Which Windows Registry hive stores information about the current hardware profile?

As we said before, the registry is a hierarchical database where information is presented on a number of levels [up to 6]. Hive keys are on the first level. There are five hive keys, each of which begins with “HKEY_” and name of a key:


There is also the sixth hive key called HKEY_DYN_DATA. This key stores dynamic data about installed hardware devices. This key data is configured and modified by the operating system at startup and not stored as files.

Registry keys are on the second level, subkeys are on the third and then come values. If we consider the registry in terms of a hierarchical file system, then the levels of the registry can be represented as in the picture below:

In terms of functionality, registry keys can be divided into two categories:

– System-defined keys, i.e. their names are defined by the operating system. If a name is modified, it may result in a failure or malfunctions of Windows.
– User-defined keys. Their names can be modified by the administrator of the computer, and such modifications do not bring any damage to the system.

Similar to key names, names of subkeys can be defined by the operating system or user. In the former case, modifications of a name can cause failures of Windows; in the latter case, such modifications are harmless.

The structure of the registry in 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows is a little different from the architecture of the registry in 32-bit versions of Windows. The registry has two independent hives: the first hive stores information related to 32-bit components of the operating system, the second contains all information about 64-bit components. The names of keys and subkeys of both hives are almost the same.

Let’s take a closer look at the data stored in each hive.


This key contains several subkeys with information about extensions of all registred file types and COM servers. This information is necessary for opening files with a double-click, or for drag-and-drop operations. Besides, the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key provides combined data to applications that were created for earlier versions of Windows.


This key stores settings which are specific to the currently logged-in user [Windows Start menu, desktop, etc.]. Its subkeys store information about environment variables, program groups, desktop settings, screen colors, network connections, printers and additional application settings. This information is gathered from the Security ID subkey [SID] of HKEY_USERS for the current user. In fact, this key stores all information related to the profile of the user who is currently working with Windows.


This key stores information about installed applications, settings, and drivers. There is also information which is specific to the operating system and hardware, such as type of bus, total size of available memory, list of currently loaded device drivers and information about Windows startup. This key stores the largest ammount of information in the registry and is often used for fine-tuning the hardware configuration of the computer. Information stored in this key is valid for all profiles of registered users.


While the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key stores the settings of the current user, this key stores Windows settings for all users. Its subkeys contain information about all user profiles, and one of the subkeys always corresponds to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key [via the Security ID [SID] parameter of the user]. Another subkey, HKEY_USERS\DEFAULT, stores information about system settings at the moment before the start of the current user session.


This key stores information about a hardware profile which is used by the local computer at system startup. Hardware profiles allow selecting drivers of supported devices for the specified session.

A Windows Registry is a hierarchical database containing low-level settings that are used by the Microsoft Windows operating system as well as applications. In addition to the kernel, driver, service, and Security Account Manager, the registry can also be used directly by user interfaces.

Which Windows Registry hive stores information about the current hardware profile?

HKCC is an important part of the Windows Registry, and is a registry hive called HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG. A pointer to a registry key, or short cut, that contains the information about the hardware profile that is currently in use, instead of storing data itself.

What are key registry files?

necessary for Windows as well as applications and services that use it to operate. Tree-like structures are used to organize the data. A key is the name given to each node in the tree. There can be subkeys and values associated with a key.

What type of information does the registry contain?

Windows continually refers to Registry information during operation, such as profiles for each individual user, information about the applications installed on the computer and how they can create documents, information about folder icons and hardware on the system, and data about the ports.

Which registry key stores information about devices installed on the system?

Information about installed applications, settings, and drivers is stored in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE [HKLM] key. Additionally, there is information pertaining to the operating system and hardware, such as the type of bus, total memory available, the list of drivers that are currently loaded for the device, and the startup information for Windows.

What does a registry key do?

Windows 98, CE, NT, and 2000, a registry key is an item of information stored in the Windows registry, which is an internal database the computer uses for configuration.

What is the registry and what does it contain?

Windows and your programs use the Registry to store information. A registry helps the operating system manage the computer, it helps programs use the computer's resources, and it provides a location where your Windows and program settings are stored.

What are the three types of values in the registry?

Values are divided into three types: String, Binary, and DWORD. This depends on the context in which the value is used. Each of the six branches of the Registry is comprised of a particular area of information.

What is registry and its types?

Microsoft Windows registries contain settings, options, and other values related to software and hardware installed on all versions of the operating system. Configuration and settings of Windows and Windows programs are stored in ini files.

What are the 6 registry components?

  • A key and a value.
  • Keys to the root.
  • Bee hives.
  • The locations of the files.
  • Editors of the registry.
  • Files that contain REG entries.
  • Policies for group members.
  • Editing with a command line.
  • Where are registry hives stored?

    Hives are supported by a large number of files in the system32/configuration directory under %SystemRoot%. As soon as a user logs on, these files are updated.

    What is stored in the Ntuser DAT registry file?

    You can customize your user profile by using DAT. When you make changes to Windows and its installed programs, whether it's changing your desktop background, resizing your monitor, or selecting a default printer, Windows must be able to remember your preferences.

    What are the Windows Registry hives?

    An hive in the registry is a logical collection of keys, subkeys, and values alongside supporting files. These files are loaded into memory as the operating system starts or as the user logs on. New users create their own hives every time they log on to a computer. Each hive contains a user profile file.

    Which of the following keys in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE contains information regarding device drivers?

    During every startup of the system, the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/HARDWARE registry key is updated with hardware information. Among them are data about devices on the motherboard as well as information about the individual IRQs used by each device driver.

    Where are registry keys stored?

    Windows 10 and Windows 7 use System32/Config/ files to store system-wide registry settings, while each Windows user account uses the NTUSER file. C:/Windows/Users/Name contains the specific keys specific to the user.

    What files contain the registry?

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SAM is where SAM is located.
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SECURITY is the key for security.
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software is the registry key for software.
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System & HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG are both associated with the system.
  • It is located in the HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT key.
  • What do registry keys contain?

    In the same way that folders contain files, registry keys hold registry values. Subkeys are also sometimes known as registry keys; these are subkeys that are part of the registry key. The registry keys work the same way no matter which version of Windows you use.

    the hkey_current_config registry key stores what type of information?

    HKCC [HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG] This key stores information about a hardware profile used by the local computer when the system starts up. Device drivers can be selected for the specified session using hardware profiles.

    How does the registry store information?

    There are several files that make up the registry, which are usually obfuscated from the user-mode APIs used to manipulate the data inside them. It depends on the form of Windows that you are using, but the files on the local machine are all the same.

    What is the registry key?

    Windows 98, CE, NT, and 2000, a registry key is an item of information stored in the Windows registry, which is an internal database the computer uses for configuration. When the system is started and logged in, global and individual configurations can be loaded.

    Which Windows registry hive stores system related information?

    In Windows 10, there are registry hives. During Windows 95, 98, and ME, a registry hive called HKEY_DYN_DATA was used. Windows versions later than XP store most of their information in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/HARDWARE.

    What is a registry data type?

    A brief overview. For 32 bit versions of Microsoft Windows, such as Windows 95, 98, ME and NT/2000, the Registry is a database where settings and options are stored. This file contains information and settings about the hardware and software that are on the PC, as well as users and preferences.

    What are the three types of values in the registry?

    Below is a list of all the types of registry values available. A string value is a single character. A binary value is a double character. A DWORD [32-bit] value is a 32-bit value. A QWORD [64-bit] value is a 64-bit value.

    Where is registry information stored?

    Under the name USER, the registry files of the Windows operating system are found in the %WINDIR% directory. The two components of DAT are system and data.

    What are registry files?

    Microsoft Windows registries contain settings, options, and other values related to software and hardware installed on all versions of the operating system. Configuration and settings of Windows and Windows programs are stored in ini files. In spite of that.

    What are the folders in the registry called?

    An registry key is der, but it exists only in the Windows Registry. In the same way that folders contain files, registry keys hold registry values. Subkeys are also sometimes known as registry keys; these are subkeys that are part of the registry key.

    What are the 5 registry keys?

    For example, HKCR, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, and HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG can be found in most versions of Microsoft Windows.

    Where is the registry key located?

  • You can enter regedit by typing it in the Windows search box on the taskbar.
  • Open the Registry Editor if User Account Control prompts you to do so.
  • It should open and look like the following example when you click on it.
  • What are the 5 registry hives?

  • The HKEY_USERS key.
  • What does Hkey_classes_root mean?

    HKCR is the registry key associated with classes in the Windows Registry, which contains data on file extensions and associated extensions, as well as a programmatic identifier [ProgID], class identifier [CLSID], and interface identifier [IID].

    Where is Hkey_current_user stored on the file system?

    You will find support files for HKEY_CURRENT_USER in %SystemRoot%/Profiles/Username.

    Watch the hkey_current_config registry key stores what type of information video


    Which Windows Registry hive stores system related information?

    Depending upon the version of Windows, there will be different files and different locations for these files, but they are all on the local machine. The location for system registry files in Windows NT is %SystemRoot%\System32\Config ; the user-specific HKEY_CURRENT_USER user registry hive is stored in Ntuser.

    Which registry hive stores security information for all local user accounts?

    The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes key contains default settings that can apply to all users on the local computer. ... Description of the registry..

    Where is registry hive data stored?

    Most of the supporting files for the hives are in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Config directory.

    Which registry key is used to store information about the profile for the user who is currently logged on?

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER [HKCU] This key stores settings that are specific to the currently logged-in user. The HKCU key is a link to the subkey of HKEY_USERS that corresponds to the user; the same information is accessible in both locations.

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