What is moment of Truth concept in service industry discuss its importance in hospitality industry and What marketers should do to improve it?

Moment of truth [MOT] in marketing is the moment when a customer/user interacts with a brand, product or service to form or change an impression about that particular brand, product or service.

First moment of truth [FMOT]: When a customer is first confronted with the product, taking place either offline or online. It occurs within the first 3-7 seconds of a consumer encountering the product and it is during this time that hotelier have the capability of turning a browser into a promoter.

Marketing today is challenged by the increase in new connected mobile devices prospects have, the easy availability of low-cost valuable information they seek, and the ability to tap into a variety of resources including social communities for product & service recommendations.

As a result, your customers are in control regardless the size, brand name of your product and services. In the meantime you as the front –line driver should take control of making your customer’s moment of truth, sharing your products and services while building up a solid data base. Sharing moment of truth concerning privacy, targeting relevant audience have big impact on your business.

To this end, we must provide appropriate content marketing and social media engagement that can be consumed across an array of devices to win customers at each moment of truth.

Invest for a smart phone and be it with creative mind.

A moment of truth [MOT] is marketing lingo for any opportunity a customer [or potential customer] has to form an impression about a company, brand, product or service. Marketers strive to use moments of truth to create positive, customer-centric outcomes. The concept itself is very simple -- if every customer interaction has a positive outcome, the business will be successful.

Although moments of truth can include mass communication, a MOT's power comes from those interactions in which the communication is personalized. The value of a moment of truth was first conceptualized in the 1980s by Jan Carlzon, the CEO of Scandinavian Airlines Systems and expanded upon by A.G. Lafley when he was the CEO of Proctor & Gamble.

Customers have an expectation that each moment of truth will provide accurate information and an effortless interaction with an organization. There is significant downside risk if moments of truth do not achieve a baseline level of an individual’s expectations and customer satisfaction [CSAT] rankings are poor.

The challenge organizations face regarding moments of truth is to identify every possible customer touchpoint and optimize each one, whether it is a recurring experience, such as sending out a billing statement, or a one-time communication with a sales representative over the phone.

Different types of MOTs

The following list is an aggregate from several different sources:

Less Than Zero Moment of Truth [

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