What is the definition of stereotyping quizlet?


elf-fulfilling prophecies- when you act based on a schema in such a way that the object of the schema is likely to confirm your expectations. The schema avoids disconfirming the evidence by reaching out and making reality conform to it.
• Step 1- perceiver's behavior towards the target fits a certain set of expectations
• Step 2- then target's behavior towards the perceiver
• Step 3- the perceiver's expectations get based of the target's behavior

o Snyder, tanke, and Berscheid [1977]-
• Ps assigned to male/female pairs
• IV: males see an attractive or unattractive photo of their female partner [not their actual partner]. Then the male provides an initial impression.
• Men in attractive condition expect partner to be more sociable, poised, humorous, and socially adept
• Then over an intercom system the pairs have a ten minute conversation
• Tapes of the conversations are rated by judges
• Results:
• males interacting with attractive, relative to unattractive, females are rated as:
o More sociable, interesting, independent, sexually permissive, outgoing, humorous, socially adept
o More confident and animated
o Liking their partner more
o Males acted in accord with expectations
• Females presumed to be attractive, relative to unattractive, are rated as:
o More sociable, poised, humorous, etc
o More confident and animated
o Greater enjoyment, greater liking for their partner
o Females responded in kind [evidence of behavioral confirmation]

•They tested the effect of the stereotype threat on intellectual performance.

•The researchers gave a difficult mathematics test to students who were strong in mathematics.
•They predicted that women under the steroetype threat would underperform compared to the men taking the test.
•The stereotype threat that women experience in mathematics-performance settings originates from a negative stereotype about women's mathematics ability, which is quite common in society.
•For women who are good at mathematics and see mathematics as an important part of their self-definition, such a stereotype threat may result in an interfering pressure in test situations.

•Spencer et al. found that this was true: women in the experiment significantly underperformed compared with equally qualified men on the difficult mathematics test.
•However, when the researchers tested literature skills, the two groups performed equally well.
•This was because women are not stereotype threatened in this area.

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What is a simple definition of stereotyping?

: to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same. It's not fair to stereotype a whole group of people based on one person you don't like.

How is stereotype defined quizlet?

Stereotype [definition] A stereotype is an oversimplified and generalized idea about a particular type of person or thing.

What is the definition of stereotype in sociology?

It is an expectation that people might have about every person of a particular group. The type of expectation can vary; it can be, for example, an expectation about the group's personality, preferences, appearance or ability.

What is the definition of stereotype in psychology?

Stereotypes are usually defined as beliefs about groups, prejudice as evaluation of or attitude toward a group, and discrimination as behavior that systematically advantages or disadvantages a group.

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