What are the three different levels found in a company what types of decisions are made at each level quizlet?

[Biggest challenge - before you solve a problem, be sure it's the correct problem]

1. Problem Identification:
Define the problem as clearly and precisely as possible

2. Data Collection:
Gather problem related data, including who, what, where, when, why, and how. Be sure to gather facts, not rumors or opinions about the problem.

3. Solution Generation:
Detail every solution possible, including ideas that seem farfetched

4. Solution Test:
Evaluate solutions in terms of feasibility [can it be completed], suitability [is it permanent or a temporary fix], and acceptability [can all participants form a consensus]

5. Solution Selection:
Select the solution that best solves the problem and meets the needs of the business

6. Solution Implementation:
If the solution solves the problem, then the decisions made were correct. If not, then the decisions were incorrect and the process begins again

Four factors contribute to the growth of TMS:

1. Outdated transportation systems need to be upgraded or replaced. Many systems were installed over 10 years ago—before tablet computers and mobile technologies had become widespread in business. Similar to most legacy [old] systems, they are inflexible, difficult to integrate with other newer systems, and expensive to maintain.

2. Growth of intermodal transport. Intermodal transportation refers to the use of two or more transport modes, such as container ship, air, truck, and rail, to move products from source to destination. Many more companies are shipping via intermodals and their older TMSs cannot support or deal with intermodal movement, according to Dwight Klappich, a research vice president for Gartner.

When brick-and-mortar manufacturers began selling online, for example, they learned that their existing TMSs are inadequate for handling the new line of business. Shippers that expand globally face similar challenges when they try to manage multiple rail, truck, and ocean shipments. Thus, there is a growing need for more robust TMSs to handle multidimensional shipping arrangements.

3. TMS vendors add capabilities. The basic functions performed by a TMS include gathering data on a load to be transported and matching those data to a historical routing guide. Then the TMS is used to manage the communication process with the various carriers. New feature-rich TMSs are able to access information services to help the shipper identify optimal routes given all current conditions. For example, the latest TMSs can interact directly with market-data benchmarking services. An automated, real-time market monitoring function saves shippers time, errors, and cuts costs significantly.

4. TMS handle big data. Transportation tends to generate a high volume of transactional data. Managing the data isn't easy. TMS vendors are developing systems that make valuable use of the big data that are collected and stored. By drilling down into specific regions or focusing on particular market trends, for example, shippers can use their big data to make better decisions.

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Decision-making skills are essential for all business professionals, at every company level, who make decisions that run the business. At the operational level, employees develop, control, and maintain core business activities required to run the day-to-day operations. Operational decisions are considered structured decisions, which arise in situations in which established processes offer potential solutions. Structured decisions are made frequently and are almost repetitive in nature; they affect short-term business strategies.

At the managerial level, employees are continuously evaluating company operations to hone the firm's abilities to identify, adapt to, and leverage change. Managerial decisions cover short- and medium-range plans, schedules, and budgets along with policies, procedures, and business objectives for the firm. These types of decisions are considered semistructured decisions; they occur in situations in which a few established processes help to evaluate potential solutions, but not enough to lead to a definite recommended decision.

At the strategic level, managers develop overall business strategies, goals, and objectives as part of the company's strategic plan. They also monitor the strategic performance of the organization and its overall direction in the political, economic, and competitive business environment. Strategic decisions are highly unstructured decisions, occurring in situations in which no procedures or rules exist to guide decision makers toward the correct choice. They are infrequent, extremely important, and typically related to long-term business strategy.

What are the three different levels found in a company what types of decisions are made at each level?

The 3 Different Levels of Management.
Administrative, Managerial, or Top Level of Management. This level of management consists of an organization's board of directors and the chief executive or managing director. ... .
Executive or Middle Level of Management. ... .
Supervisory, Operative, or Lower Level of Management..

What are the 3 types of decisions that can be made?

There's 3 "types" of decisions: [1] Go or No-Go... [2] choose among available alternatives.... [3] create alternatives [through brainstorming or synectics]… then choose the "right" one. Each decision type requires a clear statement of the outcome or goal.

At what levels of an organization does decision making occur?

These types of decisions generally occur at the highest levels of organizational management. Tactical Decisions - Tactical decisions concern the tactics used to accomplish the organizational objectives. Tactical decisions are primarily made by middle and front-line managers.

What are the categories of decision making?

The four categories of decision making.
1] Making routine choices and judgments. When you go shopping in a supermarket or a department store, you typically pick from the products before you. ... .
2] Influencing outcomes. ... .
3] Placing competitive bets. ... .
4] Making strategic decisions. ... .
The constraint of decision making research..

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