What type of research method is good at generating data about an entire population quizlet?

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Terms in this set [48]

people in our society tend to think of themselves in terms of their individuality, but we are also all products of our_______, such as the time and place we live and the family we were born into.
a. social contexts
b. genetic makeup
c. likes and dislikes
d. interests and skills

social contexts

the sociological imagination is the capacity to think systematically about how the things we experience as personal problems_____.
a. are really social issues shared by others living in a similar time and location
b. reflect our individual choices and not the culture as a whole
c. most likely do not have roots in social contexts
d. are the result of psychological forces, which guide our daily life

are really social issues shared by others living in a similar time and location

according to c. wright mills, thee sociological imagination enables us to grasp the relations between______ in society.
a. money and power
b. biology and destiny
c. history and biography
d. students and teachers

history and biography

which of the following statements about social contexts would sociologists agree is true?
a. social contexts can be easily overcome by the will of the individual
b. social contexts are important but ultimately cannot be used to determine anything about an individual
c. social contexts can sometimes be used to understand some types of group situations
d. social contexts can have a huge impact on where individuals end up in life

social contexts can have a huge impact on where individuals end up in life

which social context is likely to have a more significant impact on a child's life experience from birth than the others?
a. his or her parents' income and wealth
b. his or her parents' age
c. his or her parents' recycling habits
d. his or her birth order

his or her parents' income and wealth

why is the family of interest to many sociologists?
a. government funding generously supports family research
b. families are a key to understanding how individuals develop
c. families are a new area of sociological research
d. families, which tend to be similar, are ideal cross-cultural subjects

families are a key to understanding how individuals develop

which of the following accurately connects the effect communities have on people's life pathways?
a. living around people who encourage a child to be confident leads to children who are more ambitious in life
b. living in a safe neighborhood has very little positive effect on children's performance
c. living ini a dangerous neighborhood encourages a child to leave that neighborhood by doing well in school
d. living in a dangerous neighborhoods very little effect on a child's future employment

living around people who encourage a child to be confident leads to children who are more ambitious in life

it is easy to see the importance of the social part of social interaction when we ____________.
a. imagine the social for violating rules
b. reject social sanctions as unfairly applied
c. destroy social hierarchies of other culture
d. reject social science as a soft science

imagine the social sanctions for violating rules

why were lines between social sciences unclear when they first developed?
a. the backgrounds of early social scientists were diverse, and they often conducted work in multiple disciplines
b. early social scientists, who were education as physicians, were reluctant to leave their medical school posts.
c. social scientists lacked research topics and had to turn to other disciplines for ideas
d. high degrees of social cohesion among social scientists made them reluctant to split apart

the backgrounds of early social scientists were diverse, and they often conducted work in multiple disciplines

karen operates a clothing store. last summer she hired a young man to work at her store. he was frequently late and did not work particularly hard when he did show up. karen now feels that most young men do not have the work ethic necessary her demands. her belief that young men are lazy is an example of________.
a. racism
b. the sociological imagination
c. discrimination
d. a stereotype

a stereotype

you are a first-year student at a major university. which of the following describes a social context that could have a positive impact on your academic success?
a. after college, you plan on being a teacher. for this season, you take your education very seriously
b. you went to a high school that did not offer many advanced placement courses
c. your parents were able to hire summer tutors for you when you were in high school
d. you are a perfectionists in all things. you always study very hard and have have no intention of graduating with less than a perfect 40

your parents were able to hire summer tutors for you when you were in high school

you are taking your first sociology course in the fall. about halfway through the semester, you go home for thanksgiving. at thanksgiving dinner, you plan to conduct an impromptu sociological experiment by violating some social norms. which of the following actions could you potentially take?
a. you eat your dinner and make polite dinner conversation with your family
b. you help to make dinner and serve the guests as well
c. you eat your dinner with your hands, even the mashed potatoes
d. you excuse yourself from the table after dessert to answer your cell phone

you eat your dinner with your hands, even the mashed potatoes

Thomas, who has never Beene to a formal dinner, is attending one oat his friend's house. throughout the evening, Thomas observes his friend's behavior in order to fit in and act appropriately. Thomas is learning thee social________ of a formal dinner
a. norms
b. hierarchies
c. roles
d. structures


you, a sociology student, are approached by an anthropology student who would like to work with you. how should you respond to this offer to participate in an interdisciplinary study?

sociology is a broad discipline that would benefit from the offer. accept

One of the three common themes of social theory is social order. This theme is chiefly concerned with __________.

what holds society together

It is the late nineteenth century. Robert is a young man who is fascinated by the social world. He is particularly interested in studying the problems of cities and their inhabitants, including the lives of new residents migrating to cities from farms and from abroad. He is familiar with an emerging discipline called sociology and wants to conduct field research as part of his university coursework in the city where he is being educated. What school should Robert contact to gain information about this new field of study?

the university of Chicago, in Chicago, Illinois

industrialization is characterized by the transformation of economies based in agriculture to those based in________.

large scale manufacturing of goods

a large group of people who live in the same area and participate in a common set of norms and rules for social interaction is best known as a____________.


according to Marx, an automated welding machine used to assemble automobiles bodies would be an example of________.

forces of production

Marx argued that the_______ would overthrow capitalism in favor of________.

proletariat; socialism

unwritten rules of society, such as social norms, are an example of________.

social facts

when bill started talking on his cellphone during class he knew he violated a social norm when_________.

the class reacted negatively

according to max weber, interpretative sociologist is a method for understanding society by focusing on___________.

understanding the motivations of social action

people, more often than not, obey firefighters in emergency situations because they believe it is the "right thing to do." weber would refer to this as an example of_______.


Susan worked tirelessly as an activist trying to stop the use of children in sweatshop labor. She organized protests, started a boycott campaign of major clothing brands, and founded her own charitable organization to fight against the use of children in sweatshops. How would Weber describe Susan's identity as an activist?

this is her charisma

according to Bourdieu, what differentiates "social" from "symbolic" capital?

social capital is your support system whereas symbolic capital is your reputation

the rigorous training and licensing of doctors controlled by the American medical association is an example of weber's concept of________

social closure

Christine works at the high school, is a deacon at her church, a den mother for the Girl Scouts, a sergeant in the National Guard, and a kickboxing instructor at her gym. the connection of Christine to other individuals in these groups are her____________.

social networks

luthor has been part of the football team for two years, but he still feels like an outsider with many of the players. his teammates never asked him to hang out after practices or get together at any other time separate from team functions. simmer would describe luthors experience as being a result of his __________.

social distance

by carefully researching the lives of African Americans in a predominantly black neighborhood of Philadelphia, W.E.B. Du Bois demonstrated that__________ shaped every aspect of the lives of African Americans

limited opportunities

Dominant theories of race during the time of W. E. B. Du Bois claimed that race __________.

biologically determined different levels of intelligence in individuals

which of the following statements about social theorists is chronologically accurate?

Marx wrote before bourdieu

By attempting to develop a unified theory for sociology, Talcott Parsons argued that the key elements of any society were __________.

aspects of social control and constraint on the individual

the capitalist world system is a theory of globalization that argues___________.

capitalism is an economic system that has consequences between countries and not just within them

the interlocking nature of social inequality and how different inequalities are experienced together is also known as_________.


what role do values play in sociological research?

values determine findings almost exclusively in sociological research

which of the following statements about a code of ethics and sociological research is true?

all social scientists commit to a shared code of ethics

what is an institutional review board?

a body that reviews researchers' proposals before work beings in order to assess potential harm and benefits to participants

what does it meant operationalize a research question?

operationalizing is determining the operations and techniques to be used to assess a research question's key concepts

what type of research method is good at generating data about an entire population?


how is comparative-historical research best conducted?

by looking at records and documents from other times and places

In order to be deemed reliable, the results of a scientific study must be able to be __________.


which of the following is a benefit of representative sampling?

representative sampling allows researchers to use a subset to approximate results to the entire population

researchers whose questions explore understanding social variation over time and place are likely to use which research method?

comparative-historical perspective

the national election study on Americans' political participation, policy, and political views is an example of a type of a[n]______.

national survey

primary-source data are date________.

collected by researchers themselves

which of the following potential projects studying convenience stores could be said to be utilizing a qualitative research method?

working at a convenience store and watching how people interact with the clerks

kordell is interested in distributing questionnaires to college freshmen regarding their study habits. he has targeted several colleges where he wants to cary out the research. what must kordell do first?

submit his research proposal to each school's institutional review board [IRB]

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What is the most widely used of all research methods?

Surveys. As a research method, a survey collects data from subjects who respond to a series of questions about behaviors and opinions, often in the form of a questionnaire or an interview. The survey is one of the most widely used scientific research methods.

Which type of research method can be used to collect quantitative data quizlet?

Quantitative data collection methods include various forms of surveys - online surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys and kiosk surveys, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies, website interceptors, online polls, and systematic observations.

What is the term for the research method in which data is collected through participant responses to questions?

Survey research is defined as "the collection of information from a sample of individuals through their responses to questions" [Check & Schutt, 2012, p. 160]. This type of research allows for a variety of methods to recruit participants, collect data, and utilize various methods of instrumentation.

Which of the following is the most widely used sociological research method?

The survey is the most widely used research method for collecting data in sociology. must be taken that surveys are sent to the right number and type of people [Black, 1998; Wysocki, 2003]. Researchers describe the people surveyed in terms of populations and samples.

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