What are the both relationship and inverse relationship between a dependent and an independent variable?

Understanding the relationships between two variables is the goal for most of science. Whether you have a specific scientific question in mind such as: What happens to the global temperature if the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, or how does the strength of gravity vary when you move further away from the source, or you are more interested in an abstract mathematical setting, finding out the difference between direct and inverse relationships is essential if you want to describe these relationships. In short, direct relationships increase or decrease together, but inverse relationships move in opposite directions.

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In a direct relationship, an increase in one quantity leads to a corresponding decrease in the other. This has the mathematical formula of y = kx, where k is a constant. For a circle, circumference = pi × diameter, which is a direct relationship with pi as a constant. A bigger diameter means a bigger circumference.

In an inverse relationship, an increase in one quantity leads to a corresponding decrease in the other. Mathematically, this is expressed as y = k/x. For a journey, travel time = distance ÷ speed, which is an inverse relationship with the distance traveled as a constant. Faster travel means a shorter journey time.

The Background: How Does y Vary with x?

Scientists and mathematicians dealing with direct and inverse relationships are answering the general question, how does y vary with x? Here, x and y stand in for two variables that could be basically anything. For example, how does the height that a ball bounces [y] depend on how high it’s dropped from [x]? By convention, x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable. So the value of y depends on the value of x, not the other way around, and the mathematician has some control over x [for example, she can choose the height from which to drop the ball]. When there is a direct or inverse relationship, x and y are proportional to each other in some way.

Direct Relationships

A direct relationship is proportional in the sense that when one variable increases, so does the other. Using the example from the last section, the higher from which you drop a ball, the higher it bounces back up. A circle with a bigger diameter will have a bigger circumference. If you increase the independent variable [x, such as the diameter of the circle or the height of the ball drop], the dependent variable increases too and vice-versa.

A direct relationship is linear. The circumference of a circle is

C = πD

where C means circumference and D means diameter. Pi is always the same, so if you double the value of D, the value of C doubles too. If you plotted a graph of this relationship, it would equate to a straight line with zero circumference at D = 0, 3.14 at D = 1 and 31.4 at D = 10. The gradient of the graph tells you the value of the constant.

Inverse Relationships

Inverse relationships work differently. If you increase x, the value of y decreases. For example, if you move more quickly to your destination, your journey time will decrease. In this example, x is your speed and y is the journey time. Doubling your speed halves the journey time, and increasing the speed by ten times makes the journey time ten times shorter.

Mathematically, this type of relationship has the form:

y = \frac{k}{x}

where k is some constant [filling the same role as pi in the direct relationship example]. Inverse relationships aren’t straight lines, though. As you start to increase x, y decreases really quickly, but as you continue increasing x the rate of decrease of y gets slower.

For example, if x is the length of one pair of sides of a rectangle, y is the length of the other pair of sides, and k is the area, the formula k = xy is valid, so y = k ÷ x. In this case, y is inversely related to x. For an area k = 12, this gives:

y = \frac{12}{x}

For x = 3, this shows y = 4. For x = 6, then y = 2. For x = 12, then y = 1. At first an increase of 3 in x decreases y by 2, but then an increase of 6 in x only decreases y by 1. This is why inverse relationships are declining curves that get shallower the further you move along them.

Direct vs. Inverse Relationships: The Difference

In direct relationships, an increase in x leads to a correspondingly sized increase in y, and a decrease has the opposite effect. This makes a straight-line graph. In inverse relationships, increasing x leads to a corresponding decrease in y, and a decrease in x leads to an increase in y. This makes a curving graph where the decline is rapid at first but gets slower for larger values of x.

What is an Inverse Relationship?

An inverse relationship is one which is the reverse of another or one in which when one variable factor increases, another decreases. The English term inverse is derived from a Latin word that means “turn upside down”; or opposite in some way. It the sort of relationship that appears in many disciplines, including mathematics, economics and finance. A few examples from each of these areas will illustrate how inverse relationships occur and operate. Let us begin with mathematics.

Inverse Relationship Examples

All the examples of inverse relationships one is likely to encounter involve the reversal or opposite of an association that might be expected. They entail a link between two variables, where either [i] the dependent and independent variables swap roles, i.e., the dependent variable becomes the independent variable and vice versa; or the dependent variable decreases [increases] as the independent variable increases [decreases].

Inverse Relationships in Math

In math, we often come across pairs of variables that are linked in some way. A set of such variables might appear like this: {[-5, -6] [-3, -2] [0, 4] [2, 8]}, where the values that occur first represent one variable and the values in second position represent another variable. In many instances, the values representing the first variable may be described as the x-values; those representing the second variable, as y-values. The link between the two variables may depend on some causal relationship or they may have been paired randomly. Regardless, by virtue of being paired, the x and y values in each pair, and by extension, the two variables which they represent are now in a relationship. That relationship may be described by a rule that takes the values of the first variable [x-values] and tells us the corresponding values of the second variable [y-values]. Just as legitimately, the relationship may be described by a rule that takes the values of the second variable [y-values] and tells us the corresponding values of the first variable [x-values]. Such rules in mathematics are known as functions.

A mathematical function is simply a rule that describes the relationship between ordered pairs, going either from x-values to y-values, in which case it is written y = f[x] or from y-values to x-values and written x = f[y] or y = f-1[x]. The set of values of the variable in brackets is called the domain, while the set of values of the other variable is known as the range. Thus, in y = f[x], the x-values are the domain, while the y-values are the range. Sometimes, a function is described as a machine that takes input – the x-values – and delivers output – the y-values.

As with any rule, its outcome must be unambiguous. It’s a poor rule that gives one result today and another tomorrow. Accordingly, in f = [x], any x-value must result in only one y-value and all x-values must have a result. Hence, for any set of ordered pairs, there will be two rules, with one being the inverse of the other, i.e., the second rule would have described a function that is the inverse of the first rule. And the second function would bear an inverse relationship to the first function.

When One Goes Up, the Other Goes Down

However, an inverse relationship may also exist between the x and y variables rather than the functions. In such cases, an inverse relationship is the opposite of a direct relationship, where in y = f[x], y increases as x increases or in x = f[y], x increases as y increases. In an inverse relationship, given by y = f[x], y would decrease as x increases.

These relationships can be illustrated graphically.

Inverse Relationships in Economics

Demand and supply curves are shown below.

There are many instances of inverse relationships in economics. The one most frequent encountered is the price-demand relationship, where quantity demanded falls [rises] as price increases [decreases]. This relationship is widely known as the law of demand.

The demand curve shows the quantity demanded of a good at different price levels. Note that demand is not the same thing as quantity demanded. Demand for a good depends on many factors: the price of the good, the price of other goods, the level of income and wealth, individual preferences, etc. The demand curve above shows the quantities of the good demanded at different price levels, when the other factors are held constant.

The inverse relationship between the price of something and the quantity demanded of it depends on two influences. First, a reduction in price of a product means more of it can be purchased for the same expenditure as before. Second, the lower price of one product increases real income, since less money is required to purchase the product, even though money income remains the same. The rise in real income means that more of all goods, including the one whose price has been reduced, can be purchased.

By contrast, the supply curve illustrates a direct relationship. When prices go up, existing suppliers will try to sell more, while new suppliers will be encouraged to enter the market. As a result, the quantity supplied of the product will increase as prices rise.

Inverse Relationships in Finance

The connection between interest rates and bond prices is an inverse relationship. Bond prices fall as interest rates go up and rise as interest rates go down. This occurs because a bond is a fixed income financial instrument. When a bond is issued, its face value, which is the amount of money, typically $1,000, the bond was issued to raise, is set. In addition, the bond will carry a coupon rate, which determines the fixed coupon payment. Thus a 10% coupon rate means that the $1,000 bond will pay $100 annually.

If a $1,000 bond of similar risk is issued that has a coupon rate of 12%, the 10% bonds will fall in value, because they pay only $100 annually, when the new bonds are paying $120. The price of the old bonds will fall until their $100 per annum payout equals 12%, i.e., $100/0.12 = $833.33. This inverse relationship between bond prices and interest rates can be plotted on a graph, as above.

A Last Word

Bear in mind that the term inverse relationship is used to describe two types of association. In mathematics, it refers to a function that uses the range of another function as its domain. The second function is then the inverse of the first. It may also refer to the association between two variables, where the value of one variable decreases [increases] as the value of the other variable rises [falls].


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What is the relationship between Dependant and independent variables?

Independent variables are what we expect will influence dependent variables. A Dependent variable is what happens as a result of the independent variable.

What is an inverse relationship between two variables?

Inverse [or negative] correlation is when two variables in a data set are related such that when one is high the other is low. Even though two variables may have a strong negative correlation, this does not necessarily imply that the behavior of one has any causal influence on the other.

What is the relationship between the two variables?

This relationship between the two variables is called a correlation. The amount of correlation, or relationship, can be explained in a numerical form called a correlation coefficient.

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