Why is database approach more advantageous compared to the traditional file processing system?

File Processing Systems
This system used to store and manage data. In a typical file processing system, each department or area within an organization has its own set of files. The records in one file may not relate to the records in any other file.

          Two Major Weaknesses

     • Data Redundancy — Each department or area in an organization has its own files in a file
               processing system. Thus, the same fields are stored in multiple files. Duplicating data in this                    manner wastes resources such as storage space and people’s time. Data redundancy also                      can increase the chance of errors. 

     • Isolated Data — Often it is difficult to access data stored in separate files in different                                    departments. Sharing data from multiple, separate files is a complicated procedure and                          usually requires the experience of a computer programmer.

The Database Approach
 When an organization uses the database approach, many programs and users share the data in the database. The database does secure its data, however, so that only authorized users can access certain data items. While a user is working with the database, the DBMS resides in the memory of the computer.

             Strengths of the Database Approach:

• Reduced Data Redundancy — Most data items are stored in only one file, which greatly
                    reduces duplicate data. 

• Improved Data Integrity — When users modify data in the database, they make changes to
                  one file instead of multiple files. Thus, the database approach increases the data’s integrity                      by reducing the possibility of introducing inconsistencies.

• Shared Data — The data in a database environment                     belongs to and is shared, usually over a network,                   by the entire organization. Organizations that use 
             databases typically have security settings to define 
             who can access, add, modify, and delete the data 
             in a database.

• Easier Access — The database approach allows nontechnical users to access and maintain data,
                      providing they have the necessary privileges.

• Reduced Development Time — It often is easier and faster to develop programs that use the
database approach.

                 Advantages of Databases 
- Database can be more complex than a file processing system. 
- Databases also require more memory, storage, and processing power than file processing systems.
- Data in a database can be more vulnerable than data in file processing systems.  
- Database can store a lot of data in a single file. 

What are the advantage of database approach over the traditional file system?

Data redundancy and inconsistency: Redundancy is the concept of repetition of data i.e. each data may have more than a single copy. The file system cannot control the redundancy of data as each user defines and maintains the needed files for a specific application to run.

What is an advantage of a database approach compared to file processing?

Flexible: Database systems are more flexible than file processing systems. DBMS systems are scalable, the database size can be increased and decreased based on the amount of storage required. It also allows addition of additional tables as well as removal of existing tables without disturbing the consistency of data.

Is database management system is better than the traditional file system for an Organisation?

Storing and retrieving of data can't be done efficiently in a file system. DBMS is efficient to use as there are a wide variety of methods to store and retrieve data. It does not offer data recovery processes. There is a backup recovery for data in DBMS.

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