior level technical talent. Employees that feel like the only way to grow within their organization is to look to management opportunities may not work to develop the technical skills necessary to deliver top performance in their jobs.

Change Resistance

Another significant deficiency of a strong internal promotion system is that it can inhibit opportunities for innovation and change in thinking that often come with new ideas and fresh perspectives. When you hire managers from outside the company, you may get new approaches to management and new ideas on work processes that help prevent the company from getting stale and even becoming obsolete. This is especially important for organizations focused on innovation and new products.

A hiring process can be a daunting time for businesses. For whatever reason an employee vacated their position, it now lays unclaimed, and while the company efforts to fill it, money is lost. There are two options for filling an open position: hiring from within, and hiring externally. There are many factors to take into consideration before committing to one option or the other. Many of the benefits associated with hiring from within a company are tied to employee morale.

Employee Morale

Hiring internally is quicker because the candidate is already an employee with the company, and are therefore already familiar with operations and business methods. The training process will be quicker, and the transition will generally be smoother than bringing on a new employee. Hiring from within sends a message to other employees that there are real career opportunities with the company. Often, this boosts company-wide productivity, as it creates added incentive for increased productivity.


Companies like to hire from within because the candidate for the position is a known commodity; someone whom the company is already familiar with. They know the person’s strengths and weaknesses, and the candidate has already established relationships with employees in the company. The costs associated with hiring a new employee are also lower, meaning advertisements and time spent working with an unfilled position won’t accumulate, because of the speed of a quick hire.

New Outlook

Conversely, hiring a candidate externally introduces a fresh perspective to the fold. Bringing experience from outside the company can be a breath of fresh air, particularly in a struggling business. Hiring an external candidate means access to a larger, more diverse talent pool. Often times, the company only has one or two qualified candidates for an open position, hamstringing them into choosing between two under qualified candidates. Hiring externally gives a company a chance for a fresh start

While hiring a known commodity may appeal to many, it comes with its potential disadvantages as well.

‘Thinking Within the Box’ Syndrome

Hiring an existing employee for a position with more responsibilities can lead to a narrowing of ideas; more of the same. A struggling business that hires from within is less likely to receive the proverbial “shot-in-the-arm” of innovative concepts and ideas that comes with hiring someone outside of the company.


Even though there will be less training and need for orientation for an internal candidate, they will have to adjust to new expectations and responsibilities, just like an external candidate would. Internal politics also play a hand, as some fellow employees may not agree with the promotion, creating tension in the office, and hurting overall output.

Relying on the Unknown

When hiring an external candidate, all a company has to judge them is a resume, the interview, and perhaps some examples of work, depending on the type of position. This puts the hiring company at a disadvantage, known commodity also applying for the position.

Organizing a search for external candidate means spending money on advertising for the position, and means that the position is open for a longer period of time, draining the company of additional funds, and diminishing productivity. A person hired from the outside will take time to not only train, but to become familiar with other employees, and their respective strengths and weaknesses.

Unhappy Workers

Announcing to a group of employees that the position has been filled externally can hurt morale just as much as the news of a hiring from within can help it. Knowing that all of their hard work will lead nowhere except a paycheck hurts effectiveness, costing the company money in the long-term, as right now.

Weighing the pros and the cons for hiring internally, or externally, comes down to what the company is looking for. Is it looking for a fresh perspective for the position, or is it looking for stability, and a smooth transition? It’s an easy question to ask, but not nearly as easy to answer.

About the Guest Author:

Hilary L. Smith is a small business entrepreneur who enjoys topics involving mass communications, technology development and international relations.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of promotion from within?

The Pros and Cons of Promoting from Within for Management....
Pro: Seamless Transitions. Transitions can be a challenge when you're bringing a person into a job. ... .
Pro: Proven Fit and Loyalty. ... .
Con: Negative Emotions of Other Workers. ... .
Con: Same Skill Set..

What is the disadvantage of promotion from within?

If your company is routinely promoting from within, this can lead to employee entitlement. This entitlement can disincentivise employees from putting forth maximum effort to really earn their promotions. Instead, they may think they deserve a promotion by simply showing up to work and doing their jobs.

What are the advantages of promoting from within in this situation?

“When you promote from within, people see opportunity and become less likely to move around in their careers,” Chansler explains, elaborating: It's great for morale when employees can see an opportunity to grow within their organization. That ripple effect can be overwhelmingly positive.

What are the advantages and risk of promoting from within?

Promoting from within a company helps keep productivity high. New employees appreciate opportunities for advancement and the potential for growth. If your employees know there is a potential career path within the organization, you are less likely to lose promising staff to another organization.

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