Application for Childrens Librarian Volunteer Listening answers

Answer Keys:

  • 1 Okamura
  • 2 Kingstone Street
  • 3 Japanese
  • 4 32
  • 5 Married
  • 6 C
  • 7 B
  • 8 A
  • 9 Monday; [and] Friday
  • 10 photos; [and?] passport
  • 11 Leave windows open
  • 12 pickproof locking device
  • 13 you don’t know
  • 14 [a] peephole
  • 15 from the window
  • 16 inventory
  • 17 C
  • 18 A
  • 19 20 B,E
  • 21 stay
  • 22 speak
  • 23 bark
  • 24 bite
  • 25 sniff
  • 26 C
  • 27 B
  • 28 C
  • 29 A
  • 30 B
  • 31 interest
  • 32 important
  • 33 complex
  • 34 research methods
  • 35 [language] learning process
  • 36 [terms] analysis
  • 37 educational approaches
  • 38 spoken
  • 39 reading
  • 40 writing/written language

Suraj Choudhary 8.040:00
Misha Rajamani 7.524:05
lsnbhavaneeth 7.525:55
4 Aruzhan Gusmanova 7.539:35
5 Sai Deepika Areti 7.539:38
6 Kaushik Borwankar 7.019:15
7 shweta bhargava 7.020:37
8 Quyên Hoàng 7.021:34
9 Eliana Sattarova
10 Rashmitha Nimmakayala 7.030:50

Tips for improving your ielts score

Summary completion question in IELTS reading is one of the difficult questions. Usually, you find this type of question in Section 3 but it may...

Section 1: Questions 1-10

  • 1 Answer: Okamura

    Listen from here Locate Explain Report


    • The keyword concerned in Q1 is “name”, and take a look at the question, we can assume that the answer must be “family name”.

    • At first, the applicant spells his first name, but the visa officer needs his family name to fill in the form. ‘Family name’ in the tapescript means ‘last name’ on the form. After that the applicant spells his family name clearly, it is O-K-A-M-U-R-A and the visa officer also repeats it correctly.

  • 2 Answer: Kingstone Street

    Listen from here Locate Explain Report


    • The keyword concerned in Q2 should be “address”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be names.

    • You need to fill in the middle of the address, and the word is not too difficult for you to catch. The applicant says it is “Kingstone Street” in Hawaii, and this phrase is also repeated by the visa officer to make sure it is correct.

  • 3 Answer: Japanese

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    • The keyword concerned in Q3 is “nationality

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be an adjective related to the official right of a person to belong to a particular country.

    • Two nationalities are mentioned: American and Japanese [‘Japan” in the tapescript]. The applicant says that “he was born in Japan, but moved to Hawaii six years ago”. This means that Japan is the place he was born and grew up while America is the place he has been living for a short period of time. The form asks for the nationality, so Japanese is the correct answer.

  • 4 Answer: 32

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    • The keyword concerned in Q4 is “age”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a number.

    • The applicant says ‘I’m 32’, so you can write down ‘32’ or ‘thirty two’.

  • 5 Answer: Married

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    • The keyword concerned Q5 is “marital status”.

    • From the question, we can guess the applicant’s answer could be “married” or “single

    • The librarian’s question suggests that the answer will soon appear. If you cannot catch his answer “yes” to the officer’s question, you can make a guess by his following sentence ‘My wife’s Chinese’. This means that he has a wife, he got married.

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

Complete the sentences below.


The applicant must go to the visa office between


What two things must the applicant take to the visa office?


  • 9 Answer: Monday; [and] Friday

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    • The keywords concerned in Q9 are “visa office” and “between”, so we can assume that the answer may relate to the time or date when the applicant can come to the visa office.

    • From the recording, the officer mentions that the applicant must come during weekdays [from Monday to Friday].

    • The word “between” in the question is paraphrased to “during” in the recording. We cannot say “between weekdays” because there are five days in this period of time while “between” is used to separate two different times.

    • Weekdays last from Monday to Friday, and weekend is Saturday and Sunday.

    • Since NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER is allowed for each question, the correct answer for this question is “Monday and Friday”.

  • 10 Answer: photos; [and?] passport

    Listen from here Locate Explain Report


    • The keywords concerned in Q10 are “two things” “must”, “take”, “to the visa office”. The verb “take” is paraphrased to “bring along” in the recording.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be two Nouns.

    • The applicant’s answer is “two passport size photos” and “passport”. As the exercise imposes word limit on the applicant’s answer, the final outcome should be written shortly as “photos and passport

Change Audio Sources

V = Visa officer; A = ApplicantV: Good morning, visa office. How can I help you?

A: Good morning. I’d like to apply for a visa to Australia , please.

V: Certainly, sir. I’ll just get a form and then I’ll need to take some details down. OK. Here we go. Right, can I have your name, please?

A: Yes, it’s Okamura . Kelly Okamura.

V: And how do you spell that, please?A: K, E, double L.„V: No, your family name, please.A: Oh, sorry. It’s O-K-A-M-U-R-A.V: O-K-A-M-U-R-A. And your address?

A: Apartment 106 Kingston. Kingstone Street. Hawaii.

V: Kingstone Street. Hawaii?A: Yes, that’s correct.V: So you’re an American ?

A: Actually, I was born in Japan, but moved to Hawaii six years ago.

V: And can I have your age please, Mr. Okamura?

A: I’m 32.

V: And are you married?

A: Yes. I am. My wife’s Chinese .

V: And will your wife accompany you to Australia?A: Yes, she will. In fact that’s the reason we want, to go. Her sister lives in Sydney.

V: Do you have any relatives living in Australia?

A: I used to have an uncle, but he died several years ago. Now there’s only my sister-in-law and my wife’s cousin.

V: So the purpose of your trip is to visit your wife’s relatives . Am I correct?

A: Well, not exactly. Mainly because I have my own trading company and I will be looking for business opportunities. Although I do want to do some traveling as well. You know, see some of the sights, that sort of thing. Although 1 don’t intend to work in Australia.

V: And your wife? What will she be doing?A: She’ll be studying English. She wants a student visa .V: And how long do you plan to stay?A: About one year, I guess.

V: Well, I’m afraid a standard tourist visa is only valid for 30 days , although in your case we can issue you with a business visa. Business visas last for six months. But you will be able to renew it. We can give your wife a twelve-month visa though.

A: Six months is OK. So what do I need to do now?

V: Come along to the office any time during weekdays. But it must be office hours. We close at 5:30. And bring along two passport size photos and your passport of course. Your wife will also need two photos. So that’s four passport size photos in total.

A: OK. Thank you for your help. Bye.

V: Bye.

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