Where are all my playlists on iTunes

fourthtunz said:
Interesting. Which mac are you on and which phone? I have an iPad air2[IOS14] with music on it and
My 2018 mac mini with mojave wouldn't let me sync it without first upgrading to Big Sur.
My iPhone 11pro still is on 13 and I didn't want to lose the ability to sync it with the mini
by upgrading to 14. thanks!
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My Mac is ancient by today's standards but still working great due to the upgrades I've done with memory and SSD. MBP Non Retina Mid 2012 with Mojave 10.14.6 I first upgraded an iPhone 8+ to whatever was the second release of iOS 14 and then got an iPhone 12 Pro Max. Neither have had any issues with music or playlists being lost other than the album art.

I do not have my music set to auto sync with my iPhone because I have wayyyyyyyy too much music in my Music library [420gb] so I choose what I want to add manually. Not sure if that setting has anything to do with what you are experiencing or not. Something to investigate maybe.

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