What vowel is pronounced when the front or the back of the tongue is raised high towards the palate?

Tagged With: Sound How-To

A diphthong is two vowel sounds together.  That means your mouth has to move:  there is a beginning and an ending position.  Study this diphthong with illustrations and up close, slow motion speech.

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The ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong. The first sound of this diphthong does not appear on its own as a vowel in American English. To make this sound, aa, ow, the back part of the tongue stretches a bit towards the soft palate, aa, and you can see the corners of the lips pull a bit and the top lip pulls up, showing a little bit more of the top teeth, aa, aa. The second half of the diphthong is the ‘uh’ as in ‘pull’ vowel sound. In this vowel sound, the back of the tongue will stretch even further up towards the soft palate, ow, ow. And you can see the lips will come in and round for the second part of the diphthong, ow, now.

Here we see both sounds of the diphthong. In the first sound, you can see the jaw is dropped more. Here are the two sounds in profile. Here parts of the mouth are drawn in. In the first sound on the left, the tongue is raised and pulls back, slightly higher in the back. In the second sound the tongue stretches up towards the soft palate. The tip of the tongue is touching the bottom front teeth in the first sound, but is not quite touching in the second sound. The ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong. Sample words: cow, bow, sound. Sample sentence: I found my flowers dead and brown when I came back to town. Now you will see this sentence up close and in slow motion, both straight on and from an angle, so you can really study how the mouth moves when making this sound.

I, with the ‘ai’ as in ‘buy’ diphthong. Lip up to make the F in found, and here we have the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong. The space in the mouth gets darker as the tongue is moving back. My flowers, again, the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’, and again, you can see the tongue moves back as the space in the mouth gets darker. Teeth come together for the Z in flowers, also for the D in dead with the ‘eh’ as in ‘bed’ vowel sound. Tongue tip up for the D. And brown, lips together for the B and again the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong. Tongue up to make the N. The lips form the tight circle for the W, when, tongue tip up for the N. I came, lips together for the M sound. Back, the tongue up in the back to make the K sound. To town, with the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong, lips rounding at the end, tongue tip up for the N.

And now from the angle. I found, the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong. You can see the tongue moving back as the lips come forward and round. My flowers, again, the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’. The lips come in to round for the second half of the diphthong. Teeth make the Z position.Dead, tongue tip up for the D. And brown, again, the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong. The tongue there coming forward from being back for the R. When with the ‘eh’ as in ‘bed’, tongue up for the N. When I came, lips together for the M. Back, you can see the tongue moving up in the back for the K sound. To with the schwa, town. Again the ‘ow’ as in ‘now’ diphthong, see the tongue moving back and the lips rounding. Tongue tip up for the N. That’s it, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.



Chapter 2: Producing Speech Sounds

Vowels are made without an obstruction in the vocal tract, so they are quite sonorous. The body of the tongue moves in the mouth to shape each vowel, and for some vowels, the lips are rounded as well. Linguists classify vowels according to four pieces of information: tongue height, tongue backness, lip rounding, and tenseness.

Check Yourself

1. What is the articulatory description for the vowel sound represented by the IPA symbol [i]?

  • High front unrounded tense vowel.
  • Mid central unrounded lax reduced vowel.
  • High front unrounded lax vowel.
  • High back rounded tense vowel.
  • High back unrounded lax vowel.

2. What is the articulatory description for the vowel sound represented by the IPA symbol [ɛ]?

  • High back rounded tense vowel.
  • Mid front unrounded lax vowel.
  • Mid back rounded tense vowel.
  • High front unrounded tense vowel.
  • Mid central unrounded lax vowel.

3. What is the articulatory description for the vowel sound represented by the IPA symbol [ɑ]?

  • High front unrounded tense vowel.
  • Mid back unrounded lax vowel.
  • Low back unrounded lax vowel.
  • Mid back rounded tense vowel.
  • Low back unrounded tense vowel.

Video Script

Remember that the difference between consonants and vowels is that consonants have some obstruction in the vocal tract, whereas, for vowels, the vocal tract is open and unobstructed, which makes vowel sounds quite sonorous. We can move the body of the tongue up and down in the mouth and move it closer to the back or front of the mouth.  We can also round our lips to make the vocal tract even longer.

Take a look at the IPA chart for vowels.  Instead of a nice rectangle, it’s shaped like a trapezoid.  That’s because the chart is meant to correspond in a very direct way with the shape of the mouth and the position of the tongue in the mouth. We classify vowels according to four pieces of information:

The high/mid/low distinction has to do with how high the tongue is in the mouth.  Say this list of words:

beet, bit, bait, bet, bat

Now do the same thing, but leave off the “b” and the “t” and just say the vowels.  You can feel that your tongue is at the front of your mouth and is moving from high in the mouth for [i] to fairly low in the mouth for [æ].

We can do the same thing at the back of the mouth.  Say the words boot, boat.

Now do it again with just the vowels, [u] [o]. Your lips are rounded for both of them, but the tongue is higher for [u] than it is for [o]. The lowest vowel at the back of the mouth is [ɑ]. We don’t round our lips for [ɑ], and we often drop the jaw to move the tongue low and back.

We also classify vowels according to whether the lips are rounded or unrounded. In Canadian English, there are only four vowels that have lip rounding, and they’re all made with the tongue at the back of the mouth:

[u] as in boot

[ʊ] as in book

[o] as in boat

and [ɔ] as in bore

The final piece of information that we use to classify vowels is a little trickier to explain. English makes a distinction between tense and lax vowels, which is a distinction that a lot of other languages don’t have. Tense vowels are made with greater tension in the muscles of the vocal tract than lax vowels.  To feel this difference, say the two words sheep and ship. And now make just the vowel sounds, [i], [ɪ]. The [i] sound in sheep and the [ɪ] sound in ship are both produced with the tongue high and front, and without lips rounded. But for [i], the muscles are more tense than for [ɪ]. The same is true for the vowels in late and let, [e] and [ɛ]. And also for the vowels in food and foot, [u] and [ʊ]

It can be hard to feel the physical difference between tense and lax vowels, but the distinction is actually an important one in the mental grammar of English.  When we observe single-syllable words, we see a clear pattern in one-syllable words that don’t end with a consonant.  There are lots of monosyllabic words with tense vowels as their nucleus, like

day, they, weigh

free, brie, she, tea

do, blue, through, screw

no, toe, blow

But there are no monosyllabic words without a final consonant that have a lax vowel as their nucleus.  And if we were to try to make up a new English word, we couldn’t do so. We couldn’t create a new invention and name it a [vɛ] or a [flɪ] or a [mʊ]. These words just can’t exist in English. So the tense/lax distinction is an example of one of those bits of unconscious knowledge we have about our language — even though we’re not consciously aware of which vowels are tense and which ones are lax, our mental grammar still includes this powerful principle that governs how we use our language.

Here’s one more useful hint about tense and lax vowels.  When you’re looking at the IPA chart

, notice that the symbols for the tense vowels are the ones that look like English letters, while the symbols for the lax vowels are a little more unfamiliar. That can help you remember which is which!

So far, all the vowels we’ve been talking about are simple vowels, where the shape of the articulation stays fairly constant throughout the vowel. In the next unit, we’ll talk about vowels whose shape changes. For simple vowels, linguists pay attention to four pieces of information:

  • tongue height,
  • tongue backness,
  • lip rounding, and
  • tenseness.

Which vowel sound is produced when the tongue is high?

In high vowels, such as [i] and [u], the tongue is positioned high in the mouth, whereas in low vowels, such as [a], the tongue is positioned low in the mouth. Sometimes the terms open and close are used as synonyms for low and high for describing vowels.

Which part of the tongue is raised the highest?

The highest point of the tongue is in the front of the mouth for the vowels in heed, hid, head, and had. Accordingly, these vowels are classified as front vowels, whereas the vowels in hod, hawed, hood, and who'd are classified as back vowels.

Which of the following vowel sounds is back high?

Vowels in the IPA.

What vowel sounds are produced in front tongue position?

The front vowels in American English are /i/, /ɪ/, /e/, /ɛ/, and /æ/, and are made with the front of the tongue arched. Practice going from high to low by saying the following words. Your tongue, and possibly jaw, should drop slightly for each vowel.

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