When increment or decrement operator is used before the operand it is known as?

Incrementing and decrementing variables

Incrementing [adding 1 to] and decrementing [subtracting 1 from] a variable are both so common that they have their own operators.

Prefix increment [pre-increment] ++ ++x Increment x, then return x
Prefix decrement [pre-decrement] –– ––x Decrement x, then return x
Postfix increment [post-increment] ++ x++ Copy x, then increment x, then return the copy
Postfix decrement [post-decrement] –– x–– Copy x, then decrement x, then return the copy

Note that there are two versions of each operator -- a prefix version [where the operator comes before the operand] and a postfix version [where the operator comes after the operand].

The prefix increment/decrement operators are very straightforward. First, the operand is incremented or decremented, and then expression evaluates to the value of the operand. For example:


int main[]
    int x { 5 };
    int y = ++x; // x is incremented to 6, x is evaluated to the value 6, and 6 is assigned to y


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